Robinhood trading without commissions - page 5

It's not "Nibiru" that's correct, it's "I don't take it".
On a side note: all good things must come to a bad end sometime.
Edgar Akhmadeev:
It's not "Nibiru" that's grammatically correct, it's "I don't take".
On a side note: all good things come to a bad end sometime.

I don't take a penny, I don't take anything, no one takes anything, no one takes a penny))))

Dmytryi Nazarchuk:

) Ah, so it's not a hedge fund conspiracy after all and not a buy-and-bust scheme! Well, that's a point already.

Now on to the next point - hedge funds have survived, the losses are mostly incurred by those very small private investors.

A scheme to sell junk to the client. Knowing that the junk will never grow, and if it goes bankrupt, then it's posh.
And then, oops, clients took the stock out, along with the funds. They've banned clients from buying!
The funds are out of the money. Kitchenbroker's in the crosshairs of the regulators about a no-buy clause.
I understand that they can ban shorting. There are only up tick stocks at all. But banning them from buying, that's cheating for their own benefit.


A scheme to sell junk to the customer. Knowing that the junk will never grow, and if it goes bankrupt, it will be awesome.
And then, oops, customers took the stock out, along with the funds. They're not even allowed to buy!
The funds are out of the money. Kitchenbroker's in the crosshairs of the regulators about a no-buy clause.
I understand that they can ban shorting. There are only up tick stocks at all. But to forbid buying, that's already a fraud in their sneaky interests.

In short, the conspiracy theory.

There's fraud everywhere.

I thought I said Amer exchanges are the right ones, they do not cheat...

Evgeny Belyaev:

In short, a conspiracy theory.

Everywhere is a scam.

I thought he said that Amer exchanges are the right ones, they do not cheat...

Amer exchanges are the right ones, with an open auction.
But there are wrong brokers who hide the open auction, in favour of a circle of people.


The exchanges are the right ones, with an open auction.
But there are wrong brokers who hide the open auction, in favour of a circle of people.

If the bees are not right, the honey is not right. Everything is clear.

No comment.

«Кто остался в тени?» Почему история взлета GameStop сложнее, чем кажется
«Кто остался в тени?» Почему история взлета GameStop сложнее, чем кажется
  • 2021.02.05
  • РБК
Рост бумаг GameStop — одна из самых ярких историй начала 2021 года. Но ее главные действующие лица не совсем очевидны, считает профессор финансов РЭШ, директор программы «Мастер финансов» Анна Обижаева В последние недели внимание многих было приковано к драматичным событиям, которые произошли с GameStop. С конца декабря 2020 года и до конца...

maybe, probably, could be......

Dmytryi Nazarchuk:

Now on to the next point - hedge funds have survived, the losses are mostly incurred by those very small private investors.

Losses incurred by hedge funds is a recorded fact. About the losses of small investors I have not seen any calculations or statistics so far, if you know, please give me some source where I can find out about it.

Whether the funds have survived or not is not an obvious question, if due to these losses 90% of clients will withdraw their funds within a year - then it would not be so survivable.

The reputational damage may be greater than the momentary financial damage.

It is more likely that the regulators will tighten the screws somehow, so that the funds will continue to work quietly for the benefit of all capital.

Aleksey Mavrin:

Losses incurred by hedge funds is a recorded fact. I have not seen any calculations or statistics about losses of small investors, if you know, please give me a reference where I can find out about it.

Whether the funds have survived or not is not an obvious question, if due to these losses 90% of clients will withdraw their funds within a year - then it would not be so survivable.

The reputational damage may be greater than the momentary financial damage.

Most likely the regulators will tighten the screws so that the funds will continue to work quietly for the benefit of all capital.

I think that the readers of this forum are not interested in "reputational damage" of hedge funds.