Array out of range in Need of help - page 9

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Regarding ArrayCopyRates, Alexey correctly said. It's written in the help:

So you have to write it:

But it's not economical code.

Yes, there's no point in dragging all 6 bar metrics if you only need one. Low.

And there is no point in going deep on one scale (TF). After a quarter you can go to weeks, then months, and 132 months, that's 11 years.

In general the idea is that there is no point in counting on the whole chart, the amount of historical data is essentially random, may be from year 70 or from 2000, different data providers have different data on different instrument, and logic is always better when it is the same for all cases.


Valery, you say exactly that!

The idea is that we only need these history bars:

The rest can be taken out of the array. That's when it would be economical.

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Valery, you say exactly that!

The idea is that we only need these history bars:

The rest can be dropped from the array. That's when it would be economical.

That's the way it was drawn. The idea hasn't been voiced by TopekStarter yet)

We need to find the extrema meaningful for TC and compare them. There are a lot of identical Lows at a distance. Quite often the Open and Close on one candle are equal, and what to say about the minimum prices of the day at a considerable distance.


Noticed an error in the cycles. And changed the comparison to yesterday instead of the current day. Try

#property version   "1.00"
#property strict

//символ и таймфрейм текущего графика
string symbol;
datetime time=0, current;
int digits;

long ChartId;
int Window;
string Name="MiniMax";

struct BarData
   struct Elem
      int      number;     //порядковый номер периода (дня, месяца или года)
      double   high;       //максимум периода
      double   low;        //минимум периода
      datetime time_high;  //время максимума
      datetime time_low;   //время минимума
      } Arr[];             //массив периода
   int index;              //текущий индекс массива
   double   max;           //последнее максимальное значение периода
   double   min;           //последнее минимальное значение периода
   datetime time_max;      //время максимума
   datetime time_min;      //время минимума

   //при создании структуры указываем, что массив пустой
   //функция записывает текущие экстремумы
   void WriteBar(int eNumber, string eSymbol, ENUM_TIMEFRAMES eFrame, datetime eTime)
      if(eTime==0) return;
      int eShift=iBarShift(eSymbol,eFrame,eTime);
      double eHigh=iHigh(eSymbol,eFrame,eShift);
      double eLow=iLow(eSymbol,eFrame,eShift);
      //если элементов ещё нет или период сменился
      if(index<0 || eNumber!=Arr[index].number)
      //если произошло обновление текущего максимума
      //если произошло обновление текущего минимума
      //если произошло обновление предыдущего максимума
         for(int i=index-2; i>=0; i--)
      //если произошло обновление предыдущего минимума
         for(int i=index-2; i>=0; i--)
   double GetHigh() {return(index>0?Arr[index-1].high:Arr[index].high);}
   double GetLow() {return(index>0?Arr[index-1].low:Arr[index].low);}
   } day, month, year;

int OnInit()
   //идентификатор графика и номер окна индикатора

void OnTick()
   //текущее время закрытого бара

      MqlDateTime date; 
      //делаем записи каждого периода
      if(time<current) {time=iTime(symbol,frame,(iBarShift(symbol,frame,time)-1));} else break;
   RedrawHLine(ChartId,Window,Name+" High",day.GetHigh(),clrBlue,1,DoubleToString(day.GetHigh(),digits),digits);
   RedrawHLine(ChartId,Window,Name+" Low",day.GetLow(),clrBlue,1,DoubleToString(day.GetLow(),digits),digits);
   RedrawText(ChartId,Window,Name+" High_Text",iTime(symbol,frame,30),day.GetHigh(),"Day 1:  "+DoubleToString(day.GetHigh(),digits),ANCHOR_RIGHT_LOWER,"Arial",8,clrBlue,"",digits);
   RedrawText(ChartId,Window,Name+" Low_Text",iTime(symbol,frame,30),day.GetLow(),"Day 1:  "+DoubleToString(day.GetLow(),digits),ANCHOR_RIGHT_UPPER,"Arial",8,clrBlue,"",digits);

   RedrawHLine(ChartId,Window,Name+" Max",day.max,clrRed,1,DoubleToString(day.max,digits),digits);
   RedrawHLine(ChartId,Window,Name+" Min",day.min,clrRed,1,DoubleToString(day.max,digits),digits);
   RedrawText(ChartId,Window,Name+" Max_Text",iTime(symbol,frame,30),day.max,"Day Max:  "+DoubleToString(day.max,digits),ANCHOR_RIGHT_LOWER,"Arial",8,clrRed,"",digits);
   RedrawText(ChartId,Window,Name+" Min_Text",iTime(symbol,frame,30),day.min,"Day Min:  "+DoubleToString(day.min,digits),ANCHOR_RIGHT_UPPER,"Arial",8,clrRed,"",digits);

//перерисовывает линию по новым координатам, если её нет, то создаёт
void RedrawHLine(long eChartId, int eWindow, string eName, double ePrice, color eColor, int eWidth, string eTooltip, int eDigits)
      if(!ObjectCreate(eChartId,eName,OBJ_HLINE,eWindow,0,0)) return;
   if(ObjectFind(eChartId,eName)==-1) return;   
   if(NormalizeDouble(ObjectGetDouble(eChartId,eName,OBJPROP_PRICE)-ePrice,eDigits)!=0) ObjectSetDouble(eChartId,eName,OBJPROP_PRICE,ePrice);
   if(ObjectGetInteger(eChartId,eName,OBJPROP_COLOR)!=eColor) ObjectSetInteger(eChartId,eName,OBJPROP_COLOR,eColor);
   if(ObjectGetString(eChartId,eName,OBJPROP_TOOLTIP)!=eTooltip) ObjectSetString(eChartId,eName,OBJPROP_TOOLTIP,eTooltip);

//перерисовываем текст по новым координатам, если его нет, то создаём
void RedrawText(long eChartId, int eWindow, string eName, datetime eTime, double ePrice, string eText, ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT eAnchor, string eFont, int eSize, color eColor, string eTooltip, int eDigits)
      if(!ObjectCreate(eChartId,eName,OBJ_TEXT,eWindow,0,0)) return;
      //на переднем  плане
   if(ObjectFind(eChartId,eName)==-1) return;
   //координаты метки
   if(ObjectGetInteger(eChartId,eName,OBJPROP_TIME)!=eTime) ObjectSetInteger(eChartId,eName,OBJPROP_TIME,eTime);
   if(NormalizeDouble(ObjectGetDouble(eChartId,eName,OBJPROP_PRICE)-ePrice,eDigits)!=0) ObjectSetDouble(eChartId,eName,OBJPROP_PRICE,ePrice);
   if(ObjectGetInteger(eChartId,eName,OBJPROP_COLOR)!=eColor) ObjectSetInteger(eChartId,eName,OBJPROP_COLOR,eColor);
   if(ObjectGetString(eChartId,eName,OBJPROP_TEXT)!=eText) ObjectSetString(eChartId,eName,OBJPROP_TEXT,eText);

Greetings All !!!

Been away on business.

The process is in full swing.


Tested it !

The result is this.

Stopped the tester went through the history manually. Max_D value should be taken from here.


I don't understand what's wrong. It's a line of minima.

Just in case, copy the code again, I've changed it periodically there, maybe you have an old version

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Yes, there is no point in dragging all six indicators of the bar if you only need one. Low.

And there is no point in going deep on one scale (TF). After a quarter you can go to weeks, then months, and 132 months, that's 11 years.

In general, the idea that there is no point in counting on the whole chart, the amount of historical data is essentially random, may be from the year 70, and may be from 2000, different data providers have different data on different instruments, and the logic is always better when it is the same for all cases.

I'll try to be more specific.

1. this is not an idea, but a 5 years experience in trading that i decided to automate (i.e. it is not good to sit at the monitor all the time, you understand it with years).

2. We use these lines to form false-breaks, and it works (you just need to know how to apply them), you may not output them at all in the future.

3. In 2020, on February 10, for the first time I noticed this inaccuracy, which you think is unnecessary from such a distant history

Note where Min_D is and it may be once a year or even 10 years (as it turns out ).

Further you see the development of events 12000 points short (I think it is not acceptable to miss such a move) In this case, the exit beyond the array and did not let me miss this opportunity.

That's how it works to this day and in general it did not cause any problems

But now it's time to move on and study MQL4

4. As for the loading or whatever there (once a day at 24.00 can be recalculated and 10 times I do not trade on Friday after 20.00, and on weekdays from 23.00 to 3.00) let myself count.

5. the idea has not yet been voiced TopikStarter.

If you read from the beginning of the post, not from the middle all is clear.

1. Low_D1 and High_D1 (D1 Last day), Min_D and Max_D (the nearest history, this is the one available for the symbol) Min_D < Low_D1 andMax_D > High_D1

2. Low_W1 and High_W1 (further it is similar to above described only for weeks)

3. Low_MN1 and High_MN1 (month is relatively similar)


In the code a for // read the description

Came for advice on how to fix it , maybe something I do not know (like load some history file , or the array itself does not support , or maybe 16 gig of aperitif is not enough , that's the question , etc.)

at the moment it's just Alert when the line doesn't change value .

//|                                                   Test_Level.mq4 |
//|                        Copyright 2020, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2020, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict
double   Bar_data_D1 [][6]; // Копирует в массив данные баров указанного графика и возвращает количество скопированных баров D1
double   Low_D1_Level;      // Возвращает значение минимальной цены бара  D1
double   Min_D_Level ;      // ближайшей минимальный  D уровень
datetime  Time_Day;
int      A_C_R;             // возвращает количество скопированных баров D1
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)

//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
//|                        Функция Level 
void Level()
  A_C_R = ArrayCopyRates(Bar_data_D1,_Symbol,PERIOD_D1); // Копирует в массив данные баров указанного графика и возвращает количество скопированных баров

 Low_D1_Level   = iLow (_Symbol,PERIOD_D1,1);   // Возвращает значение минимальной цены бара  D1
//--- Min_D_Leve  
 //for(int i = 1; i<ArrayRange(Bar_data_D1,0) ;i++) // или так то ошибки нет и линия не перерисовывается 
   for(int i = 1; ;i++)                             // а так выход за массив 
     Print(" i = ",i," Bar_data_D1 [i][2] = ",Bar_data_D1 [i][2]);
     if(Bar_data_D1 [i][2]>=0)
        if( Bar_data_D1 [i][2] < Low_D1_Level)
           Min_D_Level = Bar_data_D1 [i][2];break;

       ObjectCreate("Low_D1",OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0],Low_D1_Level);
       ObjectSet("Low_D1", OBJPROP_COLOR, clrMaroon);
       ObjectSet("Low_D1", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
    if(ObjectFind("Low_D1_label") != 0)
       ObjectCreate("Low_D1_label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[13], Low_D1_Level);
       ObjectSetText("Low_D1_label", "Low_D1: " + DoubleToStr(Low_D1_Level,_Digits), 8,"Verdana", Brown);
 if(ObjectFind("Min_D")!= Min_D_Level) 
       ObjectCreate("Min_D",OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0],Min_D_Level);
       ObjectSet("Min_D", OBJPROP_COLOR, clrMaroon);
       ObjectSet("Min_D", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
    if(ObjectFind("Min_D_label") != 0)
       ObjectCreate("Min_D_label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[30], Min_D_Level);
       ObjectSetText("Min_D_label", "Min_D: " + DoubleToStr(Min_D_Level,_Digits), 8,"Verdana", Brown);
//|        функция удаление всех объектов созданных советником
void DestroyObject()
 int tot=ObjectsTotal();
 for( int i=tot; i>=0; i--)
     if(ObjectName(i)=="Low_MN1"){ObjectDelete(0,"Low_MN1");Print("<< Объект Low_MN удалён >>");}
     if(ObjectName(i)=="Low_MN1_label"){ObjectDelete(0,"Low_MN1_label");Print("<< Объект Low_MN1_label удалён >>");}

     if(ObjectName(i)=="Min_D"){ObjectDelete(0,"Min_D");Print("<< Объект Min_D удалён >>");}
     if(ObjectName(i)=="Min_D_label"){ObjectDelete(0,"Min_D_label");Print("<< Объект Min_D_label удалён >>");}

//                         функция Timer                    
void On_Timer()

 if(Day()!= Time_Day)
    Time_Day = Day();
Aleksei Stepanenko:

I don't understand what's wrong. It's a line of minima.

Just in case, copy the code again, I've changed it periodically, maybe you have an old version

Okay. I'll try again.