ACTIONS news , forecasts , expectations , December 2020 - page 5

Yesterday CNK surprised, or rather pleased, with a -19% drop, which is very good at the beginning of the recovery.

what the wisest of the wise say

By Thursday evening the Russian stock market is slightly correcting. So far there is no room for violent profit taking, but maybe, if the external environment is conducive, it will show its full potential in the final week. For now, light selling and no reason to move.The ISM index has corrected to 3156 and might stabilize at 3150-3175. TheRTS Index trades around 1336 points and will remain in the 1328-1340 point range in the short term.

In the correction zone today, the leaders of yesterday's rebound are steelmaker stocks. MMK shares updated the local peak at 45.49 rubles, after which the stock naturally pulled down. Now it's important not to go under 44.00 rbl., then chances for the second and more effective upward move will be higher. NLMK papers tested the peak last evening at 203.50 rubles, today they corrected, taking the stock to 190 rubles. It could end in the 188-189-ruble area, thus not interrupting the uptrend.

In oil, hopes are lukewarm that OPEC+ will decide something about quotas for the first quarter of 2021. But let's look at the situation without rose-coloured glasses - there have been plenty of opportunities to do so in the last couple of weeks, a meeting today or tomorrow will not change anything. The quotas will remain the same, without the possibility of easing, but with a tolerance to increase as we approach spring. This will keep oil prices temporarily stable at $42-58/bblBrent, with only hope for a pick-up in demand.

The US dollar is retreating to 74.42 RUR on Thursday evening and there are plenty of people willing to buy the quid that much cheaper. On the world stage, the dollar looks oversold, there is a pivot point somewhere, which means that it will manifest itself soon in the ruble pairs as well. We have to be cautious, the fundamental strength of the ruble has not increased by a gram. Short term, the dollar might go down to 74.00 RUR, but unlikely to go lower. The Euro is trading at 90.54 RUB, here the trading corridor remains the same, 90-92 RUB.

Anna Bodrova, Senior Analyst at Alpari

Stock market bulls are not afraid of heights

On Wednesday evening the Russian stock market remains in the growth zone. Buyers have climbed high, but as has been the case this year, as long as there is no negativity, nothing prevents buying, not even fear of heights.The Moscow Exchange rose to 3180, with a new target at 3185 if the external environment holds up. TheRTS Index has strengthened to 1332 and is able to trade in the 1320-1335 corridor.

The bulls' favourites today are NorNickel shares, which are briskly making local highs, rising to RUB 22820 and poised to hit new historical records. After Strategy Day, the paper seems to have perked up, all set to break 22850 rubles, an important resistance level, to retest 23656 rubles. The paper's medium-term trend is firmly upwards, so even in the event of a technical correction, there is a high probability of continued buying after a pause.

All steelmakers quickly reached for the flagship. Shares of MMK and NLMK, as well as EN+ and Rusal are on the plus side.

Shares in Yandex are selling in the middle of the week for no particular reason, while Polyus Gold trades under pressure. The precious metal, on the other hand, has run out of momentum and no new momentum has emerged, as risk appetite is phenomenal, and this in the eclipse corridor.

What the eclipses have hit is the resilience and vitality of the US dollar. In a pair with the rouble, the 'American' has slipped to 75,21 roubles today and might go back to 75,15 roubles, but there are quite a few people willing to buy the quid at such an attractive price. The Euro is trading at 90.98 RUB and leaves the trading channel of 90-92 RUB.

Anna Bodrova, senior analyst at Alpari


The dollar has surrendered a major milestone, taking EUR/USD to a new level


Continuing to consolidate above the 3637 level,the SPX500 shows two days of gains.

Gazprom (MCX:GAZP) was clearly weaker than the market, although here too you could have tried to open a long at 180. Though locally, what I don't particularly like here is the quick retest of 180, consolidation only at 182, and the size of the justified stop is enormous.

And of interest again, Norilsk Nickel, which has so often made the "stronger market" list in this year's reviews: the 20,300 area on a false breakdown, the option to exit the range and continue above 20,900, then a retest of 21,300 and even 21,870...

Perhaps one does not often come acrosssuch a placer of opportunities as MMC Norilsk Nickel (MCX:GMKN)offered.


03/12- Closed
1,337.64 14:00 16:00 18:00 1,320.00 1,330.00 1,325.00 1,335.00

Technical Summary

5 min:Active buying
1 hour:Buy actively
1 day:Buy actively
1 month:Buy actively
is in no way inferior to it in this stretch, similarly adding two days in a row and already trading above 1300.
ММВБ | Индекс Мосбиржи | MICEX —
ММВБ | Индекс Мосбиржи | MICEX —
Подробная информация об Индексе Мосбиржи (ММВБ) онлайн: графики, технический анализ, новости и аналитика в режиме реального времени

Sberbank kissed 270 and it looks like it will soon embrace and kiss 280 290 and 300

On Sberbank's downward trend, in February March I was buying, on the upward trend since April I was also only buying.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Sberbank kissed 270 and it looks like it will soon embrace and kiss 280 290 and 300

On the Sberbank down trend , in February March I bought , on the up trend since April I also only bought .

All trading comes down to buying shares of more or less stable companies every 10-15%.

However, what about the current overbought market in many assets.... or do we keep going up on all fronts?

a lot of things have gone up a lot this year, especially in the it sector

Next year, the year of the bull. I guess everything's going to grow. :)

Warren Buffett investment portfolio (Q2 2020)

Warren Buffett's investment portfolio, and at the same time his Berkshire Hathaway company, as of Q2 2020 consists of shares in 44 companies. The great investor's stock portfolio is valued at $202 billion. Let's find out which companies Warren Buffett invests in.

Warren Buffett's stock portfolio

Name % in the portfolio Last activity
AAPL - Apple Inc. 44.18
BAC - Bank of America Corp. 10.85
KO - Coca Cola Co. 8.83
AXP - American Express 7.13
KHC - Kraft Heinz Co. 5.13
MCO - Moody's Corp. 3.35
WFC - Wells Fargo 3.00 Down 26.49%.
USB - U.S. Bancorp. 2.40 Down 0.38%
DVA - DaVita HealthCare Partners 1.49
BK - Bank of New York Mellon Corp. 1.38 Down 9.29%
CHTR - Charter Communications 1.31 Down 3.93%
VRSN - Verisign Inc. 1.31
JPM - JPMorgan Chase & Co. 1.03 Down 61.52%
V - Visa Inc. 0.95 Down 5.44%
GM - General Motors 0.93
LSXMK - Liberty SiriusXM Series C 0.74 Up 40.05%
AMZN - Amazon Corp. 0.73
MA - Mastercard Inc. 0.67 Down 7.50%
COST - Costco Co. 0.65
KR - Kroger Co. 0.37 Increase of 15.84%
STOR - STORE Capital Corp. 0.29 Up 31.11%
PNC - PNC Financial Services 0.28 41.83% decrease
GOLD - Barrick Gold Corp. 0.28 BUY
AXTA - Axalta Coating Systems Ltd. 0.27
STNE - StoneCo Ltd. 0.27
TEVA - Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. 0.26
LSXMA - Liberty Sirius XM Series A 0.25
GL - Globe Life Inc. 0.23
MTB - M&T Bank Corp. 0.23 Down 15.72%
SYF - Synchrony Financial 0.22
RH - RH 0.21
LBTYA - Liberty Global Inc. 0.21
SU - Suncor Energy Inc. 0.16 Up 28.45%
SIRI - Sirius XM Holdings Inc. 0.15 62.24% decrease
LBTYK - Liberty Global Inc. C 0.08
BIIB - Biogen Inc. 0.08
JNJ - Johnson & Johnson 0.02
PG - Procter & Gamble 0.02
VOO - Vanguard S&P 500 ETF 0.01
MDLZ - Mondelez International 0.01
LILA - Liberty LiLAC Group A 0.01
LILAK - Liberty LiLAC Group C 0.01
SPY - SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust 0.01
UPS - United Parcel Service 0.00
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Warren Buffett's investment portfolio (Q2 2020)

This is history. What is the portfolio for Q1 21?


2020.12.07 09:12

SBER seems to be going for 280
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Warren Buffett investment portfolio (Q2 2020)

Warren Buffett's investment portfolio, and at the same time his company Berkshire Hathaway, as of Q2 2020 consists of shares in 44 companies. The great investor's stock portfolio is valued at $202 billion. Let's find out which companies Warren Buffett invests in.

Warren Buffett's stock portfolio

Name % in the portfolio Last activity
AAPL - Apple Inc. 44.18
BAC - Bank of America Corp. 10.85
KO - Coca Cola Co. 8.83
AXP - American Express 7.13
KHC - Kraft Heinz Co. 5.13
MCO - Moody's Corp. 3.35
WFC - Wells Fargo 3.00 Down 26.49%.

I wonder when Apple will start leaking. He does believe in Coke AmExpress, Bank of America and JP Morgan. What's wrong with Pepsi?