What is the difference between a Successful Trader and an average Trader? - page 16


Do you understand that the pattern you have built repeats the price movement with

Estimate Fit: 0.971

RMSE: 0.001

R2: 0.971

It's essentially a price chart, just in a different form, the one that's convenient to me ))

No. I do not decipher digitized mats. Please translate into Russian.

Vitaliy Maznev:

No. I don't decipher digitised swear words. Please translate into Russian.

Your answer is the answer to the topical question.


Do you understand that the pattern you have built repeats the price movement with

Estimate Fit: 0.971

RMSE: 0.001

R2: 0.971

In fact it's a price chart, but in a different form, the one that is convenient to me ))


this is a man's idea against the market........

the only person the market can't beat is himself.

he doesn't care about the rest.


Your answer is the answer to the topical question.

So are you hiding some important idea in these values that is beyond the reach of average minds?

Basically, if my answer clearly characterises the average, then I don't see any superiority of the successful from that. If success is all about puncturing the ponce, then there would be something to aspire to.

Vitaliy Maznev:

So, are you hiding some important idea in these values that is inaccessible to average minds?

Basically, if my answer clearly characterises the average, then I don't see any superiority of the successful from this. If success is all about puncturing the ponce, then there would be something to aspire to.

It turns out that yes, that the average mind doesn't know what it's about.
No superiority or ego, it's just that when the interlocutor isn't on topic, there's no point in talking about anything.


It turns out that, yes, the average mind does not understand what we are talking about.
There's no superiority or ego, it's just that when the person you're talking to is not in the loop, there's no point in talking about anything.

Today, Google and other systems (including this resource) have practically removed language barriers. You can translate an expression from any language with a single copy, or even a click, without knowing the original language. And if you see a problem expressing your ideas in the languages you use, it's not a flaw in what you see with your average mind. It's more a goal scored against his own goal by a grandmaster of elite blood. :)

Vitaliy Maznev:

Today, Google and other systems (including this resource) have virtually removed language barriers. ...

I can't remember how many years this has been on Google

Renat Akhtyamov:

I can't remember how many years it's been on Google

Well, apparently elite maths education hasn't gotten to that point yet. Otherwise I can't appreciate such an exquisite manoeuvre.

Vitaliy Maznev:
What I want to say: I personally do not see any example when a mortal with $50-200 a month, due to his analysis became the master of the market. And here according to some of these examples as much as 5%. It seems to me that this 5%, if they are, they, firstly, didn't start from such common beginnings, in which the majority of citizens are. And secondly, there is a minuscule proportion of them who actually make a profit as traders on a regular basis. For the most part, these 5% have outside sources of income. For example from positioning themselves as part of the successful 5% and motivating the rest, but not from the trading and independent analysis itself.
The 5% are those who trade stock portfolios, with large starting capital, on the fund and long term, more often in trust through professionals than themselves. And those who "flicker" in the market do not live long.

When I came to these pros and said I wanted to trade futures, they looked out, said they did not do it and sent me to a broker. However, it was these pros who increased my father's investments six-fold in three years.
Реter Konow:
The 5% are those who trade portfolios of stocks, with a large initial capital, on a fund and for the long term, more often in trust through professionals than themselves. And "flickers" do not live long in the market.

It's quite possible. But this is not, in principle, out of the realm of what I am talking about. There is no point in talking about successful traders if that success itself inherently requires superpowers which are not available to everyone.

I am far from the stock markets, in principle. But there is no absolute breakeven there either. The same large capitals are also periodically lost.

Hence the question remains: what successful traders are we talking about? People simply use every opportunity available to them. And if we divide it into 95% and 5%, it is not the way they are trying to do in this thread.