Withdrawal paypal - > to sberbank card -> normal? - page 6


Alexander Puzanov:

Are you currently registered as self-employed?

No, we're going to have that on January 1.

Alexandr Gavrilin:

That's not the point.

Self-employed people have an income not exceeding 2.4 million, I have more.

It depends on how much more, for instance, you can take your wife for 2.4+2.4.


I don't think "self-employment" is a lure to FE. NW has a lot of restrictions, and it's clear that it's the light version, and 6% is a red-letter price.

Forex and stock exchange don't fall under NW, but I understand we're talking about making money from development for the marketplace here.

By the way, PayPal-Russia is also connected to finnmonitoring, which means at a turnover of 600tr/year you become interesting.

Alexandr Gavrilin:

1. Are you a sole proprietorship? Do you pay taxes on these proceeds? That's what bleaching is all about.

2. Withdrawal to mastercard still doesn't work through this service.

1. For what purpose are you interested?))

2. For a while there was output to cards (if memory serves me right), but it was a long time ago.

Edgar Akhmadeev:


By the way, PayPal-Russia is also connected to finnmonitoring, which means that at a turnover of 600 tr/year you become interesting.

very interesting... ... is there a pruf to read more?

Edgar Akhmadeev:

Forex and stock exchange do not fall under the NW, but I understand that here we are talking about making money on development for the market.

Where did you get this information, there are no such restrictions.

Andrey Dik:

very interesting... is there a pruff to read more?

There's a pruff of one transaction over 600k. If you split it, it's supposed to be OK. But this is money laundering and anti-terrorism law.

The author is not in the loop.

I did my visa the other day in raiffeisen and was reminded of this law by a bank employee.

Andrey Dik:

very interesting... is there a pruf to read more about it?

About what? About PP-Russia? That's exactly why it was opened recently, to comply with Russian law. And Russian law requires it to be connected to financial monitoring.

Or are you referring to the monitoring itself, or maybe to the 600k?

Evgeny Belyaev:

There is a pruff of one transaction over 600k. If you split it, you're supposed to be fine. But it's money laundering and counter-terrorism law.

The author is not in the loop.

I did my visa the other day in raiffeisen, I was reminded of this law by a bank employee.

Not in the loop, not in the loop. The transaction should not be blocked unless it is suspicious, why would you think so? The information just went automatically to financial monitoring. And it was postponed until the end of the financial year.

UPD: and for the year's results, the FTS will wait for a report, or score, depending on the amount and the mood.
Evgeny Belyaev:

Where did the information come from, I don't think there are any such restrictions.

I have read, not the law, but the lawyer's article/comments. And lost interest in the NW.

I.e. dealing with currencies and securities is not an option.
Edgar Akhmadeev:

I read, not the law, but the lawyer's article/comments. And lost interest in the NW.

And I read the law.

"Article 6: Transactions with funds or other property subject to mandatory control

(as amended by Federal Law dated 30.10.2002 N 131-FZ)

(1) The transaction with cash or other property shall be subject to mandatory control if the amount thereof is equal or exceeds 600000 roubles or is equal or exceeds the amount in foreign currency equivalent to 600000 roubles and this transaction is one of the following types of transactions by nature:".

Fire your consultant. It says operation in black and white. In the singular.