Crowdsourced GUI. Open beta testing. - page 45

Реter Konow:

Forget the warnings for now. Check that the connection sequence is correct. The order of the lines makes a difference.

I'd rather forget about testing.

It's all too much hassle.

Алексей Барбашин:

What kind of nonsense is this? If it refers to something, it has to be connected to the inluder and it will be complete, if it can't work without another inluder.

Determine the sequence of these file attachments and everything will become clear to you.

Any file should compile without errors.

If you have an aversion to classes, be kind enough to listen to at least the most basic advice and meet the basic requirements.

Alexey, just connect everything as I showed above.

Алексей Барбашин:

I'd rather forget about testing.

It's too much hassle.

You're making it too much trouble for yourself. You're trying to be clever and you're making it difficult. I've been working on this for years and you think you can get it right in five minutes? Don't jump to conclusions.

Алексей Барбашин:

What kind of nonsense is this? If it refers to something then it has to be connected to the inluder and it will be complete if it can't work without another inluder.


That's what's so delusional. I have plenty of inludes that don't compile on their own because they're composed inside of something bigger.


Well, if someone refuses to be tested, I don't care. I've provided a tool for the community and the "spite my grandmother and freeze my ears off" attitude of some doesn't make me sad. If you don't want it, don't do it.

I am sure, there will be those who need it and who are not strangled by incomprehensible anger. Together we will test and tune up. Welcome.

Реter Konow:

This is the nonsense. I have plenty of inludes that don't compile on their own because they are part of something bigger.

You are the ones who don't compile because you want them to and have decided to make it a standard. Technically it's fixable even in your style of cutting chunks of code out of the body......

I'd suggest a normal implementation - but you need a framework..... and no one is holding anything up

Alexandr Andreev:

It's because you want them not to compile, so you've decided to make it a standard. Technically it's fixable even in your style of cutting out pieces of code from the body......

I'd suggest an implementation in a normal form - but you need a framework..... and no one is holding anything up

You don't need them to compile. They are an integral part of large code. Huge blocks of code are broken up into files. There are no small functions in there. They are gigantic functions and parts of them may be in different files. But, this does not reduce the performance of the system at all.

Реter Konow:

You don't need them to compile. They are part of a larger code. Huge blocks of code are broken up into files. There are no small functions there. These are huge functions and their parts may be in different files. But this doesn't make the system useless at all.

It reduces the speed of revisions... like everything else here... it's logical that it took years...

If you're interested, I can try to give you the classes that were supposed to be in the base.

Alexandr Andreev:

It reduces the speed of refinement... like everything else here... it's logical that it took years...

If you're interested I can try to sketch out the classes that should have been in the base.

You're welcome)) For example, library by Anatoly Kozharsky, - written by classic OOP, was created during 1.5 years. At the same time - it borrowed a lot of solutions from SB. Of course, Anatoly made a lot of his own, but a year and a half... I was working on my graphics for 4 years. But, I started from scratch and went my own way. So, allot yourself a couple of years to spare and get started.

Alexandr Andreev:

It reduces the speed of refinement... like everything else here... it's logical that it took years...

If you're interested I can try to sketch out the classes that should have been in the base.

Sasha, we already went through this a month ago, and a year ago and two years ago.

Pyotr is creating his own standards, that is why he has been developing them for several years.

You are not the first to try to help Pyotr and direct his energy in the right direction.

Peter'sproject is a thing in itself and nothing more. Until Peter brings the code to generally accepted standards - the project will only satisfy his own ego and no one needs it.

If he reacts rather painfully to the simplest things and claims that warnings and errors are the norm, what more can we talk about?

It's not the end product that matters to Peter! No one will see the "product" for a couple of years at least.

It's the process that counts! It's the process that makes Pyotr feel good about himself. That's the whole story!

He convinces himself: "I'm such a cool guy, I don't know anything about programming, but I'm creating my own programming standards, and I'm developing something that no one has done before me!"