Why an economic crisis is inevitable. - page 10

Maxim Romanov:

And these bitcoins show cycles with increasing period and amplitude. the same as the entire economy.

A quantum fan is a quantum fan.)
Maxim Romanov:

and these bitcoins show great cycles with increasing period and amplitude. the same as in the whole economy.

As soon as it went public. That is, it joined the global economy.

Maxim Romanov:

War is also evolving. No one will now fight with sticks, missiles, bombs, all those nuclear batons, they are not needed in the civilised world. If they do, it will only be in undeveloped countries to make classic wars. In developed countries the warfare will not be the same as we are used to. Now technological wars will be gaining momentum. Market manipulation, manipulation of public opinion, hacking into nationally important networks, these are the wars of the future, these are the info and cyber wars. Waving batons and firing submachine guns is just a training activity in underdeveloped countries. Everyone understands that it is no longer profitable to fight with guns, tanks, missiles and bombs. If someone has to, they will take over Russia so that people will not even understand, and all more or less adequate governments understand this.

It would be nice if they did. But you have to destroy everything to have something to build. And if everything is intact, what will change?

Yes, I read the founding fathers who were focused on uncontrollability. This lack of control is very expensive. It is easier to put a couple of normal servers with good protection, it will be much cheaper and faster. Duplicating thousands of servers is concrete madness. And there are no other ideas out there. Linked lists and dubbing.

the idea is global, in fact, and very interesting.

1 - decentralisation. Allegedly no one owns the issue and therefore there is no power as such.

2 - everyone can issue their own currency.

This brings up an interesting feature:

If now the issue comes from a limited circle of people, roughly speaking a few people are at the trough and have super power, in a situation where everyone will issue their own currency, there will be no centre and the issue will come from the bottom rather than from the top of the pyramid, which will probably lead to interesting results. But since no one has a proper mathematical model of the economy, we have to check everything by experiment.

How far these ideas are justified will be seen later.

But one thing remains unchanged, traders will not stay idle))

Maxim Romanov:

the idea is global, in fact, and very interesting.

1 - decentralisation. Allegedly no one owns the issue and therefore there is no power as such.

2 - everyone can issue their own currency.

This brings up an interesting feature:

If now the issue comes from a limited circle of people, roughly speaking a few people are at the trough and have super power, in a situation where everyone will issue their own currency, there will be no centre and the issue will come from the bottom rather than from the top of the pyramid, which will probably lead to interesting results. But since no one has a proper mathematical model of the economy, we have to check everything by experiment.

How far these ideas are justified will be seen later.

But one thing remains unchanged, traders will not stay idle))

The only consolation is))
A quantum fan is a quantum fan in Africa))

I am trying to develop a model of why it works everywhere. But a full-fledged model, so that all the necessary factors are taken into account. After all, gold is also like bitcoin in terms of the graph and oil and it is all similar to the cycles of the economy, but slightly different... Ideally, it should be a formula that takes into account all the variables.



May not open without a VPN.

Игорь Гарин
Игорь Гарин
  • t.me
Как правительство США помогло обвалить биткоин в 2017 году Чуть больше месяца назад я писал, как Россия могла бы использовать биткоин против США. А вот свежая новость: на прошлой неделе бывший глава американской Комиссии по торговле товарными фьючерсами (CFTC) Кристофер Джанкарло рассказал, что правительство США приложило руку к обвалу биткоина в конце 2017 года. Тогда биткоин впервые дорос до $20 000, и американские власти решили вмешаться. CFTC, Комиссия по ценным бумагам и биржам (SEC), Министерство финансов и глава Национального экономического совета Гэри Коэн сошлись на мнении, что надо запустить фьючерсы на биткоин. До того на курс влияли только те, кто покупал или продавал биткоин, а среди них к концу 2017-го преобладали бычьи настроения. С запуском деривативов на рынок смогли выйти те, кто в биткоин не верил и не владел им (институциональные инвесторы). Расчет сработал: BTC провалился до $3200 и по сей день не восстановился до рекордных значений двухлетней давности. В...
Maxim Romanov:

I am trying to develop a model of why it works everywhere. But a full-fledged model, so that all the necessary factors are taken into account. After all, gold is also like bitcoin in terms of the graph and oil and it is all similar to the cycles of the economy, but slightly different... Ideally, it should be a formula that takes into account all the variables.

The ideal is in simplicity. A ray of light in a vacuum. What could be simpler?)
Ideal in simplicity. A beam of light in a vacuum. What could be simpler))

a ray is a sine moving in a straight line, how do you relate it?

I personally do not view the possible (or imminent?) collapse as the end of a normal life, but in terms of the possibility of continuing to have income from forex. What will become of our brokerage companies and our money? Will there be no possibility to carry out cross-border money transactions?