Charles Dow's theory - page 35


Stop arguing. You'd better have fun. Doctor isn't that about you?)))


Yusuf, dear man. I thought we agreed with you. And you are at it again.

You took long ago known functions P and H. Then you introduced your function B = 1 - (H + P). From the first grade of primary schools we know that in this case H + P + B = 1. What kind of normalization is this! It is an identity equality. Take anyP and H functions, and you get the same thing.

TakeH + P + B = 1. Replace B in it with 1 - (H + P).

We obtain: H + P + 1 - (H + P) = 1.

Open parentheses: H + P + 1 - H - P = 1.

We obtain 1 = 1.

How and where did I "take" functions P and H and only then "introduced" function B, and where, it is not clear from your statements, how and why? Let's leave aside the word "normalization", where have you found, in technical literature, information that their sum always gives 1? Give me the facts and don't refer to it verbatim. And will you accuse Ohm of "taking" the voltage U and dividing it by the resistance R to get the value of the current I, because it has no theoretical foundation? Will that make Ohm's Law no longer be Ohm's Law? You'll be ripped to shreds by his followers! You're mocking me, feeling impunity!


Stop arguing. You'd better have fun. Doctor isn't that about you?)))

Yes I know, I know that delusion is not cured by rational reasoning. But he's fooling the gullible.

Renat Akhtyamov:

then seriously

To determine how much and where it will move, you need to know all the buying and selling volumes and their prices.

Renat, what about the tick data? Give me some ticks, please.

I took four ticks

1, 2355




and got the following:

I.e., PNB reveals strong downward momentum. This was me looking at the 4-digit terminal, I need tick data from the 5-digit terminal to assess the true strength and power of each tick. So far it appears that the market has managed, at great cost, to keep the Euro from falling.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

You can't see further than your nose, as they say in such cases when they deny the obvious facts! Answer directly to the natural question: who, where and when, for the first time, introduced into circulation the letter and/or word combination PNB, what is it, which, in sum, always give one? Who, when, where and in what form informed the scientific world about the existence of a chain of three PNB functions satisfying the normalization conditions? Just give me the facts and, if you don't find them, please keep quiet!!!, instead of accusing me of schizophrenia! You'll find out right away which one of us is schizophrenic! Who, for the first time, linked PNB with philosophy and algotrading? What was the basis and/or justification for that?!

Here are the facts. PNBs (psycho-neurological hospitals) have been known for a long time, as have the corresponding diseases. Patients suffering in PNBs indeed often associate their condition with both philosophy and anything else, including their greatness. The grounds for such suffering are danger to others or to one's own health. In your case you are simply harming, distracting others and, most importantly, yourself, with pseudo-mathematical reasoning that makes no sense. You consider curve fitting as "absolute coincidence", speak about Gamma distribution as a model of the black box pulled by ears, and attribute the simple property (the arithmetic mean is not less than the geometric mean) to Cauchy and even give own number in article (39), as if it is not obvious to schoolboys.

For reference

0<=(a-b)^2=(a^2+b^2-2ab)= 2*((a^2+b^2)/2 - ab), i.e. (a^2+b^2)/2 > ab . Substitute here a = P1^0.5 at P1 >=0 and b=P2^0.5 at P2 >=0, here is the inequality (39). What should Cauchy have been doing here, if it is a direct consequence of Newton's binomial of order 2, and Newton's binomial was already known to Indian and Greek mathematicians, including those of higher orders.


Here are the facts. PNBs (psycho-neurological hospitals) have been known for a long time, as have the corresponding illnesses. Patients suffering in PNBs indeed often associate their condition with both philosophy and anything else, including their own greatness. The grounds for such suffering are danger to others or to one's own health. In your case you are simply suffering, distracting others and, most importantly, yourself, with pseudo-mathematical reasoning that makes no sense. You consider curve fitting as "absolute coincidence", speak about Gamma distribution as a model of the black box pulled by ears, and attribute the simple property (the arithmetic mean is not less than the geometric mean) to Cauchy and even give own number in article (39), as if it is not obvious to schoolboys.

For reference

0<=(a-b)^2=(a^2+b^2-2ab)= 2*((a^2+b^2)/2 - ab), i.e. (a^2+b^2)/2 > ab . Substitute here a = P1^0.5 at P1 >=0 and b=P2^0.5 at P2 >=0, here is the inequality (39). What should Cauchy do here, if it is a direct consequence of Newton's binomial of order 2, and Newton's binomial was known to Indian and Greek mathematicians, including those of higher orders.

Go on with your nonsense without me, but seriously, provide 5-digit tick source data, please.Sorry I do not have time for idle talk.


Here, on the OHLC of one, bullish candle of the minute bar:

Same story - Euro is going down, even though the candle is bullish, the market is holding it, in my opinion. We see a strong downside potential at - 0.91404 pips.The lifetime of the impulse is 1, 8598 minutes. The order of the trading process is 0.4894 points.

We should get used to this kind of analysis of the trading process, improve and comment on it, etc. Consider any candlestick of any TF, any tool to enhance your knowledge.


Here is the hourly, bearish, candle from 06. 01. 21 at 3pm for gold:

The system potential of -26.9998 points is almost fully worked in 0.17124 hours of trading and further, should follow the Flatt in full compliance with the PNB, which is what we see in the terminal.

What else to do and show to make you believe in the power and strength of PNB?


Consider the hourly Japanese, bullish, candle from 07. 01 21. 15-00

The pair must fall by 1.0631 pips in 2, 6482 hours with a trading order of 0.5625 units. The pair has made a spurt and is obliged to fall by 1 point. But, we are assuming and the market is predicting.



If Yusuf's indicator is to be believed, Bitcoin will rise further.

Of course, the global economy is shaky, the US is in turmoil and so is COVID-19.

And people have started to trust cryptocurrencies?