Product ranking in the Marketplace - page 4

Vasiliy Kolesov:

As I understand it, promotion in the ranking comes from sales, not quantity, but amount (how much revenue the methaquotes bring in). Therefore, a review is a review, but there is no way around it without a significant amount of money. This is the reason why robots worth several thousand dollars are at the top. One sale for $2000 and 20 for $30 - the first will be higher.


Reviews and all sorts of conversions have no effect on ranking.

So buying a product from yourself for 30 bucks and then putting a price of 3000 bucks makes absolutely no sense.

The only thing that affects the ranking among paid products is the amount of money the product has brought to the marketplace.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

3,4,5 sales in 4-7 days lifts the product up,

lack of sales brings it down.

Transfers from external sites do not raise much and in general I doubt that I raise.

Contextual advertising does not give much effect, you help the service, but not yourself.

made sales, outside the service, sales are better than through the service.

ZS: did some advertising for free products, the number of downloads didn't go up by much, but the budget is eaten up.

well, that does not explain why the examples from the header hit the first page) i have a product more active 100 times (i have more sales than these demo downloads), and where is he? on page 30 somewhere hanging out.

Denis Glaz:

well, that doesn't explain why the examples from the headline made it to the first page) i have a 100 times more active product (i have more sales than these demo downloads), and where is it? it's on page 30 somewhere hanging out.

It's because they're new. That's probably the service's policy.

If you don't like the service, sell off the service.

So I made an off-sale.

ZS: why would you want to go to the top when your sales on page 30 aren't bad? )

Yes, and having a product on the front page does not always increase the number of purchases.

the number of purchases goes up - the product goes up.

The product is on the front page, but sales stop and the product sinks.

And then, bang, 3-4 purchases later, the product pops up again, and then silence again.


A forum post is moderated by a public moderator.

The library programme is moderated by someone too. I, at one time, got fed up.

The Market is not moderated by anyone, just not everyone is allowed in.

Сергей Таболин:

No one will. Or not like that. All users of the product will. They buy it, they rate it. From these evaluations the rating is calculated. No "judges" are needed.

It is clear that this is also a purely subjective evaluation, and the top list may not contain good products that either have a bad description, or will not get enough ratings, or are too expensive, or intended for a very small circle of interested ..... But it's better than what's going on there now. And a decent search should be made for those.

Artyom Trishkin:
"Hot Finnish guys, how long do I have to clean up?

Yes you started in the afternoon ... I don't know.

I understand that now many people download directly from the terminal, and there is no such thing as a rating there at all. And new products are not downloading very much, mammoths are becoming extinct.
Was updating products today and on one the rating disappeared altogether - 6 people left a review and it's all gone! What's that supposed to mean!?
So as not to clutter up the forum, who knows why the product rating has disappeared?
Aliaksandr Kryvanos:
Was updating products today and on one the rating disappeared altogether - 6 people left a review and it's all gone! What's that supposed to mean!?

Are the asterisks gone or what?