How can you sell something on the Market if that's what's going on there ... - page 4

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

reviews are "raised" through deletion - the review is deleted and re-written with a new date

Wow, thanks, didn't know that.
Alain Verleyen:

To date, there are several known methods of obtaining fake reviews:

1. Offer a free product in exchange for 5-star reviews.

There are many such reviews to prove it.

2. Even worse: If the customer is not happy, ask the seller for a refund, no problem they can get it in exchange for 5 star reviews !!!

3. require 5 star reviews to get support !!!

Please Metaquotes do something to avoid this practice. There are many honest sellers paying you many commissions who deserve the right to fair competition.

Note to moderator : please fix the translation in case it's not correct. Thank you.

"They took the woman out, put the machine gun in" (c) Kin-dza-dza. That's the whole reason.)))

Thank you for your information and honest position. Now I know more about the marketplace.
Alain Verleyen:

To date, there are several known methods of obtaining fake reviews:

1. Offer a free product in exchange for 5-star reviews.

2. Even worse: If the customer is not happy, ask the seller for a refund, no problem they can get it in exchange for 5 star reviews !!!

3. require 5 star reviews to get support !!!

Where is the violation of service rules here? The Seller does not want to give advice on the product without a review -- his right. It is the Buyer's right to report it in a negative review.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Where is the breach of service rules here? The Seller does not want to advise on the product without a recall - his right. It is the Buyer's right to report it in a negative feedback.

No, that's a far cry from the competition... This is a travesty of competition... It's not fair to bribe users. Decent people will not take advantage of such a trick, and consequently, dishonest people will get an advantage and draw out conscientious developers. Further, they will get naked and instead of quality products will push "fake" under the guise of false reviews. Deception in its purest form.
Реter Konow:
No, that's how far we'll get... This is already a travesty of competition... It's not fair to bribe users. Decent people won't take advantage of such a trick, and consequently the dishonest ones will get an advantage and draw out the conscientious developers. Further, they will get naked and instead of quality products they will sell "fake" under the guise of false reviews. Deception in its purest form.

Discounts for feedback are all too common in the service sector these days.

But in the real market, thank goodness - you don't get very far with direct deception. If a person would really leave a good review, it would motivate them.

Реter Konow :
"Baba taken out, machine put in"(c) The movie Kin-dza-dza. That's the whole reason.))

Thank you for your information and your honest position. Now, I know more about the market.

I know it's not easy to fight this practice, but I hope that at least Metaquotes will recognise the problem and start thinking of solutions.

  • The first would be to add some clauses about this in the market rules.
  • The second would be to add the ability to easily read bad reviews (e.g. Amazon) as they are now inundated with masses of "positive" reviews.

A sorting of reviews could be added:

  • By date;
  • Positive reviews first;
  • Negative first.
Oleg Remizov:

A sorting of reviews could be added:

  • By date;
  • Positive reviews first;
  • Negative first.

The sorting of reviews is categorically harmful:

-- no one will use it

-- the reviews should reflect the dynamics of the product, for example, there were complaints, there was negative feedback, improvements were made and vice versa, the excitement changed to indignation at the plummer.

Also, dividing reviews into "positive" and "negative" groups is not suitable because it does not promote objectivity and will be used for manipulation by the buyers.

one problem with feedback is that it can be "picked up" -- if this problem is eliminated, then the manipulation of feedback by the Seller will be drastically reduced.


Getting real reviews is extremely difficult and the first reason:

most customers simply don't know how to leave one (the "Leave a review" button only appeared when hovering in the right-hand corner)

The person who went to the tab of reviews - does not see and do not know that you need to point somewhere. And also sometimes they point at "Complaint" Instead of "leave a review"

So I don't understand how people who have a rating of 11-31 and registered a couple of weeks ago - KNOW where to hover to leave a review!

Sometimes people write reviews in discussions , in PMs, but not on the reviews page.

Making them leave feedback for refunds, for tech support - that's a BAD thing to do.

Offering free software in exchange for 5 stars is unfair.

Offering to leave reviews is normal practice, as they do in third party services where a week or a month after purchase - you get an email asking you to rate the work or product.

Sometimes reviews are manipulated. They write a negative review, and then in the PM offer to get money for deleting the review.

People do not always understand the expert's work, and then begin to write untruthful information about the program in reviews, without understanding it.

And the buyer has no opportunity to leave a response to the review, saying you misunderstood. We need to give the customer the opportunity to leave a response to the review.

There are many examples - I understand there will be criticism. Everyone has their own experience.

And of course we must not forget that this is forex. People who are "in the know" and know the principles are well aware that there is no perpetual motion or dough. And the expert can detect a "false signal".

My Bottom Line (IMHO):

  1. Put a "Leave a review" button in a prominent place. Let people write more often. What they like, what they don't like. That's fine. (It's not just about the "AUTOMATIC TRADEMARKER". , there are also many other utilities and programs....)
  2. Add the ability to reply to feedback to the Vendor.
  3. Prohibit lifting reviews up when updating (delete) - I honestly did not even know about this.
  4. Offer to evaluate the program automatically (letter, PM), after 1 month of use.
  5. Prohibit delete an item that has accumulated a lot of negative feedback, then just put up the same clean.

This is just my imho, which I have suggested doing many times already.

There are many more "suggestions" that would be handy to use the marketplace.


Price manipulation -- the stated price is $30k and dozens of reviews.

If you make system notes on the News page about price changes, it will be clear, for example, that all the reviews are free downloads.

There is an active practice on Market, when a product is put up for free -- for it in 1-2 days to create rave reviews hysteria from "Seller & Co" -- and then put up a price -- so there is an impression of a huge "queue of satisfied customers" -- although in fact there were no buyers at all -- and those who bought the stupidly divorced on a "marketing hook".