Interesting take on the PLO - page 11

Georgiy Merts:

"Apotheosis" I consider one expression by fxsaber, about which he himself could not say how it works, stating simply that "the code has been repeatedly tested, and it works". That, in my opinion, should not be the case:

This code checks ifan otfFilingTypeorder can beexecuted, and returns it if it is available on strSymbol, otherwise it is correct.

I have absolutely no idea how it works. And only rely on fxsaber's authority.

Maybe someone can explain ?

To understand it, just take apart this cumbersome return expression into its components.

Igor Makanu:

Your example from "the end justifies the means"

by the way this code is just like spaghetti, but considering it's probably the most useful author in kodobase right now and I myself use his codes as is, let someone else critique

Andrei Trukhanovich:

by the way this code is just like spaghetti, but given that it's probably the most useful author in kodobase right now and I myself use his codes as is, let someone else critique

it's not about criticism, i'm trying to figure out what it can do.... But as shown by the interview, and@fxsaber himself admitted - nothing but headaches

SZZ: it is highly probable, that initial variant of the small monster looked more clearly ;)

Igor Makanu:

ZS: high probability that the original version of the little monster looked more obvious ;)

Took it from ZIP (contains the very first release).

  static bool VirtualOrderSelect( const TICKET_TYPE Index, const int Select, const int Pool = MODE_TRADES )
    return(VIRTUAL::SelectOrders ? VIRTUAL::SelectOrders.OrderSelect(Index, Select, Pool) :
           #ifdef __MQL5__
             #ifdef __MT4ORDERS__
               ::OrderSelect(Index, Select, Pool)
             #else // __MT4ORDERS__
             #endif // __MT4ORDERS__
           #else // __MQL5__
             ::OrderSelect(Index, Select, Pool)
           #endif // __MQL5__

But after that more and more functionality was needed, and the code was slowly getting fleshed out. It was different with the Filling function. Nothing was fleshed out there, it was written at once.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

Only the compiler knows exactly what it will do. Modern compilers have staggering euristics. They adapt to the average coder and already know better what he or she needs. The best thing a compiler can do is write simple, straightforward code with short functions. It is easier and more efficient for the compiler to analyse the source code graph consisting of many function nodes to build the resulting program. It will only have a positive effect on productivity since the needed functions will be locked into all the right places.

You're absolutely right.

If we're talking about MQL5, you can forget about the "optimization" methods of 10-20-30 years ago. You need to write the most readable code. It is it, and not the hacker stuff and pure smartassery.


Because the compiler will go through 5-10 cycles of code reordering, it's amazingly clear and concise, not to mention the use of dozens of optimization patterns.

The MQL5 compiler is amused by human attempts to make +2% speed.

If you're interested, check out how math calculations go without branching and one command (128 bits of data) calculates two roots at once

This code turns into the following assembler SSE code:

        sqrtsd  xmm1, xmm1
        unpcklpd        xmm4, xmm4
        movapd  xmm3, xmmword ptr [rsp + 432]
        unpcklpd        xmm3, xmmword ptr [rsp + 384]
        subpd   xmm3, xmm4
        mulpd   xmm3, xmm3
        unpcklpd        xmm0, xmm0
        movapd  xmm5, xmmword ptr [rsp + 416]
        unpcklpd        xmm5, xmmword ptr [rsp + 400]
        subpd   xmm5, xmm0
        mulpd   xmm5, xmm5
        addpd   xmm5, xmm3
        sqrtpd  xmm8, xmm5
        movapd  xmm5, xmmword ptr [rsp + 464]
        subpd   xmm5, xmm4
        mulpd   xmm5, xmm5
        movapd  xmm7, xmm9
        subpd   xmm7, xmm0
        mulpd   xmm7, xmm7
        addpd   xmm7, xmm5
        movapd  xmm6, xmm10
        unpcklpd        xmm6, xmm11
        subpd   xmm6, xmm4
        movapd  xmm3, xmmword ptr [rsp + 368]
        unpcklpd        xmm3, xmmword ptr [rsp + 352]
        subpd   xmm3, xmm0
        movapd  xmm4, xmm8
        shufpd  xmm4, xmm4, 1
        sqrtpd  xmm5, xmm7
        mulpd   xmm6, xmm6
        mulpd   xmm3, xmm3
        addpd   xmm3, xmm6
        sqrtpd  xmm15, xmm3
        movapd  xmm0, xmm14
        unpcklpd        xmm0, xmmword ptr [rsp + 336]
        subpd   xmm0, xmm2
        mulpd   xmm0, xmm0
        movapd  xmm2, xmm0
        shufpd  xmm2, xmm2, 1
        addsd   xmm2, xmm0
        movapd  xmm0, xmm15
        shufpd  xmm0, xmm0, 1
        sqrtsd  xmm12, xmm2
This is a work of art actually. 8 roots were calculated in 4 calls of the assembler command. Two double numbers were calculated in one call.

  • When working through an array, everything is normal, with checks, branching and losses on double -> integer index conversion

  • When working with arrays in this example there is constant FPU/ALU mixing that is very bad for performance

  • Optimization of dynamic array access is great - beyond praise. But mixing FPU/ALU operations + double -> integer + branching wastes time

  • The general conclusion: mathematics has won in MQL5 due to perfect optimization. It's not arrays that lose here, but mathematics wins.

    Georgiy Merts:

    Why is that?

    On the contrary, it's much easier with two "ifs" than with the "or" operator.

    It's easier to trace one condition first, and leave the function if it's true, and then check the other condition, and also leave if it's true, than to try to figure out the result of a complex condition with logical "or" (which can be confused with "and"), and trace both ways of return.

    It's pretty funny to read below that "the justification for such is debugging", because it means that such code is much more understandable (otherwise why is it in debugging ?).

    "Apotheosis" I consider one expression by fxsaber, about which he himself could not say how it works, stating simply that "the code has been repeatedly tested, and it works". That, in my opinion, should not be the case:

    This code checks ifan otfFilingTypeorder can beexecuted, and returns it if it is available on strSymbol, otherwise it is correct.

    I have absolutely no idea how it works. And only rely on fxsaber's authority.

    Maybesomeone can explain ?

    I once sat down and took it apart step by step, seems to have needed a pen and paper)

    Why this parsing was useful - I understood that in case of change of enum structure everything will be broken) since integer relations of enum values are used (which according to the idea of enumerations itself should be encapsulated). I try to avoid this myself, at most the more-less ratio. For those who deal with WinAPI, it is probably familiar.

    Andrey Khatimlianskii:

    To understand, all you have to do is take that unwieldy retournee expression apart.

    Yes, that's what I tried to do. But, there wasn't enough motivation to take it apart...

    Renat Fatkhullin:

    Absolutely right.

    If we're talking about MQL5, you can forget about "optimization" methods of 10-20-30 years ago. You need to write the most readable code. It is it, and not the hacker stuff and pure smartassery.

    Exactly. I came to this conclusion long ago. But not because I think the compiler will make it better. But because the main source of problems in code is a human being himself, which means that one should write code in a way that makes it as simple and transparent as possible.

    If you cannot make it "transparent", you have to write detailed comments why it is this way and not that way.

    And the compiler... Even if it doesn't do it efficiently enough, it's less of a problem than a potential bug due to the fact that you don't take into account some aspects of the program.


    The code is very simple and short(description). If you write it on FP, it would be interesting to compare.

    Please. C# in FP style:

    using System;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using static FeesCalculator.FeesCalcs;
    using System.Text;
    using static System.Math;
    namespace FeesCalculator
        public static class EnumerableExt
            /// <summary>
            /// Call of function 'action' for each element if sequence (mapping).
            /// </summary>
            /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
            /// <param name="seq">Enumerable sequence</param>
            /// <param name="action">Need action</param>
            public static void Map<T>(this IEnumerable<T> seq, Action<T> action)
                foreach (var item in seq)
        /// <summary>
        /// Инвестиционный результат
        /// </summary>
        public record AccountRecord
            public double Investor { get; init; }
            public double Manager { get; init; }
            public double Summary { get; init; }
            public static AccountRecord operator *(AccountRecord r, double v)
                return new AccountRecord
                    Investor = r.Investor * v,
                    Manager = r.Manager * v,
                    Summary = r.Summary * v
            public override string ToString()
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.Append(nameof(Investor)).Append(" = ").Append(Investor.ToString("F4")).Append(' ');
                sb.Append(nameof(Manager)).Append(" = ").Append(Manager.ToString("F4")).Append(' ');
                sb.Append(nameof(Summary)).Append(" = ").Append(Summary.ToString("F4"));
                return sb.ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// Параметры оферты
        /// </summary>
        public record PammSet
            /// <summary>
            /// Доходность за расчетный период
            /// </summary>
            public double Perfomance { get; init; }
            /// <summary>
            /// Вознаграждение управляющего
            /// </summary>
            public double Gift { get; init; }
            /// <summary>
            /// Количество расчетных периодов
            /// </summary>
            public int N { get; init; }
            /// <inheritdoc/>
            public override string ToString()
                StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
                str.Append("Доходность за расчетный период: ").Append((Perfomance * 100.0).ToString("F1")).Append("%\t\n");
                str.Append("Вознаграждение управляющего: ").Append((Gift * 100.0).ToString("F1")).Append("%\t\n");
                str.Append("Количество расчетных периодов: ").Append(N);
                return str.ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// Формулы расчета
        /// </summary>
        public class FeesCalcs
            /// <summary>
            /// Если управляющий снимает деньги в конце каждого расчетного периода
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="Performance"></param>
            /// <param name="Gift"></param>
            /// <param name="N"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public static AccountRecord Set1(PammSet set)
                Func<double> investor = () => Pow(1 + (set.Perfomance) * (1 - set.Gift), set.N);
                Func<double> manager = () => (investor() - 1) * set.Gift / (1 - set.Gift);
                AccountRecord ac = new AccountRecord
                    Investor = investor(),
                    Manager = manager(),
                    Summary = investor() + manager()
                return ac;
            /// <summary>
            /// Если ничего не делалось в расчетные периоды
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="Performance"></param>
            /// <param name="Gift"></param>
            /// <param name="N"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public static AccountRecord Set2(PammSet set)
                Func<double> summary = () => Pow(set.Perfomance + 1, set.N);
                Func<double> manager = () => (summary() - 1) * set.Gift;
                double s = summary();
                double d = manager();
                AccountRecord ac = new AccountRecord
                    Summary = summary(),
                    Manager = manager(),
                    Investor = summary() - manager()
                return ac;
            /// <summary>
            /// Если управляющий снимает деньги в конце каждого расчетного периода и реинвестирует их
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="Performance"></param>
            /// <param name="Gift"></param>
            /// <param name="N"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public static AccountRecord Set3(PammSet set)
                Func<double> summary = () => Pow(set.Perfomance + 1, set.N);
                Func<double> investor = () => Pow(1 + (set.Perfomance) * (1 - set.Gift), set.N);
                return new AccountRecord
                    Summary = summary(),
                    Investor = investor(),
                    Manager = summary() - investor()
            /// <summary>
            /// Сопостовление: описание - функция расчета
            /// </summary>
            public static readonly Dictionary<string, Func<PammSet, AccountRecord>> DescrToAccountRecord = new Dictionary<string, Func<PammSet, AccountRecord>>
                {"Если управляющий снимает деньги в конце каждого расчетного периода (1)", Set1 },
                {"Если ничего не делалось в расчетные периоды (2)", Set2 },
                {"Если управляющий снимает деньги в конце каждого расчетного периода и реинвестирует их (3)", Set3 },
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                var _ = args.Select((a) => double.Parse(a)).Take(3).ToList();
                PammSet pamm = new PammSet
                    Perfomance = _[0]/100.0,
                    Gift = _[1]/100.0,
                    N = (int)_[2]
                Console.WriteLine($"Данные для инвестиционного счета со следующими характеристиками:\n\n{pamm}\n");
                Console.WriteLine("Конечный результат для Инвестора, Управляющего и Суммарно:\n");
                Func<KeyValuePair<string, Func<PammSet, AccountRecord>>, string> f = (kvp) => kvp.Key + ".\n" + kvp.Value(pamm).ToString() + "\n";
                Enumerable.Select(DescrToAccountRecord, f).Map((s) => Console.WriteLine(s));
                Func<int, PammSet> toPamm = (n) => new PammSet { Perfomance = pamm.Perfomance, Gift = pamm.Gift, N = n };
                Func<PammSet, IEnumerable<AccountRecord>> toAccs = (n) => DescrToAccountRecord.Select((s) => s.Value(n));
                var accounts = Enumerable.Repeat(1, pamm.N).Select((a, b) => a + b).Select(toPamm).Select(toAccs);
                Func<AccountRecord, string> toString = (ar) => ar.Investor.ToString("F2") + "\t" +
                                                               ar.Manager.ToString("F2") + "\t" +
                                                               ar.Summary.ToString("F2") + "\t";
                int period = default;
                    (en) => 
                        en.Map((ar) =>

    FP is quite crooked of course (as it was written by a crooked FP coder, in the incomplete FP language C#).But the goal is to show that on modern OOP jargon you can do it in FP too. Of course, it is limited, it is not F# or Haskell, but nobody forbids to write in FP style. Use immutability, higher-order functions, closures, mappings, etc. - you're welcome to do it all. But this doesn't make the code perfect for some reason.

    s.w. The overall code structure deliberately mimics the original. Although in a good way it should be quite different in FP, without complex objects and foreach mimicking Map, but the artist painted as he could.

    Vasiliy Sokolov:

    Please. C# in FP style:

    I understand that it's a matter of habit and syntax knowledge, but I'm having a very hard time getting into the code even though I'm the original author.

    Forum on trading, automated trading systems and strategy testing

    Interesting opinion about OOP

    fxsaber, 2021.01.29 13:39

    A trifle.

    #property strict
    #property script_show_inputs
    input double inPerformance = 100; // Сколько процентов дает система за период
    input double inGift = 50;         // Награда управляющего в процентах (< 100)
    input int inN = 12;               // Сколько расчетных периодов
    struct BASE
      double Investor;
      double Manager;
      double Summary;
      // Если управляющий снимает деньги в конце каждого расчетного периода.
      void Set1( const double Performance, const double Gift, const int N )
        this.Investor = ::MathPow(1 + (Performance - 1)* (1 - Gift), N);
        this.Manager = (this.Investor - 1) * Gift / (1 - Gift);
        this.Summary = this.Investor + this.Manager;
      // Если ничего не делалось в расчетные периоды.
      void Set2( const double Performance, const double Gift, const int N )
        this.Summary = ::MathPow(Performance, N);
        this.Manager = (this.Summary - 1) * Gift;
        this.Investor = this.Summary - this.Manager;
      // Если управляющий снимает деньги в конце каждого расчетного периода и реинвестирует их.
      void Set3( const double Performance, const double Gift, const int N )
        this.Summary = ::MathPow(Performance, N);
        this.Investor = ::MathPow(1 + (Performance - 1)* (1 - Gift), N);
        this.Manager = this.Summary - this.Investor;
      void operator *=( const double Deposit = 1 )
        this.Investor *= Deposit;
        this.Manager *= Deposit;
        this.Summary *= Deposit;
    #define  TOSTRING(A) #A + " = " + ::DoubleToString(A, 4) + " "
      string ToString( const bool FlagName = true ) const
        return(FlagName ? TOSTRING(Investor) + TOSTRING(Manager) + TOSTRING(Summary)
                        : ::StringFormat("||%-12.4f||%-12.4f||%-12.4f||", this.Investor, this.Manager, this.Summary));
    #undef  TOSTRING
    struct PAMM
      double Performance; // Доходность за расчетный период
      double Gift;        // Вознагражение управляющего.
      int N;              // Сколько расчетных периодов.
      BASE Base1; // Если управляющий снимает деньги в конце каждого расчетного периода.
      BASE Base2; // Если ничего не делалось в расчетные периоды.
      BASE Base3; // Если управляющий снимает деньги в конце каждого расчетного периода и реинвестирует их.
      void Set( const double dPerformance, const double dGift, const int iN )
        this.Performance = dPerformance;
        this.Gift = dGift;
        this.N = iN;
        this.Base1.Set1(1 + this.Performance / 100, this.Gift / 100, this.N);
        this.Base2.Set2(1 + this.Performance / 100, this.Gift / 100, this.N);
        this.Base3.Set3(1 + this.Performance / 100, this.Gift / 100, this.N);
      void operator *=( const double Deposit = 1 )
        this.Base1 *= Deposit;
        this.Base2 *= Deposit;
        this.Base3 *= Deposit;
      string GetDescription( void ) const
        return("Доходность за расчетный период " + ::DoubleToString(this.Performance, 1) + "%\n" +
               "Вознагражение управляющего " + ::DoubleToString(this.Gift, 1) + "%\n" +
               "Количество расчетных периодов. " + (string)this.N);
      string ToString( const bool FlagName = true, const bool FlagDescription = true ) const
        return(FlagDescription ? "Данные для инвестиционного счета со следующими характеристиками:\n\n" + this.GetDescription() +
                                 "\n\nКонечный результат для Инвестора, Управляющего и Суммарно:"
                                 "\n\nЕсли управляющий снимает деньги в конце каждого расчетного периода (1).\n" + this.Base1.ToString(FlagName) +
                                 "\n\nЕсли ничего не делалось в расчетные периоды (2).\n" + this.Base2.ToString(FlagName) +
                                 "\n\nЕсли управляющий снимает деньги в конце каждого расчетного периода и реинвестирует их (3).\n" + this.Base3.ToString(FlagName)
                               : this.Base1.ToString(FlagName) + this.Base2.ToString(FlagName) + this.Base3.ToString(FlagName));
    void OnStart()
      PAMM Pamm;
      Pamm.Set(inPerformance, inGift, inN);
      string Str = Pamm.GetDescription() + "\n   ";
      for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++ )
        Str += ::StringFormat("||%-12s||%-12s||%-12s||", "Investor" + (string)i, "Manager" + (string)i, "Summary" + (string)i);
      for (int i = 1; i <= inN; i++ )
        Pamm.Set(inPerformance, inGift, i);
        Str += StringFormat("\n%-2d:", i) + Pamm.ToString(false, false);

    Technically, it's probably an OOP. But the most primitive part of it. Couldn't do it without it, though. Possibly, dumb brain rearrangement and riveting this.