MT5 questions on trading on the Moscow Exchange - page 3

Renat Akhtyamov:

so the betting market displays demos in addition to the real ones?

and question 2.

It works the same on the real as on the demo?

It says a bithere about the demo circuit, surf the site, there's a lot of interesting stuff there. And you'd better connect and try it yourself.

It works the same way on the real, but it's harder to make money on the real ))

Московская Биржа - Учебные торги на рынке фьючерсов и опционов
Московская Биржа - Учебные торги на рынке фьючерсов и опционов
Подключение к учебным торгам. Система учебных торгов фьючерсными контрактами и опционами позволяет заключать виртуальные сделки в режиме реального времени в условиях максимально точно приближенным к рыночным без риска финансовых потерь. Данная услуга будет привлекательна для участников торгов, которые предоставляют своим клиентам услуги по совершению операций на Срочном рынке, обучению их Интернет-трейдингу. Принципы действия: Виртуальные сделки можно заключать с фьючерсными контрактами и опционами, которые обращаются на реальных торгах срочного рынка Московской биржи.

When the overcalculations are consolidated into the final net result on the Quicksystem side, the balance changes are minimal, depending on the magnitude of the change in the dollar exchange rate.
This is why it is hardly noticeable when it happens. You don't constantly look at the balance sheet to catch it, and you don't know when it happens in time.
But, this change may happen visually, if you monitor the QuickMonitor all day long))
Suppose the dollar/ruble exchange rate rises to 200 rubles per session,
and you have a good by volume position in a security calculated in dollars, moved through clearing,
Then after the clearing recalculation, you'll be stunned by losses on the simple exchange rate difference, and then the recalculation of GO and margin call.
Then your eyes will immediately be opened and how is it so, who did it... ))

I don't constantly look at the balance, but I always remember the number at the beginning of trading, as well as before clearing. It's a habit. So I start kicking them right away when there are glitches. But then again, they are glitches.

If you don't want to take all the money in the stock, you won't get a margin )) I decided to switch to MT because I have a position size calculator in excel, I'm sick of it. I wanted to do everything as people do - but here people have their own hassle ))

Sergey Chalyshev:

There' s a little about the demo circuithere, and there's a lot of interesting stuff on the website. Better yet, connect and try it for yourself.

It works the same on the real, but it is harder to make money on the real )).

Oh, thank you. If only they were not doing nonsense at 16:00, that would be good.

And the problem described by TC and the people sitting in the real world is probably a flaw in the MT server side.


I don't constantly look at the balance, but I always remember the number at the beginning of trading, as well as before clearing. It's a habit. So I start kicking them right away when there are glitches. But - again, these are glitches.

I don't need to get all my deposit in a reef and there won't be any margin )) Why have I decided to migrate to MT anyway - I have a position size calculator in excel, I'm sick of it. I wanted to do everything as people do - but here people have their own hassle ))

Yes it's clear that all the depots don't need to get involved, I just described an example of a situation,
which more clearly reveals a point that so many people do not understand, why the balance can change to plus or minus, with an unclear record.
Plus freeze funds, freeze either the GO of open positions, or the accumulated income of open positions at the time the exchange fixes the dollar, for later recalculation.
Or maybe both are frozen.

That's probably true, the MT server side doesn't sum up the net result of the recalculations, but simply retransmits as is, what came from clearing.

Московская Биржа - Индикативные курсы валют
Московская Биржа - Индикативные курсы валют
Влияем на развитие, создаем будущее. Миссия Группы — способствовать экономическому росту и реструктуризации российской экономики путем расширения возможностей по привлечению капитала для компаний и создания удобной, надежной и прозрачной инвестиционной среды для российских и иностранных инвесторов.
Sergey Chalyshev:

There' s a little about the demo circuithere, and there's a lot of interesting stuff on the website. Better yet, connect and try it for yourself.

It works the same way on the real, but it's harder to make money on the real ))

So you don't know the answers to the questions yourself?
Renat Akhtyamov:
So you yourself don't know the answers to the questions?

everything has been explained, what else don't you understand?

I do, but it is impossible to explain it to you ))

Sergey Chalyshev:

It's been explained, what else don't you understand?

I know, but it's impossible to explain it to you ))

can you answer in your own words?

the tumblr shows demos in addition to the real ones?

Renat Akhtyamov:

can you answer in your own words?

in addition to the real ones, the betting market displays demos?

all bids in the betting market are real

Sergey Chalyshev:

all the applications in the glass are real

same, you're throwing me a link.....

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MT5 questions about trading on the Moscow exchange

Sergey Chalyshev, 2019.12.07 16:13

MICEX demo loop You can open it via Otkritie, or via BCP.

You can open at least through Otkritie or BCS or any other broker, Your trades and orders in the dial will be visible to all traders. And the quotes of all brokers will coincide with each other.


I didn't want to answer you, because I knew you wouldn't understand or want to read it,

are there any contradictions in my words?

all bids in the betting market are real, your trades and bids in the betting market will be visible to all bidders,

if you stop pretending and connect to the MMVB demo loop, you will see my bids and the other participants there, and I will finally see your bids.

The demo server is exactly the same as the battle server, all bids on the demo server are as real as on the battle server, only the deposit is virtual.