Looking for patterns - page 170


Read my post carefully, I didn't write that.

In general, these zones can be used to determine if there is a trend. If the trend is up, the indicators of such zones usually go into overbought zone, but do not reach the oversold zone and vice versa.

Thank you, it is informative


Hi, I can tell thoughts of overbought.

I think it's like this. The human eye or indicator seeks out certain dimensions, which it considers standard. In the case of an indicator it may be the period of oscillation or the amplitude.

So, an observer looks at the first movement - OK, everything seems to be standard, it means that there is no overbought. He looks at the second movement - also seems to be normal. He looks at the third one - a definite reverse trend. Somewhere, as it exceeds the previous values, the overbought/oversold trend will occur. And so it happens with everyone at the same time. Without a conspiracy, after some time, everyone turns on a reversal. Well, sometimes everyone is taken out for prevention.

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Hi, I can tell thoughts of overbought.

I think it's like this. The human eye or indicator seeks out certain dimensions, which it considers standard. In the case of an indicator it may be the period of oscillation or the amplitude.

So, an observer looks at the first movement, OK, everything seems to be standard, it means that there is no overbought. He looks at the second one, it seems to be OK. He looks at the third one and there is a reverse trend. Somewhere, as it exceeds the previous values, the overbought/oversold trend will occur. And so it happens for everyone at the same time. Without a conspiracy, after a while, everyone turns on a reversal. Well, sometimes they all get taken out for prevention.

Cleverly said :) But overbought is at a certain stage and then it becomes the norm.

Well, yes, I guess so. If the dimensions change, everyone gets used to the new ones. This periodic change is the reason why everyone leaks. It's hard to adjust. I guess.
Vladimir Baskakov:
There are no overbought and oversold zones, absurd

There is. The other thing is that classically is usually defined - this is not the case at all. It needs to be done a little differently. It's like pumping up a laser, for example, or a thunderstorm, for example. Energy (money in the markets) can only accumulate up to a certain limit, then inevitably there is a breakdown and a discharge.

Oil was recently worth less than 0. What zones could we be talking about at all?
Vladimir Baskakov:

By the way, Vladimir, I met a man here, he has the same badge and a picture of the same team in his personal profile. A foreigner though.

Aleksei Stepanenko:

By the way, Vladimir, met a man here, he has the same badge and a picture of the same team in his personal file.

Yes, rugby is an honest sport, not like football, all with bangs, fucking millionaires.

Yeah, it's great! I'm not really into sports, though, I'm not into it for some reason.


There are no overbought and oversold zones, of course.

As long as there's money in your pocket, there will be a trend.
