ZigZags, waves, trends. - page 57

Uladzimir Izerski:

Andrei's inputs are in the right direction. But this is still a rough blueprint for the construction of the TS.

That's how it was intended )


That's how it was meant to be )

It's the right direction. That's a plus.)

Uladzimir Izerski:

A little clarification on waves and probability.

After an impulse wave, the probability that there will be a corrective wave is higher than an impulse wave.

But there could also be an impulse waveafter an impulse wave, but the probability is lower.

It's the market.)

Come on, Vladimir, seriously? You are just a genius! Didn't take the trouble to reread the whole topic from the beginning... After two years of talks I found out that there are up and down waves of different magnitude, and the strong moves are most likely to be followed by a correction. Bravo! Hats off to you! Where is the money for such valuable information?


Come on, Vladimir, really? You're a genius! I couldn't be bothered to read the whole topic from the beginning... After two years of talks I found out that there are up and down waves of different magnitude, and a strong move is most likely to be followed by a correction. Bravo! Hats off to you! Where can I get money for such valuable information?

Loudly said. I see a good mouthpiece at once)).

I do not understand why smart people need to reread the whole rubbish branch if the last post says it all:)


Come on, Vladimir, really? You're a genius! I couldn't be bothered to read the whole topic from the beginning... After two years of talks I found out that there are up and down waves of different magnitude, and the strong moves are likely to be followed by correction. Bravo! Hats off to you! Where is the money for such valuable information?

Respect, good post

Hopefully the saboteurs have permanently moved to a new branch and can continue in peace.

AdronCollaider, on the other hand, blurted out that astrong move is likely to be followed by a correction, but did not give any arguments against or for it.

It shows that the man is not in the know, he just wants to blurt out.

All impulse waves and corrective waves obey the general law of balancing supply and demand.

Few people even realise that a flat is a correction.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Hopefully the saboteurs have permanently moved to a new branch and can continue in peace.

AdronCollaider, on the other hand, blurted out that astrong move is likely to be followed by a correction, but did not give any arguments against or for it.

It shows that the man is not in the know, he just wants to blurt out.

All impulse waves and corrective waves obey the general law of balancing supply and demand.

Few people even realise that a flat is a correction.

Yes Vova, a flat is a correction, a trend is a pullback, and a pullback is forever and right after the third wave
Vladimir Baskakov:
Yes, Vova, a flat is a correction, a trend is a pullback, and a pullback is forever and immediately after the third wave

My grandson at the age of 9 is better at arguing such questions))

You should go to the branch with Kuznetsov and Chumakov where your knowledge is better appreciated.


My wave theory can no longer be challenged. It has been proven by history.

How to benefit from this theory is another question. And the benefits can only be derived from patterns.

I would like to see more courageous statements rather than "you're a fool")).

Uladzimir Izerski:

My wave theory can no longer be challenged. It's been proven by history.

I think I can. I just have to find the time.