Idle work - page 9

Well, it looks like I got it yesterday. The payment came in today, haven't seen that in a while. 0.004 cents for yesterday.
Vyacheslav Vorobev:
Well, it looks like I got it yesterday. The payment came in today, haven't seen that in a while. 0.004 cents for yesterday.
At least it's not for free.)

Once again, five agents had been hammering away at something for an hour and a half, and in the log-file there was nothing at all!

The most interesting thing is that there is no elementary reset of information in the log-file at least every three minutes, so that we could at least show something and point out the errors to the developers. If there is no info dumping, there is nothing to show. How can I show them something and point out an error if the log-file hasn't been updated even once in an hour and a half?

Build 2836
At 6-50 I switched on the agents and all six picked up work at once. The symptoms are the same: CPU load changes slightly, RAM also changes slightly and there are network calls. There is no information in the log files that the job is taken or that the agent is doing anything at all...

Added: removed'MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester Agent' - will wait at least a week, maybe agents will start forcing their report into the log file every three minutes after all, to understand if the agent is doing the task or working idly.

I wonder what happens if there is an error in the optimiser, e.g. OnDenit. Is the job counted?

I had 8 (!!!) hours today with several computers running at full core load, only found this in the logs:

RI      0       06:49:21.606    Tester  account info found with currency USD
QQ      0       06:49:21.734    Network 8892 bytes of input parameters loaded
RJ      0       06:49:21.734    Tester  job 6942677757671254429 received from Cloud Server
RL      0       06:49:21.734    Tester  file added, 212600 bytes loaded
JE      0       06:49:21.777    Tester  successfully initialized
MN      0       06:49:21.777    Network 217 Kb of total initialization data received
MJ      0       06:49:21.777    Tester  Intel Xeon  E5-2658 v3 @ 2.20 GHz, 16296 MB
CL      0       06:49:21.777    Tester  optimization pass 9171 started
OG      0       06:49:21.779    Symbols WDOJ21: symbol to be synchronized
PQ      0       06:49:21.802    Symbols WDOJ21: symbol synchronized, 3720 bytes of symbol info received
DJ      0       06:49:21.833    History WDOJ21: load 27 bytes of history data to synchronize in 0:00:00.030
HO      0       06:49:21.833    History WDOJ21: history synchronized from 2020.06.03 to 2021.03.19
EN      0       06:49:21.836    History WDOJ21,M1: history cache allocated for 26613 bars and contains 1691 bars from 2020.06.03 10:51 to 2021.02.25 18:29
JR      0       06:49:21.836    History WDOJ21,M1: history begins from 2020.06.03 10:51
JK      0       14:54:10.132    Tester  tester agent shutdown started
GR      0       14:54:10.132    Tester  shutdown tester machine
KI      0       14:54:10.152    Tester  tester process stopped
HL      0       14:54:10.152    Tester  tester agent shutdown finished
OJ      0       14:54:10.153            rescan needed
CK      0       14:54:12.297    Network connected to
OL      0       14:54:13.741    Network connected to
FE      0       14:54:15.486    Network connected to
JN      0       14:54:16.843    Network connected to
LG      0       14:54:18.279    Network connected to
MH      0       14:54:20.036    Network connected to
EQ      0       14:54:21.385    Network connected to
RJ      0       14:54:22.829    Network connected to
NS      0       14:54:24.572    Network connected to
CJ      0       14:54:25.857    Network MQL5 Cloud Network server selected after rescan (ping 21 ms)
EK      0       14:54:25.883    Network connected to
Aleksandr Matveev:

I've had a couple of computers running for 8 hours today with a full load of cores, the only thing I found in the logs was this:

This is exactly the kind of thing I write about all the time. And that's why I ask for a forced reset every three minutes in the log file - to see exactly what the agent is doing: is it working or is it frozen.


Good afternoon!

Similar situation. Log attached. From 15 hours to 18:56 all 16 cores were loaded. Internet connection was stable. 16 tester processes were showing in task manager.At 18:56 the processes stopped on their own, disappeared from task manager. At 19 I rebooted the server.

However, only 3 minutes of work were counted, up to 15 hours which. And what was the tester doing the rest of the time, apart from heating the room?

In this case we are talking about a clean installation of the tester, nothing else installed on the system.

On the other computers during this period, the situation is similar

Please clarify and explain

20210323.log  20 kb

I have a dual processor server with 16 cores (32 threads) and yesterday it was running continuously from 6am to 2.30pm.

This is the log entry

LN 0 06:15:15.262 Network cpu heavy loaded (88%), skip connection to MQL5 Cloud Network

II 0 06:20:15.443 Network cpu heavy loaded (86%), skip connection to MQL5 Cloud Network

LJ 0 06:22:13.000 Tester free cached memory

NI 0 06:25:15.657 Network cpu heavy loaded (85%), skip connection to MQL5 Cloud Network

HE 0 06:30:15.904 Network cpu heavy loaded (88%), skip connection to MQL5 Cloud Network

RP 0 06:35:16.085 Network cpu heavy loaded (86%), skip connection to MQL5 Cloud Network

Total of 61 cents apparently for other jobs. And for this job 0, more only electricity burned for nothing.


Agents 2860.

Here's the log file: at15:46:20.045 work 6944684181708368734 was received, at 15:54:31.028 the agent started to shut down. Question - what was the agent doing for eight minutes? As you can see, job 6944684181708368734 was taken, then for eight minutes the agent did unknown things and finally job6944684181708368734 was not turned in.

Why did the agent write nothing in the log file during those eight minutes? What payment was made in those eight minutes?

IN      0       15:26:58.579    Tester  268150 : passed in 0:01:01.996 (history synchronized in 0:00:53.871)
KH      0       15:26:58.579    Tester  optimization finished
DR      0       15:27:02.024    Tester  tester agent shutdown started
DG      0       15:27:02.024    Tester  shutdown tester machine
PN      0       15:27:02.034    Tester  tester process stopped
IM      0       15:27:02.035    Tester  tester agent shutdown finished
RE      0       15:34:02.071    Tester  free cached memory
DO      0       15:46:20.027    Network 4372 bytes of account info loaded
HH      0       15:46:20.027    Network 1470 bytes of tester parameters loaded
NL      0       15:46:20.027    Network 7356 bytes of input parameters loaded
QH      0       15:46:20.045    Network 158944 bytes of symbols list loaded (20827 symbols)
PR      0       15:46:20.045    Tester  job 6944684181708368734 received from Cloud Server
EJ      0       15:46:20.045    Tester  file added, 101045 bytes loaded
FS      0       15:46:20.045    Network 6312 bytes of optimized inputs info loaded
HD      0       15:46:20.045    Tester  successfully initialized
IN      0       15:46:20.045    Network 13438 Kb of total initialization data received
MK      0       15:46:20.045    Tester  Intel Core i7-9750 H  @ 2.60 GHz, 32574 MB
HQ      0       15:46:20.045    Tester  optimization pass 7890 started
PJ      0       15:46:20.052    Symbols WIN$N: symbol to be synchronized
QL      0       15:46:20.554    Symbols WIN$N: symbol synchronized, 3720 bytes of symbol info received
PP      0       15:46:20.863    History WIN$N: load 25 bytes of history data to synchronize in 0:00:00.308
KE      0       15:46:20.863    History WIN$N: history synchronized from 2019.01.02 to 2020.12.30
KS      0       15:46:20.905    History WIN$N,M5: history cache allocated for 85835 bars and contains 35588 bars from 2019.01.02 09:00 to 2020.04.30 17:50
DE      0       15:46:20.905    History WIN$N,M5: history begins from 2019.01.02 09:00
GS      0       15:54:31.028    Tester  tester agent shutdown started
JH      0       15:54:31.028    Tester  shutdown tester machine
RI      0       15:54:32.112    Tester  tester process stopped
DL      0       15:54:32.112    Tester  tester agent shutdown finished
HE      0       16:01:32.069    Tester  free cached memory
KM      0       16:20:33.592            rescan needed
GM      0       16:20:34.846    Network connected to

And here is the log from another agent: note - two agents received the same job from the server

Task number received Agent

IN      0       15:26:58.579    Tester  268150 : passed in 0:01:01.996 (history synchronized in 0:00:53.871)
KH      0       15:26:58.579    Tester  optimization finished
DR      0       15:27:02.024    Tester  tester agent shutdown started
DG      0       15:27:02.024    Tester  shutdown tester machine
PN      0       15:27:02.034    Tester  tester process stopped
IM      0       15:27:02.035    Tester  tester agent shutdown finished
RE      0       15:34:02.071    Tester  free cached memory
DO      0       15:46:20.027    Network 4372 bytes of account info loaded
HH      0       15:46:20.027    Network 1470 bytes of tester parameters loaded
NL      0       15:46:20.027    Network 7356 bytes of input parameters loaded
QH      0       15:46:20.045    Network 158944 bytes of symbols list loaded (20827 symbols)
PR      0       15:46:20.045    Tester  job 6944684181708368734 received from Cloud Server
EJ      0       15:46:20.045    Tester  file added, 101045 bytes loaded
FS      0       15:46:20.045    Network 6312 bytes of optimized inputs info loaded
HD      0       15:46:20.045    Tester  successfully initialized
IN      0       15:46:20.045    Network 13438 Kb of total initialization data received
MK      0       15:46:20.045    Tester  Intel Core i7-9750 H  @ 2.60 GHz, 32574 MB
HQ      0       15:46:20.045    Tester  optimization pass 7890 started
PJ      0       15:46:20.052    Symbols WIN$N: symbol to be synchronized
QL      0       15:46:20.554    Symbols WIN$N: symbol synchronized, 3720 bytes of symbol info received
PP      0       15:46:20.863    History WIN$N: load 25 bytes of history data to synchronize in 0:00:00.308
KE      0       15:46:20.863    History WIN$N: history synchronized from 2019.01.02 to 2020.12.30
KS      0       15:46:20.905    History WIN$N,M5: history cache allocated for 85835 bars and contains 35588 bars from 2019.01.02 09:00 to 2020.04.30 17:50
DE      0       15:46:20.905    History WIN$N,M5: history begins from 2019.01.02 09:00
GS      0       15:54:31.028    Tester  tester agent shutdown started
JH      0       15:54:31.028    Tester  shutdown tester machine
RI      0       15:54:32.112    Tester  tester process stopped
DL      0       15:54:32.112    Tester  tester agent shutdown finished
HE      0       16:01:32.069    Tester  free cached memory
KM      0       16:20:33.592            rescan needed
GM      0       16:20:34.846    Network connected to

and the same situation on three more agents - they also received a task 6944684181708368734 and also eight minutes of unknown activity. None of the five agents handed in the assignment and did not get paid (although they gibbered for eight minutes).