Product ranking in the Marketplace - page 2

Artyom Trishkin:

There has to be a rotation. In any case. Otherwise, how can users see a good product which has never been on the first page? Without rotation, it's only a ratings bump.

So Olga showed that there are no good products at all, especially the older ones.

It's worth, for example, creating one real ranking (mostly based on user reviews/ratings/purchases) and an additional one for new arrivals. And don't mix them up in any way at all!

Well, the hamster had good ratings and reviews. So what, and where?
Сергей Таболин:

So Olga has shown that there are not good products out there at all, much less old ones.

It's worth, for example, creating one real ranking (mostly based on user reviews/ratings/purchases) and an additional one for new arrivals. And don't mix them in any way at all!

Who will rank the "good" and "bad" products?

Who will take on the responsibility of being the "judge" to give verdicts?

And if this "judge" to your product, which you consider useful, will give a verdict of its complete uselessness and "badness of the highest order"?

Who should decide what is good and what is bad? And most importantly - for whom is "good" good and for whom is "bad" bad? And vice versa - for whom is 'good' useless and for whom 'bad' one would very much like to have?

Artyom Trishkin:

Who will rank the "good" and "bad" products?

Who will take on the responsibility of being the "judge" who gives the verdicts?

And if this "judge" of your product, which you consider useful, gives a verdict of utter uselessness and "badness of the highest order"?

Who should decide what is good and what is bad? And most importantly - for whom is "good" good and for whom is "bad" bad? And vice versa - for whom "good" is useless and for whom "bad" is very desirable?

At least ranked by date added / updated.

On the front pages of products 5 years ago (abandoned), the author may no longer be alive or quit caudarex, while his products are in the top.

Сергей Таболин:

I would like to see in the first places exactly what Olga mentioned - products with a high rating from users, rather than a rating formed randomly.

It's very, very simple - if you want a different rating, make your own :-) It's technologically simple and straightforward - the site has everything, you can take, make a base, sometimes updated. You make samples, ratings, your rotation.

This is a red thread in any topic about dissatisfaction with the market/signals.

Olga Miakhovich:

Dear forum users. I would like to draw your attention to the rating crank of the products in the marketplace.

It's no use. I got banned for life as a result of a similar discussion. the slightest criticism is met with a backlash.
Artyom Trishkin:

Who will rank the "good" and "bad" products?

Who will take on the responsibility of being the "judge" who gives the verdicts?

And if this "judge" of your product, which you consider useful, gives a verdict of utter uselessness and "badness of the highest order"?

Who should decide what is good and what is bad? And most importantly - for whom is "good" good and for whom is "bad" bad? And vice versa - for whom the "good" is useless and for whom the "bad" is very desirable?

No one would. Or not like that. All users of the product will be. They buy it, they evaluate it. From these evaluations the rating is calculated. No "judges" are needed.

It is clear that this is also a purely subjective evaluation, and the top list may not contain good products that either have a bad description, or will not get enough ratings, or are too expensive, or intended for a very small circle of interested ..... But it's better than what's going on there now. And for those, a decent search should be made.


By reviews you say you need to raise products?)

Let's take two products from the same seller (remove links if you can)

We look at the reviews.

Does he paint his own reviews?



"Hot Finnish boys", how long do I have to clean up?

By reviews you say you need to raise products?)

Let's take two products from the same seller (remove links if you can)

Let's look at the reviews.

Does he paint his own reviews?



Well, if he's got 5 accounts.... Well, that's a concern for SB.

Not by reviews (they are to get the opinion of those who have used them), but by evaluation. And only the person who bought the product can rate it. Well this five-account guy isn't going to buy it from himself, is he? )))))