Is there any profit in forex? - page 11

Dummy, you got it all mixed up. You were talking about demo contests, and I increased 8 times just on the demo without any restrictions.
Well, increase it on the real one and you'll be on Forbes' list

Moderators! Ban him! He's insulting!!!

Georgiy Merts:

You can.

But only to the tune of $10 - which is extremely small. Why didn't you just pour $1,000? You'd get $28K !!!

I agree, the system isn't enough. You have to follow it. For 10-200$ with such risks it may be possible but further it is harder. But even on the demo is not so easy. I don't have money there, but I have wasted time. That's the same pressure when you're overclocking, even more.


I agree, a system is not enough. You have to follow it. At 10-200$ with such risks it is possible, but further on it is more difficult. But it's not so easy on the demo either. There is no money, but there is time to waste. That's the same pressure when you're overclocking, even more.

Dear colleagues, I find it hard to understand your logic. Why did you give up robots, EAs, MTS = mechanical trading systems, ATS = automatic ... ???
Georgiy Merts:

No, the demo is not different from the real. And not even the system. It is the trader's attitude. And this is a fundamental difference, which is perfectly illustrated by the example of Webgopnik.

And what do you see there? If you have a different attitude towards real and demo accounts, then that's your problem. The only difference is that you can withdraw profit from real account - this is the difference
It depends on the expectations)))
And what is there to see? The difference between the real and demo accounts is in the fact that you can withdraw profit and that is the difference.

No way. That's why you don't open an account and look for suckers, because your attitude to demo and real is different!

Georgiy Merts:

No way. That's why you don't open an account, but you're looking for suckers, because your attitude to demo and real is different!

How can he open a real account if he knows for sure he's going to lose)).

Clowns, in my memory, there are already a lot of them. Oooh.

Georgiy Merts:

No way. That's why you don't open an account and are looking for suckers, because your attitude to demo and real is different!

I have the same attitude, because the only difference is that you can withdraw money from real accounts.

I'm not looking for suckers. on the contrary, I'm looking for serious investors. What the hell are you talking about?


I'm looking for investors at the factory.

I had a drink with the foreman today and he promised to give me 2,000 roubles and to pay me back 4,000 roubles in a month. Otherwise, he said, he would "beat my face in" (those were his words) or simply fire me.

webgopnik:   Give me $100.

First he asked for 100,000 roubles Now he's asking for $100 Progress