Why an economic crisis is inevitable. - page 9

Bitcoin is as bullshit as shale gas. Huge number of servers, huge electricity costs, it's crazy.

Yes, it's crazy. But it's there. And it has to be reckoned with.

I am afraid it will not be without war. Especially since we already have the experience of two world wars with the same goals, redistribution of markets.

Wars fit into development cycles, as an integral part of those cycles.

Олег avtomat:

Yes, it's crazy. But it's there. And it has to be reckoned with.

And these bitcoins show cycles with increasing period and amplitude. the same as in the whole economy.

Maxim Romanov:

and these bitcoins show cycles with increasing period and amplitude. the same as in the whole economy.

Exactly right.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Is Russia one of them?

I don't think so. Why would anyone want to destroy the country's infrastructure and kill working people? Our country supplies resources. That's its role in the world game. It's been conquered for a long time. If something goes wrong, it's a lot easier to trim the top, do some informational propaganda, break a couple of vital networks, collapse the ruble for example, than to send a nuclear missile here.

All for dollars and euros in the world. All you have to do is bribe/intimidate people in positions of responsibility and they will do what they have to do, exactly as they are doing now.

Take sberbank, for example. The biggest bank in the country, 45% of shareholders are non-residents... So whose bank is it Russian or...? Why fight if it's already taken over? You can just buy it.

War is now a spectacle. Brutal, but it is a spectacle for the population. And behind the scenes there is real life going on.

Maxim Romanov:

War is now a spectacle. Brutal, but it is a spectacle for the population. And behind the scenes there is real life going on.

A spectacle for those who have not seen it.

Maxim Romanov:

If someone has to, they will take over Russia in a way that the people will not even realise, and all less adequate governments understand this.

Russia, like all states, is partly hijacked and run by the Deep State. Thank God, not for the purpose of ruining it, but to make it more manageable and milk it. The people hardly notice or believe it.

Traditional wars, on the other hand, have the aim of collapsing and milking. And that's where the people in Russia will rise up.

In 2014, a friend of mine from western Ukraine, a Ukrainian, was indignant that he was more worried about Russia than me. I said that I was not worried about Russia at all; it will always survive. A clever man, not Zadornov, but Bismarck, said this at the end of the 19th century.

Maxim Romanov:

it may be crazy, but it's just the start of a technology, it's likely that it will evolve in some form. All technologies are crazy in the beginning.

Yes, I've read the founding fathers who turned to uncontrollability. It's a lot more expensive to have no control. It's easier to put a couple of normal servers with good protection, it will be much cheaper and faster. Duplicating thousands of servers is concrete madness. And there are no other ideas out there. Linked lists and dubbing.
Evgeniy Chumakov:

The spectacle is for those who have not seen it.

Yes, and for those who organise it. Naturally, it is a tragedy for those involved, but the founders don't really care. They have to distract the public's attention somehow, or they'll lose all fear.

Maxim Romanov:

it may be crazy, but it's just the start of a technology, it's likely that it will evolve in some form. All technologies are crazy in the beginning.

This is the start of blockchain technology, and that is enough already.