Why an economic crisis is inevitable. - page 18

There have been plenty of mistakes, but we are alive and independent. And that is worth a lot. There are less countries like that in the world than there are fingers on one hand. So we are doing everything right in the main things.

Everything is seen in comparison. And you simply have nothing to compare it with, because, from the looks of it, you have not lived abroad.
But Russia has the biggest potential. That is true. I love Russia very much, and I will definitely come back to it when they make normal conditions for doing business and turn people's faces around and not other parts of the body.
Boris, you have no idea how often I hear Russian in Canada. Most of the most creative people"for some reason" leave Russia.

And as for independence, all I can say is that Russia has never been as dependent on the rest of the world as it is now.

Nikolai Semko:

Alas, neither processors (90 nm does not count - it is the technology of 2003 which Russia bought), nor memory are produced in Russia, even HDDs are not produced, although in 80s we were ahead of the world (Elbrus I mean).
And equipment for production of hydrocarbons is also mostly imported as ours doesn't stand up to any competition.

Number of robots per 10000 workers.
Russia has 2. China, by the way, has 140.

The question, of course, is on the verge of VAT - but how and to what the robots per capita are calculated :-)

PS it's a sore point about processors... about the processes of course... but on the other hand, it's a real pain in the ass - 5 factories in the whole world.

Maxim Kuznetsov:

the question is of course on the verge of VAT - but how and to what are the robots counted per capita :-)

PS about processors is of course a sore subject... about the technological processes of course... but on the other hand, all in a blink of an eye - 5 labs for the entire globe

The point is that whoever has these phabs is the master of the world, and the rest of the fish are sticklers.

Nikolai Semko:

Everything is learned by comparison. And you simply have nothing to compare it with, as it seems you have not lived abroad.
But Russia has the greatest potential. That is true. I love Russia very much, and I will definitely return to it when normal conditions for doing business are created and people's faces and not other parts of the body are turned around.
Boris, you have no idea how often I hear Russian in Canada. Most of the most creative people"for some reason" leave Russia.

At one time, I had a foreign trade firm, and I had enough of it. There was never even an idea of staying somewhere to live. The mendacity and hypocrisy is simply off the scale, I mean the USA. You have to live there with your own environment and stay away from the natives. The bulk of those who leave are sausage makers, not creatives.


At one time I had a foreign trade firm and I had enough of it. I never even thought of staying somewhere to live. The mendacity and hypocrisy is off the charts, I mean the US. You have to live there with your own environment and stay away from the natives. The bulk of those who leave are sausage makers, not creatives.

is your purely subjective opinion, far removed from reality. You're entitled.

I think you are lying. I have been involved in foreign trade activities for 20 years, and I do not know a single person who has been involved in such activities (and I have known a great many) who would argue in this way.

Nikolai Semko:

is your purely subjective opinion, far removed from reality. You are entitled to it.

Depends on your social circle, ordinary working people are the same everywhere, normal people, but above average is something out of this world.
Nikolai Semko:

is your purely subjective opinion, far removed from reality. You're entitled.

I think you are lying. I have been involved in foreign economic activities for 20 years, and I do not know a single person who has been involved in such activities (and I have known a lot of them) who thinks this way.

Such things are not said, especially not in the US. You'll be out of the loop in no time. But this is not exclusively my opinion, they themselves understand this and in a confidential conversation they say it themselves.
Nikolai Semko:

That's the thing: whoever has these phabs is the master of the world, and the rest of the fish are sticklers.

I'm getting a bit philosophical and reminiscent; there must be a shortage of mackerel-)

the Fab is a long-long-long-long as a belt, even longer and wider than that, the process and the commercial conditions it requires (all parts must be delivered in exactly the right quantity and on time).

their real number in the world is extremely small, by saying 5, I was flattered strongly ... the real estimate - 3;

And here, if an "individual" crosses the threshold...



The world is paradoxical. This is its deep and inherent property. If you don't know the paradoxes of your subject matter, you know it poorly.

A prime example of a paradox is life. In non-living nature, everything simplifies, collapses, all gradients align, but in living nature, everything becomes more complex. Unicellulars become multicellulars and multicellulars even become intelligent.

In the simplest physical processes, there is nothing without paradoxes either.

A stone always falls to the ground, but if it flies fast enough, it will never fall. The paradox: forever falling, but never falling.A flat earth turns into a ball and the paradox is resolved by the movement of a stone in an elliptical orbit.

Understanding this paradox led to the birth of space science.

Quantum mechanics is just a treasure trove of paradoxes. For example, a quantum particle can behave like a wave and it can behave like a small ball. And we have beautiful interference pictures and light pressure effect, which was established experimentally by P.N. Lebedev.

And so it is everywhere.

There are as many paradoxes in economics as there are in physics.

Simple examples: the paradoxes of Veblen and Giffen: when the price increase of expensive status products and cheap mass consumption goods leads to an increase in their consumption.

Look, I want my own paradox too!

And I declare Groshev's paradox: an increase in the wealth of a state's population above the optimal level leads to a decrease in that state's survival potential.

We will talk about the details of this paradox later.



And I declare Groshev's paradox: An increase in the welfare of a state's population above the optimal level leads to a decrease in that state's survival potential.

We will talk about the details of this paradox later.

a strong version of the paradox - (relative) growth in welfare leads to the destruction of the state