How can you sell something on the Market if that's what's going on there ... - page 9


It can be done as follows:

The first activation would be done on the buyer's computer itself, and subsequent activations would be done after verification of the buyer's identity by MQ and the computer's ownership. I think this is technically possible.

Реter Konow:

and subsequent ones after verification of the buyer's identity by MQ and computer ownership. I think it is technically possible.

Hmm, and you think sales will increase if customers are forced to authenticate? - I think sales would drop, many times over.

Igor Makanu:

hmm, and you think sales will increase if customers are forced to be authenticated? - I think sales would drop, many times over.

It's safe to say that illegal sales of other people's intellectual property on the side would go down to zero, but fair sales would hardly go down if the procedure is made simple and fast. If at all possible.

When registering Windows on a new computer, users always enter their account. It doesn't change.

Activations can be linked to the Windows account of the first computer on which the software purchased was first installed.

Реter Konow:

When registering Windows on a new computer, users always enter their account. It does not change.

You can link the activations to the Windows account of the first computer on which you first installed the software you purchased.

I started an account after both PC and laptop updated to Win10 - i could not start it i need it for other purposes, i did not have it before, i had stickers with activation code, it is enough, i do not need an account

I doubt 99% of users are willing to do that

Igor Makanu:

I started an account after my PC and laptop upgraded to Win10 - I could have done without it, I need it for other purposes, before that was not, there were stickers with the activation code, it is enough, I do not need an account

I doubt 99% of users are willing to do this.

If customers are willing to pay $200-1000 for a product, it is logical to assume they are willing to do a lot. An account is a trifle and just serves to protect you from fraudsters. I think adequate buyers will understand. We can add activations for their understanding)).

Реter Konow:

If customers are willing to pay $200-$1000 for a product, it is logical to assume that they are willing to do a lot. An account is a trifle and merely serves to protect against fraudsters. I think adequate buyers will understand. You can add activations for their understanding)).

The point is exactly that the price is overstated and buyers are not willing to spend this amount, but are willing to spend 5 times less and are willing to give up additional activations

Igor Makanu:

We are saying that the price is too high and buyers are not prepared to spend that amount, but are prepared to spend 5 times less and are prepared to give up additional activations.

Don't say that to Peter - he gets all shook up by such theses.

Igor Makanu:

The point is exactly that the price is too high and buyers are not willing to spend that amount, but are willing to spend 5 times less and are willing to forego additional activations.

No. The point is that unscrupulous buyers have a loophole for copyright infringement. This loophole can be closed by limiting them to one activation, but you can also tie the activations to the account or find some other solution.

And lovers of freebies always were, are and will be. The main thing is not to become their victim.)

Reducing the price will not defeat the freeloaders.

Реter Konow:

No. It's about unscrupulous buyers having a loophole for copyright infringement.

show me where the Market guarantees copyright protection, I will not look, but usually all marketplaces provide a service for the sale and guarantee the safety of accounts of card transactions and everything related to money

and you can get your copyrights elsewhere and you'll have someone guaranteeing their safety.

and what about copyright infringement? - The service provides protection against hacking, so to speak, as a bonus for the seller.

Реter Konow:

No. The point is that unscrupulous buyers have a loophole for copyright infringement. This loophole can be closed by limiting them to one activation, but you can, tie the activations to an account or, find some other solution.

And lovers of freebies always were, are and will be. The main thing is not to become their victim)).

This is if you decompile the code. So if you break it, you can also break the tester version. How does this keep one activation from happening? I don't think so.