Looking for patterns - page 154

Aleksandr Yakovlev:
Here are the statistics on updates over 10 years

Yes, that's right, we should make such a script, it's not clear without the statistics.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Breakdowns are different. Before it was fast, almost without consolidation, now it stalls for a long time, and then it either breaks or rebounds. In the past, short stops worked, but now it is more often a stop out, so the system stops working.

This is "The market has changed".

The pattern of price movement does not change. What changes is the volatility (the nature of the movement).

Again, the example of the man. He moved his blanks and he still does.

He just takes his time or vice versa. At the same time he does not even forget to stumble)))).

The market works the same way - as it builds its patterns.

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Yes, that's right, we should make such a script, it's not clear without the statistics.

Ha, the red button is in)))

Aleksandr Yakovlev:

Ha, the red button is in)))

This one? Get down, guys!

Aleksandr Yakovlev:

There is no point in checking. And check what?

That it updates the lows and highs.

So there is such a thing. Write a script to update lows or maxes...

And what will it give? An entry point? No. An imaginary probability of reversal? Doubtful.

Price could go further.

It could go so far that it blows through all the stops.

What am I saying though....

They told the man not to press this red button....

What will he do?))

Well he didn't reveal all his plans, what he's going to do with this script. Suppose he is going to use it to identify some symptoms that will cause the price to reverse after the price extremum updating with the probability of 90%. On this basis, he will be able to form the conditions for the market entry signal.

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Совершение сделок - Торговые операции - Справка по MetaTrader 5
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Once upon a time there lived a priest,
A thick-haired forehead.
Pop went to the market
to look for some goods.
Towards him the hobo
Walks, not knowing where he is going.
"Why, father, are you up so early?
What are you looking for?"
Pop answers: "I need a worker:
Cook, groom and carpenter.
Where can I find such a
servant who is not too expensive?"
Balda says: "I will serve you gloriously,
diligently and very diligently,
In a year for three slicks on your forehead,
But give me boiled spelt."
The priest thought about it,
He began to scratch his forehead.
He clicked his forehead.
But he relied on the Russian chance.
The priest says to Balda: "All right.
It won't be too expensive for both of us.
Come live in my farmstead,
. Show your diligence and diligence."
Balda lives in the priest's house,
Sleeps on straw,
Eats for four,
Works for seven;
Till the dawn he dances everything,
He harnesses the horse, ploughs the field,
He floods the cooker, prepares and purchases everything,
He bakes an egg and peels it.
The priestess is not pleased with Balda,
Popovna is only sad about Balda,
Popenok calls him "kasha";
She makes porridge, coddles her child.
Only Popovok doesn't like Balda,
He never cuddles him,
He often thinks of the reckoning;
Time is running out, and the time is near.
The priest neither eats nor drinks, nor sleeps at night:
His forehead is cracking beforehand.
So he confesses to the priest:
"So what's left to do?"
A woman's wit is smart,
He's good at all sorts of tricks.
The priest says: "I know a remedy,
How to remove such misery from us:
Order Balda's service, so that it becomes impossible for him;
And demand that he performs it precisely.
In this way you will save your forehead from punishment
And you will send Balda away without retribution.
The priest's heart began to cheer up,
He began to look at the Fool more bravely.
So he shouted: "Come here,
My faithful servant Balda.
Listen: the devils have undertaken to pay
a tribute to me till I die;
I could not have earned a better income,
But there are three years' arrears on them.
When you've had enough of your spelt bread,
Get me a full tribute from the devils."
Balda, not arguing in vain with the priest,
He went and sat down by the sea;
There he began to twist the rope
And the end of it washed into the sea.
And out of the sea came the old Imp:
"Why did you, Balda, come to us?"
- I want to use the rope to wring the sea,
I want to make you, damned tribe, look bad. -
The old devil's got his wits about him.
"Tell me, why this disgrace?"
What for? You don't pay your tribute,
You don't remember your due;
That'll be your fun,
You dogs are a great nuisance. -
"Bally, wait till you wrinkle the sea,
You'll soon get your tribute in full.
Wait, I'll send my grandson to you."
The Fool thinks: "That's not a thing to spend!"
A little devil sent by him,
He mewls like a hungry kitten:
"Hello, Fool, little man;
What do you want the tribute for?
We've never heard of tribute,
No such sorrow to the devils.
So be it so - take it from the deal,
From our common deal -
So that from now on there will be no grief for anyone:
Whoever of us will sooner by the sea,
That one will take the full tribute,
Meanwhile the sack will be prepared there.
Balda laughed slyly:
"What are you thinking, right?
Where can you compete with me,
With me, with Balda himself?
What a foe they sent!
Wait for my little brother."
Balda went to the nearby woods,
Caught two rabbits, and put them in a sack.
He comes to the sea again,
He finds a demon by the sea.
Balda holds one little rabbit by the ears:
"Come and dance to our balalaika:
You, little devil, are still young,
You are too weak to compete with me;
It would only be a waste of time.
You'll have to outrun my brother first.
One, two, three! Catch up."
The little devil and the little hare set off:
The little devil walked along the sea shore,
And the little hare walked to his home in the woods.
The little devilranaround the sea,
sticking out his tongue and raising his face,
The little devil ran panting,
All wet, wiping with his paw,
Thinking: he will do well with Balda.
Look - and Balda is stroking his brother,
saying: "My beloved brother,
Tired, you poor thing! Take a rest, my dear."
The little devil is dazed,
Tucked up his tail, completely subdued.
He looks at his brother sideways.
"Wait," he says, "I'll get the tribute.
He went to his grandfather and said: "Trouble!
The little Balda has overtaken me!"
The old Imp started thinking.
And the little devil made such a noise,
that the whole sea was disturbed
And the waves just went apart.
The Demon came out: "Come on, little man,
We'll send you all the tribute -
Just listen. Do you see this stick?
Choose your favourite mark.
Whoever throws the stick next,
Let him carry the tribute away.
Well, are you afraid of dislocating your arms?
What are you waiting for?"- I'm waiting for that cloud over there;
I'll throw your stick there,
And I'll start a scramble with you devils."
The devil frightened him and went to Grandpa,
To tell about Balda's victory,
And Balda over the sea again murmurs
And threatens the devils with a rope.
The devil came out again: "What are you bothering about?
I'll give you a tribute, if you want..."
- No, says Balda,
Now it's my turn,
I'll set the conditions myself,
I'll give you a task, little fiend.
Let's see how strong you are.
See that blue mare over there?
You pick up the mare,
And carry her half a mile;
If you bring down the mare, the tribute is yours;
If you don't bring down the mare, the tribute is mine. -
The poor devil
Under the mare,
Raised the mare, took two steps,
On the third fell down, stretched out his legs.
And Balda to him: "You silly devil,
Where did you follow us?
You couldn't pull it down with your hands,
And I, look, I will pull it down between your legs.
The Imp got on the mare,
He rode a mile, so that the dust rose.
The little devil got scared andwentto his grandfather
to tell him about such a victory.
Nothing to do - the devils collected the tribute
And put a sack on Balduke.
Balda walks and grunts,
But the priest, seeing Balda, jumps up,
He hides behind the priest,
With fright he kneels.
The jerk finds him,gives him his tribute, and demands payment.
The poor priest
He put up his forehead:
From the first crack
The priest jumped to the ceiling;
From the second crack
The priest lost his tongue;
And from the third crack
The old man's mind was blown out.
And Balda reproached him:
"You shouldn't chase after cheapness, priest ".
Aleksandr Yakovlev:

Price movement pattern

Interesting innovation)))) Can you explain in more detail what the movement structure means, how it is measured, what are the parameters of this structure)))) I cannot understand the structure of infinite series)

Glad the topic has come to life.... off-topic, but still)
The pattern of price movement does not change. What changes is the volatility (the nature of the movement).

Опять же пример с человеком. Он как переставлял свои заготовки так и переставляет.

He just takes his time or vice versa. And he doesn't forget to stumble)))ack the market, the way he builds his patterns is the same.

Yes - the structure of movement, the patterns in the markets never change. Only the size/span - what traders call volatility, usually. It's roughly the same as in the picture. No matter how big a cup is, it's still a cup.


Yes - the structure of movement, the patterns in the markets never change. Only the size/span - what traders call volatility, usually. It's roughly what the picture shows. No matter how big a cup is, it's still a cup.

That's right.