Forex is a scam - page 9


Well, can you?

I've so far made it to 10-30000 in a couple of years from a thousand. So far the limit :D but even that's enough to spare.
I got to 10-30000 in a couple of years from a thousand so far. so far the limit :D but even that's enough to spare.

Great game!

And I 'reached' 90000 from a thousand in 'a couple of years'.

Come on, it's your move again.

I have so far come to 10-30000 for a couple of years with a thousand. so far the limit :D but even that is enough in reserve.

Great game!

And I 'made it' to 90000 from a thousand in 'a couple of years'.

Come on, it's your move.

Not enough guys, I've already made a lot on one deal and I've got a lot more to come).


Below are pictures of my 6 different drained accounts with a few kilobucks.

Show pictures from the other drained accounts too

Below are pictures of my 6 different drained accounts with a few kilobucks.

On different pairs.

At different times.

The last picture is the current euro.

A coincidence? I don't think so )

Try to open a demo account with the same amount of money that you lost. You might be surprised with the results, but you probably won't even double the amount of your demo deposit before you sink it or get close to zero. And if virtual money can't be increased, never mind real money.

The thing is that all open positions (even in demo accounts) go through the brokerage company to a global server. There this data is processed and depending on current open positions and registered orders the server decides where and how to move the price to lose 95%. You have seen yourself more than once - as soon as you open a position, the price goes wherever you want, but not to your profit.

Moreover, imagine the situation: you have a $1,000 and your uncle owns a bank. To earn something at the exchange operation you have to operate with a sum not of USD 1,000, but many times larger. Your uncle is an idiot, he has a lot of money, he does not need it, he is an altruist and a philanthropist - he decides: "I will give him (you) credit money of the order of several tens of thousands of dollars and for that I will take only 0.0000000000000000000000000000001% and let him become richer with my money. It's better than using his own money and getting richer himself.


The point is that the data on all open positions (even on demo accounts) is sent via brokers to one global server. There this data is processed and depending on current open positions and registered orders the server decides where and how to move the price to lose 95%. You have seen yourself more than once - as soon as you open a position and the price moves anywhere but towards your profit.

Yes, that's how it is.

There is a global forex server waiting for the moment when you open a position at 0.01 lot on a cent account to close it.

Spring is here. )


Yes, that's exactly right.

There is a global forex server who is watching for the moment when you open a 0.01 lot position in a cent account to close it.

Spring is here. )

So you see. And you agree. Facts are stubborn things.



You have seen it yourself more than once - as soon as you open a position, the price goes anywhere but in the direction of your profit.

OK, you open a sell with 0.01 lot, the global server sees that the total lot in buy is thousands of times bigger, where is it more profitable to move the price?


Below are pictures of my 6 different drained accounts with a few kilobucks.

On different pairs.

At different times.

The last picture is the current euro.

A coincidence? I don't think so )

Imagine the following situation: 1. You have a TV set in your house, you go to watch it and you realize that there is nothing to prevent you from doing what you want. What do you do? - Most likely take the remote control (assuming the TV is modern in this example) and press the power button. What happens next? The TV either turns on or it does not. If it switches on, OK, you have reached your goal and are watching TV. If it doesn't, what does? Given that your desire is irresistible you decide to understand the problem, why the TV does not turn on. What are the possible reasons? The remote control is broken, the batteries are dead, the TV is broken, there is no electricity, you do not press the button, you do not press hard enough, or all of the above. Suppose you find out the reason and switch the TV on and sit back and watch it. (Or it turns on at the first attempt and you watch it). When a problem arises which prevents you from watching TV, you fix it and then control the process.

2. In the case of Forex it will look like this: you will click on the remote control and either turn it on or not. If you switch it on, it may switch off "by itself". If you turn it on, it will either go off by itself or work, and you won't turn it off when you need to turn it off. If you switch it off, it will switch on by itself at any time.

Forex is a kind of public television where you are not the only one who decides whether to turn it on or not. You are not the only one who decides what to watch.

Do you like living in a shared flat with one TV for everybody? Are you still trying to watch what you want on it? Do you think you can do it ... Well, if you consider the fact that the TV was brought to your flat and given to you by kind uncles, and even for free, and how and from where this TV is controlled you do not know exactly what to do in this situation?

The conclusion is obvious - you have to keep trying to see what you want.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Ok you have opened a sell with 0.01 lot, but the global server sees that in the buy the total lot is thousands of times bigger, where is it more profitable to move the price?

First down to dump the buy and then according to the situation. After all 001 lot is obviously less than 95% of those who should lose. And then the price moves in a straight line? But you as the owner of 001 lot still can't see who is standing where, and in n-o-number of steps your lot 001 will be standing in the direction of those 95% positions.