Looking for patterns - page 141

I have enough experience to say that not one person has proved the reality of predictions, including you.
Prove otherwise if I'm wrong or refuse to prove it with a couple of vague phrases if I'm right. For example predict the eurusd price a couple of days in advance).

Let's be realistic - it is easier to predict the weather six months in advance than the direction of the market.)

I cannot reliably say what the price will be in the future. I am only allowed to speculate and make predictions on that.

Uladzimir Izerski:

I cannot reliably say what the price will be in the future. I am only allowed to speculate and make predictions based on that.

What is credibility?

Uladzimir Izerski:

I cannot reliably say what the price will be in the future. I am only allowed to speculate and make predictions based on that.

Vladimir, if you figure out why it turned out that way, then maybe you can.

Start at the beginning of the story.

You paint all the bars with the indicator,

The indicator has two buttons - up/down.

and slowly, one bar at a time, open the entire history.


Алексей Тарабанов:

What is credibility?

credibility is more likely to be a proven possibility

Renat Akhtyamov:

Can't you answer a simple question?

I'm out...

By the way, if there are no difficulties in the trend, then there are in the flat,

and exactly the opposite is true.

and a stationary series for 6 years is this a trend or a flat?


My hunch is that there can only be two types of trading systems.

1) trading fluctuations in the direction of the average.

2) trading trend reversals

in both cases it all comes down to finding the right indicator. an indicator that will correctly show the middle of the trading channel.


my hunch is that there can only be two types of trading systems.

Of course, you can draw everything by eye, by hand.

But you can't do this kind of testing in a year, and you won't find the ideal parameters.

Uladzimir Izerski:

credibility is more likely to be a proven possibility

I disagree. I think it is the probability of the result falling within a named interval.

Алексей Тарабанов:

I disagree. I think it's the probability of the result falling within a named interval.

I'm definitely not an artilleryman))

Uladzimir Izerski:

I'm definitely not an artilleryman))

Neither am I.


You wanted to write that everyone is a moron, but you are a dartan)))

No. I was pointing out that even good things can suck. For example a good fit to a story is a shitty trading tool on the real.