From theory to practice. Part 2 - page 103


One should not confuse large numbers (20-200 and above) when classical statistics make any sense with infinite numbers, which are of interest only to theorists and students. The MO SB in finite plots is not predictable, the variance is partially predictable and much more stable.

Well, if the big numbers are 20-200 observations, then there is nothing more to say....

Andrei Trukhanovich:

remember the artificial linkage of the chiff to the euro? only lazybones didn't trade it. you didn't need to have any basis at all to detect it.

Well, imagine that there are probably patterns that can be detected in about the same way, only the ways of detection are either much less obvious or much more time-consuming.

My semantic analyser got a little squeamish on "detectable in a simple but complicated way") Is it something like "there's a lot of gold under the ground, but only Engineer Garin can mine it with his hyperboloid"? I'm not sure you can come up with anything constructive here without descending into idle daydreaming. For example, dreams of being able to predict the growth of cryptocurrencies or (for the franc) predicting the timing of a central bank policy change. I'm afraid to even look in that direction - there is no going back)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Is it something like "there is a lot of gold underground, but only engineer Garin can mine it with his hyperboloid"?

yeah, it's about labour-intensive. like HFT frontrunning, which is not very legal, very expensive and very profitable.

and about implicitly - uh, let's say it's hard to spot a scorpion unless you have an uv torch handy

Igor Makanu:

It's a bit pricey for a pensioner.

According to my observations, booze that can be identified in any way is now worth a thousand rubles or more.

ZS: We have a whole range of so-called distillers in shops of the industrial group (household, construction, electrical ...) now everywhere? I think that the distiller + a few pounds of sugar is practical, people take it actively, there are even specialized shops distillers, I think I saw an ad or heard on the radio - the name of the shop "Pervachok" ))))

Well, as for hard stuff, tequila or rum. Recently in youtube saw how the man made on the balcony high-tech moonshine machine ) It has a remote control, like a nuclear power plant.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

My semantic analyser is a bit ticked off at "discovered in a simple but complex way") Is it something like "there's a lot of gold underground, but only Engineer Garin can mine it with his hyperboloid"? I'm not sure you can come up with anything constructive here without descending into idle daydreaming. For example, dreams of being able to predict the growth of cryptocurrencies or (for the franc) predicting the timing of a central bank policy change. I'm afraid to even look in that direction - there will be no going back)

Well, here is a simple pattern: after an up bar, it is more likely to be followed by a down bar, and vice versa.

But you have to be a market maker to get it ̶i̶m̶e̶t̶y̶ ̶г̶и̶п̶е̶р̶б̶о̶л̶о̶и̶д̶)

Evgeniy Chumakov:

What makes sense consciously?

It makes applied sense to zigzag by reversal signals. I agree with Genghis that a fixed pitch zigzag is a meaningless construction. Unless, of course, that's what he meant.

Andrei Trukhanovich:

Yeah, it's labour-intensive. like HFT frontrunning, which is not very legal, very expensive and very profitable.

and implicitly - uh, let's say it's hard to spot a scorpion unless you have an uv torch handy

Honestly, I'm not at all sure it's worthwhile to venture into William our Shakespearean approaches, where you need a big team and, consequently, only highly scalable capital-intensive patterns. It is better to work quietly with "small forms", as they say "to keep the trousers on") Therefore, only moderate latitudes, where spiders are not poisonous and are no bigger than a fingernail)

What is the point of digging into these markets and forex if there is nothing to gain and nothing to gain financially?
Aleksey Nikolayev:

To be honest, I'm not at all sure it's worth venturing into William Shakespeare approaches, where you need a big team and, consequently, only highly scalable capital-intensive patterns. Better to work in peace with "small forms", as they say "to keep the trousers on") Therefore, only temperate latitudes, where spiders are not poisonous and the size is not larger than a fingernail)

I remember hunting tarantulas as a kid. A ball of plasticine on a string into a burrow - and out you go. Big, black, furry and very poisonous. The breadth of our Voronezh.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

To be honest, I'm not at all sure that it's worth taking a swing at our William Shakespeare...

Personally for me the use of SB is interesting only as a criterion for prediction checking. For example, I try to predict the direction of bar closing with the help of some Shamnsko-Koldun indicator. If the result is plus or minus 50/50, then I do not use these magic tools. And if the result is 60/40, or 65/35, and moreover on the big statistics, and evenly over the years - you should look at them carefully.