Self-learning the MQL5 language from scratch - page 4


Roman for the video thank you! I have a feeling it's going to be a sleepless night tonight, there's a lot to learn.

Regards, Vladimir.

don't listen to this expert, working with codes here you will gradually grasp everything, and in c++ only the points you already understand


Go to this guy's channel and start watching from the beginning.
There are many lessons there. Mql is a C-like language, so the lessons will give you a basic understanding.

Thanks Roman, I will do so!

Sincerely, Vladimir.


don't listen to this expert, working with code here, you will grasp everything gradually, and in c++ the points are already clear

That's who not to listen to, it's you.
He does recommendations,. and how a person asked a question, then sorry I don't know myself ))



The hardest thing here is to learn identifiers, do they teach this in C++?

or rather, you can learn and apply identifiers due to a brilliant knowledge of C++, the answer is no, they can only be applied through experience and enthusiasm.


Don't listen to this expert, working with codes here you will gradually grasp everything, and in c++ only the points you already understand

I want the opinion of every forum member. Especially at this stage. But thank you for the tip anyway!

Sincerely, Vladimir.



The hardest part here is learning identifiers, is that what they teach you in C++?

What the hell are identifiers at the beginning? If a person doesn't know what a loop is ))
They don't need to be taught, they are all described in the documentation.
A person needs a base first, and then the mql syntax.


What the hell are identifiers at the start? If you don't know what a cycle is))

Read the threads I suggested. Everything is clear and easy to understand there, with acknowledgments from users, and addressed to MQL, not to c++.

With C++ you can only get the basic rules of a function, and the one who knows and uses all identifiers rules here


And where are you taking him then, read the topics I suggested yourself, everything is easy and clear there, with user acknowledgements, and specifically addressed to MQL, not to c++

Leading to a meaningful programming and not the birth of another woeful coder.


That's who you don't need to listen to.
The person asking the question, I'm sorry I don't know myself ))

Please excuse me but I wouldn't want this thread to devolve into an altercation between forum members. Believe me, I care about the opinion of any participant. Time will put everything in its place, who was right and who was wrong. I am always respectful to all participants, because your level of knowledge is several orders of magnitude higher than that of any other average person.

So once again I ask you to be restrained in your attitude to each other!

Sincerely, Vladimir.


Leading into meaningful programming, not the birth of another woeful coder.

I don't think you can use MQL features if you know c++