I am looking for a MATHEMATIC PROGRAMMER with knowledge of probability theory and MQL4-MQL5, to work together on a project. - page 11


No, he hasn't been working for this system for years, he hasn't invested a minute of his time in it yet! I've already invested a lot! Plus I will have to work in parallel with him to test the code and configure the system perhaps longer than he has. What are you interested in? Are you from the protection of programmers' rights? I am already tired of explaining to you. I am telling those who are not interested in the question do not waste their time. The Internet is big, don't you have anything to do? You could have grasped the idea by now if you had not stuck to this question. But you don't want the idea or the truth, but self-affirmation... You're better off with that in the ring or in bed with a woman... I don't want to argue, I'm sorry sir, I'm fed up with you...

What do you mean "not a minute" when he's spent years learning what you need for the system? You haven't invested a minute either, because you've studied history, which will certainly never repeat itself. Why should a programmer do something when you have done nothing?

My interest I pointed out - I'm just in the business of "studying chaos", and in doing so I have some experience not only in writing programs, but also in interacting with a non-programmer trader. In this case I am interested in what the programmer gains and loses by accepting your offer.

Maxim Kuznetsov:

the ticks are different and the sums add up - a paradox

They don't add up at all, they may differ a lot. There is not even a reliable proportion, one broker may show more ticks than another.


They don't add up at all, they can differ a lot. There is not even a reliable proportion, one broker shows more ticks than the other.

We seem to have a problem with reliable data... This is the first problem...

Georgiy Merts:

How can you say "not a minute" when he has spent years studying what you need for the system? So you haven't invested a minute either, because you have studied history, which will certainly never happen again. Why should a programmer do something when you have done nothing?

My interest I pointed out - I'm just in the business of "studying chaos", and in doing so I have some experience not only in writing programs, but also in interacting with a non-programmer trader. In this case, I'm interested in what the programmer gains and loses by accepting your proposal.

He was not doing it for me, he was doing it for himself, but at the end he will use my work, perhaps much longer than I do, and I won't forbid him to dispose of it, distribute, sell, collect investments for it, even if it is a billion ... Therefore, I consider cooperation to be equal. I have some ideas, but they need new calculations, as they cannot be done on paper or by hand trading.

I do not have any ideas, but they need new calculations, because it cannot be calculated manually or on paper.


He didn't do it for me, he did it for himself and so did I, but in the end he will use my work, probably much longer than I will use his, and I won't forbid him to dispose of it, distribute it, sell it, collect investments for it, even if it's a billion... Therefore, I consider cooperation to be equal. I have some ideas, but they need new calculations, as they cannot be done on paper or by hand trading.

For me it is not difficult to write more about it, if you do not mind, please abstain, I will be very grateful.

Classic of the genre :-)


He didn't do it for me, he did it for himself and so did I, but in the end he will use my work, probably much longer than I will use his, and I won't forbid him to dispose of it, distribute it, sell it, collect investments for it, even if it's a billion... Therefore, I consider cooperation to be equal. I have some ideas, but they need new calculations, as they cannot be done on paper or by hand trading.

I have no problem with that, but I do not want you to write more about it.

And what about confidentiality?

If the case turns out to be a grail.

Don't worry that your idea will spread to the wrong hands.

I am afraid your idea will spread further in the wrong hands, especially if they start selling the Expert Advisor without your consent )

Реверсирование - священный Грааль или опасное заблуждение?
Реверсирование - священный Грааль или опасное заблуждение?
  • www.mql5.com
В данной статье мы попробуем разобраться, что же такое реверсирование, стоит ли его применять и можно ли с его помощью улучшить вашу торговую стратегию. Мы создадим советника и на исторических данных посмотрим, какие индикаторы лучше всего подходят для реверсирования, а также можно ли использовать его вообще без индикаторов как самостоятельную торговую систему. Посмотрим, получится ли превратить убыточную торговую систему в прибыльную с помощью реверсирования.

He didn't do it for me, he did it for himself and so did I, but in the end he will use my work, probably much longer than I will use his, and I won't forbid him to dispose of it, distribute it, sell it, collect investments for it, even if it's a billion... Therefore, I consider cooperation to be equal. I have some ideas, but they need new calculations, as they cannot be done on paper or by hand trading.

As for the robbery, you have the right to call it a phony, but I beg you not to write to me about it, if you do not mind refraining please, I would be very grateful.

So you, too, "studied chaos" for yourself, not for him, and will be using his work, perhaps much longer than he is using yours, and he can't forbid you anything either, so cooperation is equal, provided the case is profitable in the future. And if it doesn't? He will spend more effort for nothing and what will you spend?

Such "cooperation" is a scam. There have been many such "chaos explorers" here before, willing to take the heat with other people's hands.

And writing to you, my friend, excuse me, I will. So that others can see the "prospects for cooperation"

Georgiy Merts:

So you, too, have 'studied chaos' for yourself, not for him, and will be using his work, probably for much longer than he will use yours, and he can't forbid you anything either.So collaboration is equivalent, provided the case works out in the future. And if it doesn't? He will spend more effort for nothing and what will you spend?

Such "cooperation" is a scam. There have been many such "chaos explorers" here before, wanting to take the heat with other people's hands.

And writing to you, my friend, excuse me, I will. So that others can see the "prospects for cooperation."

But there are those who are looking for ideas, and are willing to work together on a project. That's why they don't care about your opinion... as I do, it's up to everyone to cooperate or not! And if you think they are suckers for not figuring out what's specific to me - what would really be worth doing, instead of watering down my call with diarrhea, then you're the cheapskate, and I'm sure you'll never succeed ... God grant you a just fate!

Проекты позволяют создавать прибыльных торговых роботов! Но это не точно
Проекты позволяют создавать прибыльных торговых роботов! Но это не точно
  • www.mql5.com
Большая программа начинается с маленького файла, который затем начинает расти в размерах, наполняться множеством функций и объектов. Большинство разработчиков роботов справляется с этой проблемой с помощью включаемых файлов. Но лучше сразу же начинать писать любую программу для трейдинга в проекте — это выгодно во всех отношениях.

But there are also people here who are looking for ideas and are willing to work together on a project. That's why they don't care about your opinion... as I do, it's up to everyone to cooperate or not! And if you think they are suckers for not figuring out what's specific to me - what would really be worth doing, instead of watering down my call with diarrhea, then you're the cheapskate, and I'm sure you'll never succeed ... God grant you a just fate!

That's right... I'm just looking for an idea and you don't give a shit about my opinion...

You think they are fools because you expect them to invest and take risks, while you - in the case of success you get half, in the case of failure - do not risk anything. And I think they're suckers and I'm a cheapskate ???

The question is quite clearly posed - what will you invest in this joint project, what will you risk in case of failure ? And the answer is no. I suspect it is because you don't want to risk anything, and you need a partner-programmer just to shift all the risks onto him.

I'm afraid you won't succeed, there have already been plenty of such grailers here...

Georgiy Merts:

That's right... I'm just looking for an idea - and you're "deep" in my opinion...

You think they are suckers because you expect them to invest and take risks and you - if you succeed you get half, if you fail you risk nothing. And I think they're suckers and I'm a cheapskate ???

The question is quite clearly posed - what will you invest in this joint project, what will you risk in case of failure ? And the answer is no. I suspect it is because you don't want to risk anything, and you need a partner-programmer just to shift all the risks onto him.

I'm afraid you won't succeed, there have already been a lot of such grailers...

Well first of all you wrote earlier - something like - where will you find such suckers... Calling people who understand the essence of the proposal, unlike you - suckers!

Secondly, I do not want to lay out publicly the essence of the idea and calculations, because such as you she should not get).

I do not consider ita grail - it only has very easily adjustable and predictable risk-profit parameters ...

You know - once, many years ago was ready to invest in a good idea and made a cry on one forum, and I wonder if it was not you - found a man who began to whine - wants money to buy the idea and a lifetime to use it,

looking for suckers, etc. The type of person like you is clear to me.

You're the kind of lion who never gets enough meat. You're the kind who's half empty, but not half full...

Once upon a time, there was a blind girl. Every time at dinner the girl would palpate the contents of her plate with her hands and whine:"Oh, they always give me the smallest portion! If I can't see anything, then I can be spared! Stingy people... My mother was fed up with it all and decided to consult a psychologist. And the doctor gave her the following advice: "You," he said, "make a whole basin of dumplings. The next day her mother sets the table and puts a bowl of dumplings in front of the girl. The girl sits down at the table, moves the dumplings towards her, takes a long time to feel the contents with her hands and says: "I can imagine how much you have fucked up...

Реверсирование - священный Грааль или опасное заблуждение?
Реверсирование - священный Грааль или опасное заблуждение?
  • www.mql5.com
В данной статье мы попробуем разобраться, что же такое реверсирование, стоит ли его применять и можно ли с его помощью улучшить вашу торговую стратегию. Мы создадим советника и на исторических данных посмотрим, какие индикаторы лучше всего подходят для реверсирования, а также можно ли использовать его вообще без индикаторов как самостоятельную торговую систему. Посмотрим, получится ли превратить убыточную торговую систему в прибыльную с помощью реверсирования.