What, again? - page 2


And also in the MT5 mobile app for iOS the symbol table has disappeared and a duplicate of the real account has appeared.

By the way, guys, check - has anyone else also lost the indent setting on the right when long-pressing on the chart in the app?


More about the stars.

On many products, the stars have 'faded'.

What does this mean?



All statistics - ratings, reviews, bounces, purchases - are gone

The display of statistics and reviews has been restored.

We apologise for the inconvenience.


Black Tuesday.

There are threads on EN forum with such questions too.

So far we know that some kind of feedback system is being implemented. I think the developers will fix it and bring it up to date.

For now it is known that the stars are revoked when the product is transferred from free to the paid version. This really makes sense so that there is no cheating.

But if there's anything else, it's also advisable to know. Because to lose reviews because of, say, a price change from 100 to 99 would be completely illogical. Explanations are needed, at least in a brief, acceptable way, of what can and cannot be done.

Pavel Kozlov:

The display of statistics and feedback has been restored.

We apologise for the inconvenience.

NOT restored...

Pavel Kozlov:

The display of statistics and feedback has been restored.

We apologise for the inconvenience.

How is it that the top products from the Popular tab in the Market almost never appear in the bestseller lists in the Site Chronicle or in emails from MKL?

Andrey Barinov:

How is it that the top products from the Popular tab in the Market almost never appear in the bestseller lists in the Site Chronicle or in emails from MKL?

It happened a couple of days ago. Either it's a glitch or it was the idea.

Volha Loyeva:

it happened a couple of days ago. Either it was a glitch or it was meant to be.

This has always happened. It's just that the top ones used to be in letters and chronicles more often

Pavel Kozlov:

The display of statistics and feedback has been restored.

We apologise for the inconvenience.

Thank you for your work and explanations!

Unfortunately, the stars have not been restored after the reviews were restored.

The stars, which affect the ranking of products in search, remained white.


Vadim Zotov:

Thank you for your work and explanations!

Unfortunately, the stars were not restored after the reviews were restored.

The stars, which affect the ranking of products in search, remained white.

Everything will be back to normal tomorrow.
If not, please contact Service Desk and we will deal with the issue on an individual basis.