Why an economic crisis is inevitable. - page 17

Now we are in that system too. But we are lucky, because our goods are really needed. When everything starts, they will not buy iPhones, but fuel and electricity. We are number one in grain exports too, so we will not starve to death. The army is armed with the best weapons, so nothing will be taken away from us. We have very strategic-minded people at the top.
You guys love TV.
Why, socialism and pre-capitalist formations are fine in a closed system. The question is where we will fly out. I would like to go into socialism, but I am afraid we will either be in feudalism or in a slave system. The second is more likely, as digital concentration camps are already being tested in China.

where were they so in a closed formation ?? where did you read that...

Vladimir Baskakov:
You guys love TV.
Haven't had a TV in a long time. Have you tried some simple logical reasoning?
It's been a long time since I've had a TV. Have you tried some simple logical reasoning?
No, I just go out and see something different. But I like your optimism

Alas... it didn't take long for the old lady to suffer on bare wires... It didn't take long for it to come out.

Vladimir Baskakov:
No, I just go out and see something different. But I like your optimism.
Are you refuting that Russia is an energy superpower? Or a military superpower? Or not the first in grain exports? Or not the only country to launch a closed nuclear cycle? Look not at iPhones but at real high technology in nuclear power, in the military-industrial complex, in the fuel-energy field. Bother the stupid iPhoners (not you)
Are you denying that Russia is an energy superpower? Or a military superpower? Or not the first in grain exports? Or not the only country to launch a closed nuclear cycle? Look not at iPhones but at real high technology in nuclear power, in the military-industrial complex, in the fuel-energy field. Fucking stupid iPhones (not you).

Alas, Russia produces neither processors (90 nm doesn't count - it is a 2003 technology, which Russia bought), nor memory, we don't even make HDD, although in 1980s we were ahead of the whole planet (Elbrus I mean).
And equipment for production of hydrocarbons is also mostly imported as ours doesn't stand up to any competition.

Number of robots per 10000 workers.
Russia has 2. China, by the way, has 140.

Nikolai Semko:

Alas, neither processors (90 nm does not count - this is the Stone Age) nor memory are produced in Russia, we do not even produce HDDs, although in the 1980s we were ahead of the world (I mean Elbrus).
And hydrocarbon production equipment is also mostly imported, as ours does not stand up to any competition.

Once I watched an interview with one of our aircraft designer and he was asked why we make such magnificent warplanes but cannot make a decent car. I liked his answer: you have to dedicate your life to it, but I've dedicated my life to aeroplanes. Our designers simply don't want to do mundane stuff, it's beneath their dignity. They deal with things of the highest complexity. Let others make iPhones, hard drives and coffee makers. By the way, in military equipment we have our own processors, of our own design.
By the way, in the military, we have our own processors, developed in-house.

we have processors of our own design. This is true. Only Elbrus are now produced in the Taiwanese factory TSMC. And the cost of them is simply cosmic.

And their developer, Boris Babayan, now works for Intel because at the beginning of this century the Russian government didn't give his company a few hundred million dollars to develop the best processors in the world at the time.

Nikolai Semko:

we have processors of our own design. This is true. Only Elbrus are now produced in the Taiwanese factory TSMC. And the cost of them is simply cosmic.

And their developer, Boris Babayan, now works for Intel because at the beginning of this century the Russian government didn't give his company a few hundred million dollars to develop the best processors in the world at the time.

There were plenty of mistakes, but we are alive and independent. And that is worth a lot. There are fewer such countries in the world than there are fingers on one hand. So we are doing everything right in the main things.