Server version in Opener - page 12


Well, Discovery's Answer:

Похоже, что нашли слабое место в сети.
Замена оборудования у сетевых специалистов займет примерно 2-3 месяца.
В связи с этим мы выключили сервера доступа которые работают через это слабое место до замены оборудования.

Посмотрите, пожалуйста, как будет дальше и дайте обратную связь при возможности.

All we have to do is wait....

But on the IV access point they left

2020.04.10 16:12:17.414 Trades  'ххххх': sell limit 1.00 Eu-9.20 at 82966
2020.04.10 16:12:41.009 Trades  'ххххх': accepted sell limit 1.00 Eu-9.20 at 82966
2020.04.10 16:12:41.012 Trades  'ххххх': sell limit 1.00 Eu-9.20 at 82966 placed for execution in 23601.977 ms

Not minutes, of course....


Well, Discovery's Answer:

All we have to do is wait....

But on the IV access point they left

Not minutes, of course....

Bottom line, are there any access points with no problems identified?

Now I see II, IV, V. It turns out that they are just the best and, partly, the ones left.
Alexey Kozitsyn:

Bottom line, are there any access points without identified problems?

Now I see II, IV, V. It turns out that these are the best and, partly, the ones left behind.

Hard to say "no problems", there are "good" ones left, according to opener



In Otkritie the traffic (over time does not change all the time 152 / 0 Mb)

And in BCS it changes



In Otkritie the traffic (over time does not change all the time 152 / 0 Mb)

And it changes in BCS

In Otkritie it just counts in megabytes, but in BCS it's still kilobytes

Alexey Kozitsyn:

In opening it just counts as megabytes already, but in BCS it counts as more kilobytes

Thanks, didn't pay attention :)


@prostotrader if memory serves me correctly, you mentioned somewhere the possibility to programmatically determine the name of the next futures. Like, the current Rts-6.20 and the next Rts-9.20 should be determined programmatically.

Something I can not find anything at all on this subject. If there is a solution please share.

Alexey Viktorov:

@prostotrader if memory serves me correctly, you said somewhere about the possibility to programmatically determine the name of the next futures. Like, the current Rts-6.20 and the next Rts-9.20 should be determined programmatically.

Something I can not find anything at all on this subject. If there is a solution please share.

Here is the function

//| Expert set second symbol function                                |
string SetSecSymbol(const string aSymbol)
  int str_tire = StringFind(aSymbol, "-");
  int str_tochka = StringFind(aSymbol, ".", str_tire);
  int str_size = StringLen(aSymbol);
  if((str_tire > 0) && (str_tochka > 0) && (str_size > 0))
    string str_month = StringSubstr(aSymbol, str_tire + 1, str_tochka - str_tire - 1);
    string str_year = StringSubstr(aSymbol, str_tochka + 1, str_size - str_tochka - 1);
    long aMonth = StringToInteger(str_month);
    long aYear = StringToInteger(str_year);
    if((aMonth > 0) && (aYear > 0))
      long n_month = aMonth + long(NextFutMonth);
      long add_year = (n_month - 1) / 12;
      aYear += add_year;
      str_year = IntegerToString(aYear); 
      aMonth = n_month - add_year * 12;
      str_month = IntegerToString(aMonth);
      if(StringLen(str_year) == 1)
        str_year = "0" + str_year;
      return(StringSubstr(aSymbol, 0, str_tire + 1) + str_month + "." + str_year);

NextFutMonth = 3 (1)


Here is the function

NextFutMonth = 3 (1)

Thank you.

ps You are assuming that the futures can either be traded for 1 month or 3 months and there are no other options. And you insert either 1 or 3 for different terms?
Alexey Viktorov:

Thank you.

ps You are assuming that a futures can trade either 1 month or 3 months and there are no other options. And for different terms you insert either 1 or 3?

There is another option, for copper (there seems to be 2 and 5),

all other futures are either 3 or 1 month.

You can automatically substitute the month.

bool CheckOneMonth(const string a_symb)
  if((StringFind(a_symb,"BR-") == 0) || (StringFind(a_symb, "CL-") == 0) ||
     (StringFind(a_symb, "GLD-") == 0) || (StringFind(a_symb, "RVI-") == 0) ||
     (StringFind(a_symb, "UINR-") == 0) || (StringFind(a_symb, "Al-") == 0) ||
     (StringFind(a_symb, "Zn-") == 0) || (StringFind(a_symb, "Nl-") == 0) ||
     (StringFind(a_symb, "Co-") == 0) || (StringFind(a_symb, "NG-") == 0))