From theory to practice. Part 2 - page 107


There is. Otherwise it would be impossible to make a single dollar.

There are no cycles in the market. To be more precise, there are no cycles that allow earnings. Of course there are fluctuations, but they are obviously non-periodic. If they were, they would not exist anymore - they would quickly go to the open door to Narnia.

People have cycles - people with a vagina, people with bipolar, people with a tractor, etc. Astronomical (and clearly dependent on it) phenomena have cycles.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

There are no cycles in the market. To be more precise, there are no profit cycles. There are fluctuations, of course, but they are obviously intermittent. If they were, they wouldn't exist anymore - they would quickly go out the open door to Narnia.

People have cycles - people with a vagina, people with bipolar, people with a tractor, etc. Astronomical (and clearly dependent on it) phenomena have cycles.

Well, there's no way around it.

Look further for differences from SB.


Well, there's no way around it.

Keep looking for differences from the SB.

I wish I knew what to look for, but I'm getting sick of looking.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

I wish I knew what to look for, but I'm getting sick of looking.

:))) The theory of market cycles is well described by old Gunn. You know the formulas by which the variance of the process is calculated. All that's left to do is to figure out those cycles.


Look further for differences from SB.

Yeah, that's what I'll do next.


is just a dirty giggle.

He only giggles at mathematically illiterate people who also boast of their illiteracy.

By the way, the idea of a disgusting giggle is entirely copied from you)


He only giggles at mathematically illiterate people who also boast of their illiteracy.

By the way, the idea of a scurrilous giggle is entirely based on you)

Lopuch, are you still here to determine who is literate and who isn't?

You're just a jerk.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

There are no cycles in the market. To be more precise, there are no profit cycles. There are fluctuations, of course, but they are obviously non-periodic.

So fluctuations with a non-periodic period are cyclical. Ideologically, it is not so difficult to "periodize" them. Technically more difficult, though)


Lop, are you still here to determine who's literate and who's not?

You're nothing but a jerk.

When smart people swear, they look stupid.


When smart people argue, they look stupid.

Mind your own business. I've been haunted by this idiot for four years. Some idiot who should be put in an asylum.