GRAAL is found. Chapter I prologue. - page 21

Viktar DayTrader:

Now you are officially a forum freeloader))) congratulations))) for the future = in our world of traders (which you are not), it's a tradition to take responsibility for your words. you are not a trader, and never have been and never will be. You are not a trader, you never were and you never will be. And for the future, if you present something, present it with confirmation. Your scribblings from the sandbox - I have a plane! Show me! I will not show you and you're a fraud and a bad man if you don't believe that there is a plane)) grow out of your trousers and become a man, taking responsibility for your words and deeds.

In short, you're sick. You're obviously suffering from a severe form of schizophrenia.

Marat Zeidaliyev:

In short, you are sick, get treatment, you have a severe form of schizophrenia.

and once again another confirmation of my words__))))

Viktar DayTrader:

and once again another confirmation of my words__))))

Thanks, it made me laugh.


Marat Zeidaliyev:

It's your problem to earn, not mine.)

I have been earning on the exchange for 2 years, it is no problem for me, unlike many people here

I have no problem for me, unlike many people here who don't understand why I'm doing this)

The word sure and actual proof are two different things, first prove it and then we'll talk.

You are absolutely sure of nothing as you are far from understanding how my system works.

If you fail and have no luck in life, you should not cast aspersions on other people with whom you are not personally acquainted or who have developed it

PS look here I am surprised so much here on this forum meet people full of bile and envy, damn a sad place though (

Do not feed the trolls. No need to answer them. I assure you without a feed they will go away soon.

Сергей Таболин:

Don't feed the trolls. You don't have to answer them. I assure you, without feeding them, they will soon go away on their own.

You're not leaving.
Сергей Таболин:

Don't feed the trolls. You don't have to answer them. I assure you, without feeding them, they will soon go away on their own.

They are not just trolls, but as if some rival competitors have started to pour mud in a branch for no reason, I understand if I am selling something or someone that I shove a cat in a poke for money then the criticism would be understandable, but this bababolic and even swindlerViktar DayTrader fell from the sky and started to provoke, and the other trolls followed him, well, as they say fools see the fool from afar)

I have been on forums for years, I always notice that there is a contingent of morons who do not respect people, come in and talk shit about this topic without any objectivity, and there are many such types.

The question is who are they? Bots? )))

Marat Zeidaliyev:

They are not just trolls but rivals began to spew mud in a branch for no reason, I understand if I sell something or someone selling a pig in a poke for money one could understand the criticism, but this windbag and even swindlerViktar DayTrader fell from the sky and started provoking, and the other trolls followed him, well, as they say a fool sees a fool from afar.)

I have been on forums for years, I always notice that there is a contingent of morons who do not respect people, come in and talk shit about this topic without any objectivity, and there are many such types.

The question is who are they? Bots? )))

Who pours dirt on you? Shall I throw out your insults that you wrote and wrote? And you throw out my insults that I wrote to you) see that it does not turn out that you again are a BALABOOK FORUM. or you again opened your mouth and can not answer for his words,?

Marat Zeidaliyev:

They are not just trolls but rivals began to spew mud in a branch for no reason, I understand if I sell something or someone selling a pig in a poke for money one could understand the criticism, but this windbag and even swindlerViktar DayTrader fell from the sky and started provoking, and the other trolls followed him, well, as they say a fool sees a fool from afar.)

I have been on forums for years, I always notice that there is a contingent of morons who do not respect people, come in and talk shit about this topic without any objectivity, and there are many such types.

The question is who are they? Bots? )))

Marat, you actually set the tone for this kind of communication.
You were shown your system and you got angry because it was repeated in a couple of hours.
And all the negativity started with you, yes you, yes you, yes me, etc.
Basically, twenty pages of nothing. Not about the system, not about the strategy, not about grail ))
The fact that some have understood the meaning, and even implemented similar, it does not mean that we must move on to arrogance, insults, and measure who has longer ))


Marat, you actually set the tone for this kind of communication.
You were shown your system, and you became furious as it was, a couple of hours before it was repeated.
And all the negativity started with you, yes you, yes you, yes me, etc.
Basically, twenty pages of nothing. Not about the system, not about the strategy, not about grail ))
What some have understood the meaning, and even implemented similar, it does not mean that we must move on to arrogance, insults, and measure who has longer))

Roman, do not be foolish and naive simpletons, these are not insults.

What you say is bullshit and you just believe it?

He showed me a grail that we built in a couple of hours and together we'll see))).

I will show him in real time and not post screenshots that you can easily edit in 15 minutes.)

He specifically said that his coworkers did not want to ask him, because he does not know how to do that, let him show the reversals on M1 during the day?

How dare you?

PS I did not set that tone, he was trolling already I knew it at once

Marat Zeidaliyev:

Roman, don't be a fool and a naive simpleton, this is not an insult.

What you say is bullshit and you just believe it?

He is so naive and naive that he is a fool and a naive simpleton.)

I will show him in real time and not post screenshots that you can easily edit in 15 minutes.)

He specifically said that his coworkers did not want to ask him, because he does not know how to do that, let him show the reversals on M1 during the day?

What's the problem?

You write that to prove the profitability of the system you have to show it in real time? I showed two screenshots in real time, and they were reversals. If you need to show more, no problem. About editing - that's the whole point of your system)) If you have free time, I will even make a screenshot of the chart in real time and see how it works with predictions in the future. And will put on youtube on his channel. I'll send you the link when it's ready. And relax, what you are doing is a stillborn child.