Central Bank rate 6.5% - page 3

Dmitriy Skub:
Do rates go up, prices go down?

The stakes are up - the prices are down.

Pure mathematics, I showed the formula here somewhere, too lazy to find it

Sergey Chalyshev:

A rate cut does make prices go up.

If prices don't rise with a rate cut, that's trouble. In Europe they lower rates but prices do not go up. They even introduced negative rates and the economy is rotting. Japan has been fighting deflation for years but it hasn't worked. There's a crisis in the U.S. and Japan is suffering from a stronger yen.

All this is nonsense. Trade on the trend and don't get distracted by fakes. Bet down - stocks up! ))

It doesn't always work that way. There are a lot of factors that have to coincide. You cannot just follow a formula. The inflation rate can really be controlled by the rate, but only if the economy is working well and the market is saturated, the citizens are well supplied, and business is well developed. If the economy performs poorly or is at the beginning of its growth stage, inflation will be equal to the refinancing rate and the higher the rate, the greater the inflation. In other words: if the economy is saturated with money, we have well developed business, citizens have high income and everything is working, but our prices have crept up, we can raise the rate in order to take money out of the economy/population/business, increasing their value and thus reduce inflation, then if inflation is not enough, then lower the rate and it will rise.

If there is no money and no business and the population has a low level of wealth, which all together turn this money around, then a high rate will create inflation above its value, creating difficulties in business development and keeping the population at a low level of wealth. Development and growth of prosperity will then be very difficult because everyone will be busy surviving.

So rate regulation has its operating point, to which the system must first be brought.


At least they won't take the dividend away

They want to rip people off...

But the bonds will grow in body!


Reading the posts.... And I realise that everyone is off-topic.

How many people keep their savings in roubles?

A huge number - trillions of roubles in their accounts, lowering the rate is just a scam on the people.

Prices rise by leaps and bounds - again and again new fees are introduced for housing and utilities,

They steadily raise prices two times a year.

VAT was raised from 18% to 20%.

Petrol has almost doubled since 2009 in the oil-producing country!

Loans are cheap?

Bullshit - to buy a flat you have to make a down payment (your own money), try saving, at

at a lower interest rate.

OFZs have been issued and what? Will they cover a huge increase in prices? - NO!

Have your salaries been raised?


Here are some petrol prices in oil producing countries


Reading the posts.... And I realise that everyone is off-topic.

How many people keep their savings in roubles?

A huge number - trillions of roubles in their accounts, lowering the rate is just a scam on the people.

Prices rise by leaps and bounds - again and again new fees are introduced for housing and utilities,

They steadily raise prices two times a year.

VAT was raised from 18% to 20%.

Petrol has almost doubled since 2009 in the oil-producing country!

Loans are cheap?

Bullshit - to buy a flat you have to make a down payment (your own money), try saving, at

at a lower interest rate.

OFZs have been issued and what? Will they cover a huge increase in prices? - NO!

Have your salaries been raised?

Do you personally keep your savings in roubles?

I don't meet many people in my life who have their savings in roubles. They are somehow "antonyms" unfortunately.

Maxim Kuznetsov:

do you personally keep your savings in roubles?

I do not meet many people in my life who have their savings in rubles. They are somehow "antonyms" unfortunately.

1. Use your head for a minute.

What does currency have to do with anything? It is not the market that sets the price, but the STATE.

They will take it and return it tomorrow at 30 per dollar....

If you trade on the stock exchange for dollars or buy OFZ bonds, they will not take them - the rubles will.

So no need to talk about what to hold in.

To be able to convert currency, you have to earn a family salary and what will be left of it

convert it into assets of some kind (not rubles).


1. Use your head for a minute.

What does currency have to do with it? It is not the market that sets the price, but the STATE.

They will take it and bring it back tomorrow at 30 per dollar....

If you trade on the stock exchange for dollars or buy OFZ bonds, they will not take them - the rubles will.

So no need to talk about what to hold in.

To be able to convert currency, you have to earn a family salary and what will be left of it

convert it into some assets (not roubles)

About what to keep in what, sorry, you started it... I mean the serenity of life - it is mainly grannies who keep their savings in roubles. And they do not trade for dollars and OFZs. Although there have been suggestions from efficient managers "let's do some shit and attract coffin money to the forex market".
They want to rip people off...


Публицист.ru - Добрый барин не приедет и не рассудит! Добрых бар в России нынче нет
Публицист.ru - Добрый барин не приедет и не рассудит! Добрых бар в России нынче нет
  • publizist.ru
Публицист - Свободное мнение, свободных людей. Интернет сообщество для обсуждения важных политических и экономических событий, но и не только. Запись в блоге пользователя.   В глазах обывателя где-то там, далеко, сидит добрый барин - и там где-то есть справедливость. Не может же быть, чтобы ее не было. У миллионов простых людей ещё оставалась иллюзия и даже мечта, что если учиться и усердно трудиться, то жизнь нала...
Maxim Kuznetsov:
About what to keep it in, sorry, you started it... I mean the serenity of life - it is mainly grannies who keep their savings in roubles. And they do not trade for dollars and OFZs. Although there have been suggestions from efficient managers "let's do some shit and attract coffin money to the forex market".

Are you out of your mind?

FOREX is a mechanism for stealing money from the people!