Trend vs Flat - page 6


I don't really need it.)

I've done everything the way I wanted without it.

I have no impulses there - everything is very simple and clumsy, that is why it works as smoothly as a Kalashnikov.

But you cannot make money on it, like on all other indicators.

you cannot build a building on swamps; even the coolest and most modern building will collapse without a foundation.

it is the same with indicators.

about the pulses - it takes five minutes, check it out, ....

the same goes for indicators. the kalashnikov automatic works more reliably.


You can make money.

You cannot outrun the price, it is a fact.

It is possible to predict where it is going, from the chart we haul the volumes of buying and selling

Mochi, you can do it.

Renat Akhtyamov:


so be it

but price does not walk in a straight line, there are some deviations from the speed of movement

swamp, earth, well ..... what am i talking about?


price can go very volatile, weakly volatile. but never up or down. never.

Renat Akhtyamov:

A Kalashnikov machine gun works more reliably


There's money to be made.

There is no way to outrun the price, that's a fact.

It is possible to predict where it is going, from the chart we draw the volumes of purchases and sales

Mochi, you can do it.

How much money must be deposited to start the experiment and is there a minimal equity value below which it is not possible to start, etc. How much do you need?

You could do crowdfunding, among local people. You could even do it in PAMM format (not public, on the link, for those who want to contribute).I mean alps, there's a PAMM there. Or maybe only some/several companies will work, not all...?

I would like to make a contribution. Very interesting result (i.e. I would contribute with the aim of gaining something in case of success. No success - no problem - I will lose the money contributed).

Either publicly or in private, as you prefer).

Renat Akhtyamov:

about impulses - it's a matter of 5 minutes, check it out, ....

A Kalashnikov machine gun works more reliably


There's money to be made.

There is no way to outrun the price, it's a fact

Where it's going - you can predict, from the chart drag the volume of buying and selling

Mochi, you can do it

predict...let's see your next 10 such graphical theories.

Otherwise, in your own words, your answer:

Renat Akhtyamov:

about the pulses - it takes 5 minutes, check it out, ....

A Kalashnikov machine gun works more reliably


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategies testing

From Theory to Practice

Renat Akhtyamov, 2019.11.18 18:05

It's a few hours old.

i had some before, but all were pseudo and different.

and here, you know, oh my god!

it all came together in one chip and somehow it all fit together.

In this strategy, everything I tried to do separately.

Each one of them alone was entitled to life.

but as they say, not long ;)

My idea is not a bowl (though it's very figurative and similar), it's a black hole where traders' money is poured in.

And the interesting thing is that it's going to happen in any case, without any options.

What kind of a "Kalashnikov machine" do you have?)


to predict...let's see your next 10 such countless theories.

Otherwise, in your own words, I'll answer you:

Yes, you're right.

Anything that goes beyond the cause of the braking indicators, wait for an answer in this thread...

Renat Akhtyamov:

Yeah, you're right.

Anything beyond the cause of the braking of the indicators, wait for an answer in this thread...

I just wanted you to listen to your own words if not listen to me.

It is a pity to lose a talented scientist in our ranks, and Alexander_K and Alexander_K2 have probably already been lost with his"graalenose" thoughts))


I just wanted you to listen to your own words, if not to me.

It is a pity to lose a talented scientist in our ranks, and we have apparently lost Alexander_K and Alexander_K2 with his "graalenose" thoughts))

Genghis, I tell you, and I don't listen to anyone

if I've already been through such a thing, well...

you can go, it'll just be a long time, you won't have time to earn it ;)

and I'm not a scientist, much less you, sorry, fact

it's as dumb as an egg, it's stupid to be called a scientist ...


Renat Akhtyamov:

Genghis, I tell, and I don't listen to anyone

If I've already been through this, well...

you can go, it'll just be a long time, you won't have time to earn it ;)

and i'm not a scientist, much less you, sorry, fact

it's as dumb as an egg, it's stupid to be called a scientist ... ;)

I don't know about you, but in general I've learned an important fact:
The simpler the principle the more complicated the theory on which the principle is based
If the theory is simple, then the principle will inevitably become more complicated due to flaws in the theoretical part.
I don't know about you, but in general I have deduced an important fact for myself:
The simpler the principle, the more complicated the theory is
If the theory is simple, the principle will inevitably become more complicated due to flaws in the theory.


the result is more important than anything else.

the main thing is that there are no general theoretical definitions
