Looking for patterns - page 100


Apparently he's gone to the factory, asking not to be disturbed.

What's your business, you Siberian wog?! It's none of your business. This is our personal dispute with a potato lover.


:))) Get the state ready by the end of March, potato-eater. We'll compare.

:))) I thought you were in the Quiet House after euro trades against the trend.

While here I will ask again, tell me what the distribution is - there are regular time segments, the event does or does not fall on them.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

:))) I thought you were in the Quiet House after euro trades against the trend.

While here I'll ask again, tell me what the distribution is - there are regular time segments, the event does or does not fall on them.

:))) No need to rush to the Quiet House.

About events... There is not and cannot be a uniform time in the market. If you don't trust me, then you should at least turn to fxsaber's research (Garibaldian, to put it simply...). He uses in his TS Ask, Bid and Time measured in msec, saying that the Grail is hidden exactly in time. I agree with him - here he is absolutely right.


Last trade in the sliding window = 24 hours, but with an uneven reading of quotes:

One can only wonder - how accurate the market is, dependent on time cycles and of course not at all random...

Aleksey Nikolayev:

I remember him writing that he works in the energy sector. So he is a Chubaisian, which means a peculiar mixture of love of freebies and a sense of superiority.

Eh, Alyosha... You're a lame-ass, what else can I say... Thousands of times suggested that you read the Bible, take part in the search for the Grail... because you seem to be smarter than Bass... Well, God forbid you should study the theorist. God help you.

The village idiot Bass seems to have been banned :)) God willing, for good. No good to the market with your feet. Amen.

Behave yourself, 'physicist', and don't call me names.


Behave yourself, 'physicist', and don't call me names.

Yes :)))

However, without the likes of Baskakov and Bas (the lunatic grandfather and his son like him) the forum is much cleaner. And what about me? If they ask me, I'll leave, if you don't want me...


Yes :)))

However, without the likes of Baskakov and Bas (the lunatic grandfather and his son like him) the forum is much cleaner. What about me? If they ask me to, I'll leave if I'm not needed.

I wrote here once a month before that.

Let's say it's "cleaner" - so what?


I've written here once a month before.

Let's say it got "cleaner" - so what?

I agree. So far, nothing. But there's Vladimir, fxsaber... Someone out there in the MoD thread with the results. Someone to look up to. The forum to be, with or without me, it doesn't matter.