Trend and levels - page 11

It is not weak, if you do not consider that you come to kindergarten, where kids happily share toys and candy with each other. Although, even in a kindergarten you can already be hit on the forehead with a spatula. Why do you (and anyone else) fall for someone to share the profits with you? Unless for the big money, but they do not want to learn. There are some, so they take them, but not those who can really teach. If father or brother is a successful trader, they may teach. Don't you have them? If you do not have them, you do not have to learn from them. If you read everything, try and think, then gradually (probably more no than yes) it will compile into your own understanding and a set of tools. I don't think there is a person or institution somewhere that can really teach you how to trade profitably for a couple hundred or thousand quid. Just as there is no such thing as a perpetual motion machine, there is not and will not be.

I agree that there are not many generous people, but there are some. There are some on this forum. They put the fruits of their hard work, such as libraries, in the public domain, thus making life easier for others. Thanks a lot for that!


It is an appropriate and absolutely sufficient argument. Why does Musk just build cars and rockets, rather than seminaries about the successful car and space business? Why does Potanin just mine nickel and not run an online course on nickel mining? Why does Brin just run Google and not peddle books like Building Profitable Search Engines from Zero in 30 Days?

1) when he is directly engaged in his work, a person is as successful as possible, any indirect occupation will reduce his effectiveness
2) there is no time for chit-chat and teaching, because teaching is a completely separate full-time occupation, while the work should be done
3) no one, if possible, let alone willingly shares valuable secrets, because this is know-how and an advantage over competitors.

It seems to be clear and obvious to everybody, but people really want the money, so they turn off critical thinking and begin to believe that trading is a very special kind of business where nice guys for money will tell them everything and will teach them everything. Moreover they stand behind guru like for their mother, they are ready to tear mouths of enemies. In fact not for him, of course, but for the promise of a beautiful life through simple actions, baking from those who encroach on it with their doubts and criticism.

Such simple considerations, I'm not talking about tests, stats, monitoring and other nerdy nonsense, only nerds are interested.

Musk isn't building anything, just like everyone else. Or do you think there are 3 people in companies, the head of the company builds and 2 assistants help him?

They're just idea generators. Von stump, after Jobs left they did not come up with anything new, to this day they use all of Jobs's unrealized ideas

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Musk isn't building anything and neither is everyone else. Or do you think there are 3 people in companies, the head of the company builds and 2 assistants help him?

45,000 employees

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Musk isn't building anything and neither is everyone else. Or do you think there are 3 people in companies, the head of the company builds and 2 assistants help him?

They're just idea generators. Von stump, they did not come up with anything new after Jobs left, to this day they use all of Jobs' unrealized ideas

Apple is not a stump, stump is your trade
Vitaly Muzichenko:

Number of employees
Vitaly Muzichenko:

Musk isn't building anything and neither is everyone else. Or do you think there are 3 people in companies, the head of the company builds and 2 assistants help him?

They're just idea generators. Von stump, they didn't come up with anything new after Jobs left, to this day use all of Jobs's unrealized ideas

Yeah, that's easy. Lying on the couch all day and generating, is that it? No ideas come out of nowhere, out of the blue, they can only emerge through a specific and in-depth activity, so of course he is involved in the process as much as possible. It is clear that he does not personally turn the screws.


Yeah, simple. Lying on the sofa all day and generating, is that it? There are no ideas out of nowhere, out of the blue, they can only emerge in the process of concrete and in-depth activity, so of course he is involved in the process as much as possible. It is clear that he does not personally turn the screws.

We started for good health but still can't finish... Trouble

Yeah, simple. Lying on the sofa all day and generating, is that it? There are no ideas out of nowhere, out of the blue, they can only emerge in the process of concrete and in-depth activity, so of course he is involved in the process as much as possible. It is clear that he does not personally tighten the screws.

This is roughly the same thing that Gerchik does.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

This is roughly what Gerchik is doing as well.

And what of it?
Vladimir Baskakov:
An apple is not a stump, a stump is your trade.

Looking for any excuse to bite someone. Check for rabies virus, and check your liver for excess bile).