How to increase your account by a factor of 1,000. - page 19

Mihail Marchukajtes:
I do not. You should have said that it is a demo account. If you have a demo account, you have to give them a raise. Believe me...

If you open a trade with the whole deposit, without stoplosses or takeprofits, you have 2 options, either a loss or a profit. here's a picture of closed trades and commissions.


Anatolii Zainchkovskii:

The problem is that you can't trade with the entire deposit, without stoplosses and takeprofits, and you have 2 options, either a loss or a profit. here's a picture of closed trades and commissions below.

ok, now tell me how you guessed the whole roll 100500 times in a row

Anatolii Zainchkovskii:

If you open a trade with the entire deposit, without stoplosses and takeprofits, you have 2 options, either you lose or profit. here's a picture of closed trades and commissions.

You want to know a secret, but you don't tell anyone? Do we have a deal?

There is only one important parameter in the market and it is not profit, yield, drawdown or whatever. This parameter is called STABILITY. Naturally, the stability of making profits and it does not matter what and at what rate. Everything else is in vain. Most people can only lose money steadily, but that is not our method...

Aleksandr Volotko:

Okay, now tell me how you guessed the whole roll 100,500 times in a row.

Now that's a good question!

At least someone understood that you have to guess a lot of times in a row to get that kind of gain.

I don't want to tell you how to make a guess, not in this thread.

Mihail Marchukajtes:

I'll let you in on a secret, but you don't tell anyone. Do we have a deal?

There is only one important parameter in the market and it's not profit, profitability, drawdown or anything else. This parameter is called STABILITY. Naturally, the stability of making profits and it does not matter what and at what rate. Everything else is in vain. Most people can only lose money steadily, but that is not our method...

OK, do you want to earn a stable income for 20 years and for all time 100%, or do you want 100% for a day and no more trading?

Here the numbers are just for show. For example, I need a certain amount of money to give the rest to somebody, and I understand that it is for example 1000%. So, I'm more interested in making this 1000% in a week than in 50 years that I may live.

Anatolii Zainchkovskii:

But I won't tell you how to guess, not in this thread.

which one is it then? it's almost aptly named)

Aleksandr Volotko:

which one is it then? this one almost fits the name)

you need to confirm in the real market first, to protect yourself from making statements. all in good time.

Anatolii Zainchkovskii:

you first need to confirm in the real market to protect yourself from making statements. all in good time.

ok, for now everyone back to the factory

Anatolii Zainchkovskii:

ok, do you want to earn consistently for 20 years and for all time 100%, or do you want 100% for a day and no more trading?

The numbers here are just for show. For example, I need a certain amount of dough to give the rest to somebody, and I know that it's 1000%. So, it's more interesting for me to do this 1000% in a week, rather than in 50 years, which I may still live.

But you won't be able to do it, don't deceive yourself. The bigger the deposit, the greater the jitters before each trade.
Mihail Marchukajtes:
But you won't make it, don't deceive yourself. The bigger the deposit, the greater the jitters before each trade.

It is indeed incredibly difficult. But it's not all about the nerves and the jitters. There's responsibility for the outcome. That's more than money. For example you lost the first day, but you didn't lose any money. Tomorrow you can deposit the money and start all over again. But if you have been trading for a month and you have reached some result and lost your money, it's not that simple. Now you need another month to get to the same result, and as a result you have lost two months and so on. Six months later you have lost twelve months, which is much more pressure than the loss of money.