How can you sell something on the Market if that's what's going on there ... - page 11

Реter Konow:

I'm certainly not going to ban anything. This is the most ineffective method. I just apply the measures I think are appropriate and that's that.))

neither you, nor I, nor anyone else discussing it....)))

the problem of ownership and rights of use of digital products is eternal, there is some regulation by the laws of countries, but in Russia, this practice is essentially absent, it all comes down to a technical hack - this is a violation, but if you do not broke, and it already works without paying - there is no violation

And in the examples, bought a game on the XBOX, played it, and then went to a friend's house with the disc - is this the violation? Does it work? And on AVito I sold a disc with the game - is this the violation?

Igor Makanu:

measures neither you, nor I, nor anyone else discussing anything.... so we're arguing about it )))

the problem of ownership and rights of use of digital products is eternal, there is some regulation by the laws of countries, but in Russia, this practice is essentially absent, it all comes down to technical hacking - this is a violation, but if you don't break, and it already works without paying - there is no violation

And in the examples, bought a game on the XBOX, played it, and then went to a friend's house with the disc - has this broken the law? Does it work? And on AVito I sold a disc with the game - did I break the law?

No, I didn't until I started charging money for the game. Then he was in breach.

If part of the profit from the sale automatically went to the copyright holder, then everything is fine, but if the game was sold in the yard and all the money goes into your pocket - a violation.

Although, about the sale on AVito could be wrong. There seems to be a legal site. I'm talking about underground sales.

ZS. I'm not an expert in different legal nuances, but if I'm not mistaken, selling someone else's intellectual property without the consent of the copyright holder is a violation.

Реter Konow:

No, I didn't until I started charging for the game. That's when he was in breach.

If part of the profit from the sale automatically went to the copyright holder, then everything is fine, but if the game was sold in the yard and all the money goes into the pocket, it is an infringement.

Although, about the sale on AVito could be wrong. There seems to be a legal site. I'm talking about underground sales.

Domestic law regulates these issues, as do foreign sellers when entering other markets

and avito has nothing to do with it, they are also just a service between seller and buyer, the only thing they monitor the circulation of illegal things, and again not by their will but by the will of legislators who dump on them this control bylaws

ZS: do not even know how legal to sell XBOX and Live-Account to it, the account should be registered, by your logic, you can not by the logic of selling used consoles in Russia - it's not a problem, all sell and buy

Igor Makanu:

Domestic legislation regulates these issues, and foreign sellers take these things into account when entering other markets

and avito has nothing to do with it, they are also just a service between seller and buyer, the only thing they monitor the circulation of illegal things, and again not by their will but by the will of the legislators who dump this control on them by the bylaws

ZS: I do not even know how legal to sell XBOX and Live-Account to it, the account should be registered, by your logic, you can not by the logic of selling used consoles in Russia - it's not a problem, all sell and buy

These are complex issues. I do not know everything either. It seems that you can (or can't) sell used items, but in the case of intellectual property, it seems to me, everything is much more obvious. Definitely, you can't sell someone else's intellectual property without the consent of the copyright holder. It's definitely an infringement.

Unlike a game console (which you can't copy on a computer), a financial software program, a book or a song is produced in endless copies, and if everyone were to sell it, the concept of intellectual property would disappear.

I should add that preserving intellectual property is a matter of preserving its market. Without the protection of authors' rights, the whole market would descend into anarchy and cease to exist.
Igor Makanu:

And in the examples, bought a game on XBOX, played it, and then went to a friend's house with this disc - is this a violation? does it work? and on avito sold a disc with the game - is this a violation?

This is similar to "giving away your activation" because you won't be able to use the game at the same time.

And if you copied the disc, you've broken the law, of course.

Igor Makanu:

and is there a clause in the Market rules that if I make a purchase, I am obliged to install products on PCs on which my tangible ownership is confirmed?

What is the purpose of the posts? Universal justice? So don't give a shit about it.

It's obvious that the product is being sold to the same buyer. The question is whether this can be controlled effectively without making life difficult for honest customers.

Andrey Khatimlianskii:

And if you have copied the drive, you are in breach, of course.

there! and it's not possible to copy EA from Market to another PC, is it?

i still stick to my opinion: if the customer does not violate the integrity of the purchased product, and if he bought a product and XXX activation, he has the right to do with activations what he can think of

but if it is not technically possible, then the circumvention of installations on other computers should be considered on the basis of how it happens

SZS: not convinced, everything works, all legal in the Market )))).

Andrey Khatimlianskii:

It's pretty clear that the product is sold to a single customer. The question is whether it can be controlled effectively without making life difficult for honest customers.

is not clear, I wrote - technically sales are made to an account that has an account on myle or and this account must pay for the purchase

and who is in the account? - even a bot, there is no identification, so there is no question of fairness ... at most you can write on the whole internet that the account "HelloMQL" - But it's funny to write about the account, and who am I to blame? - to a nonnome account?

So we're walking around in uncertainty about who is to blame, with an emphasis on the wrong customer )))

Igor Makanu :

there! and it's not possible to copy EA from Market to another PC, is it?

I still stick to my opinion: if the customer does not violate the integrity of the purchased product, and having purchased the product and XXX activation, he has the right to do with activations what he thinks up

but if it is not technically possible, then the circumvention of installations on other computers should be considered on the basis of how it happens

SZS: not convinced, everything works, all legal in the Market ))))

I do not understand, I wrote - technically sales are made to an account that has an account on myle or and this account has to pay for the purchase

and who is on the account? - even a bot, there is no identification, so there is no question of fairness ... at most you can write all over the internet that the account "HelloMQL" - But it's funny to write about the account, and who am I to blame? - To a nonname account?

No, he does not have that right.

Market rules. III.2:

The buyer has no right to resell the Product purchased, neither through the Market service, nor in any other way.

This discussion is useless. Obviously, the actual buyer is in violation of market rules. The only remaining question is how to avoid this?

Well, it seems easy to check whether 5 (or more) activations from the same product are performed in a short period of time on different computers. Of course, this does not necessarily mean that there is fraud, but it would be enough to start an investigation.

Alain Verleyen:

No, he does not have that right.

Market rules. III.2:

This discussion is useless. Obviously, the real buyer is breaking market rules. The only remaining question is how to avoid it?

Well, it seems easy to check whether 5 (or more) activations from the same product are carried out in a short period of time on different computers. Of course, this does not necessarily mean there is fraud, but it would be enough to start an investigation.

Okay, at least someone found the original source.

and a buyer can install a purchased product on someone else's PC? - There is no resale, but there is a service to install the software.

I'll read the rules myself. I haven't read them in a while.


3. The purchase of the Product does not constitute an acquisition of the rights to the Product. The Product is given to the purchaser for his own personal use only.

as well as what I am writing about - the purchase of the product and activations

8. The Buyer is entitled to use the Product in accordance with the specified limitation on the number of installations.