Central Bank restrictions on unqualified investors. - page 9


Without an exam. If you pass, you're free to go.

Isn't it funny to you? Economies have just fallen and US indices are rising. What are you going to teach, and to whom? It's obvious bullshit. How to make money on U.S. stocks during the coronavirus... I'm speechless. Are you telling me that whoever buys this stuff doesn't pass the skills test?

Honestly, I'm already confused by the logic of your reasoning. I do not teach anyone and no one will teach you how to make money on American equities. You don't have to pass any exams, the law refers to testing, to find out whether a person is aware of the risks associated with investing in certain types of assets. The essence of testing is to find out how much the person adequately perceives the risk and how consciously he acts when buying certain assets.

Vitalii Ananev:

To be honest, I am already confused by the logic of your arguments. I am not teaching anyone and no one is going to teach you how to make money on American stocks. There is no need to pass any exams, the law refers to testing, in order to find out whether one is aware of the risks associated with investing in certain types of assets. The essence of testing is to find out how a person adequately perceives the risk and how consciously he acts when buying these or those assets.

If there were a guaranteed way to make money on the stock exchange, I would agree. But there is no one. Therefore there is nothing to teach.

Is it that hard to understand?

You can buy assets consciously, you can buy assets unconsciously - your financial result is analytically inescapable.

For crying out loud, how many times do I have to prove to you that the water is wet....


Please clarify one question from the category "for qualified investors". I read from one broker:

Согласно требованиям ЦБ, при падающем рынке брокер не имеет право совершать маржинальную сделку продажи ценных бумаг по цене, которая: 

  • 5 percent or more below the previous day's closing price;
  • below the last current price;
  • below thelast transaction price.

Can you explain the highlighting in more detail? Who, by what principle, with what periodicity determines a falling market? How to enter the short - to wait for the rebound upwards? The current price is always the last price.

Consideration of the law by the President of the Russian Federation
  • the law is signed
  • sozd.duma.gov.ru
предложить принять законопроект к рассмотрению (Предлагаемый срок представления отзывов, предложений и замечаний в комитет 28.01.2019) назначить ответственный комитет (Комитет Государственной Думы по финансовому рынку); представить отзывы, предложения и замечания к законопроекту (28.01.2019); подготовить законопроект к рассмотрению...
Publication of law
  • law published

  • sozd.duma.gov.ru
предложить принять законопроект к рассмотрению (Предлагаемый срок представления отзывов, предложений и замечаний в комитет 28.01.2019) назначить ответственный комитет (Комитет Государственной Думы по финансовому рынку); представить отзывы, предложения и замечания к законопроекту (28.01.2019); подготовить законопроект к рассмотрению...
Stanislav Korotky:

How to go short - wait for a rebound upwards? The current price is always the last one.

I'm not 100% sure, but I think the answer is in the question:

as far as I understand, this is only for margin trades, i.e. without leverage/borrowing - you can

current price - including bids(pending orders), i.e. bid and last price - of a trade actually executed, may not coincide


If there was a guaranteed way to make money on the exchange, I would agree. But there isn't. That's why there's nothing to teach.

Is it really that hard to understand?

You can buy assets consciously, you can buy assets unconsciously - your financial result is analytically irreducible.

For crying out loud, how many times do I have to prove to you that the water is wet....

It is clear that no one will teach you to trade profitably anywhere. When obtaining certificates from the FTSE there is also nothing about profit, just a number of bureaucratic issues, so that a person understands the law. The law is not aimed at profit. If everyone begins to earn, who will lose? All cannot earn, someone has to lose, and those who pass the law are most likely aware of it. The law has other purposes. To protect some individual's interest.
Maxim Romanov:
It is clear that no one can teach you to trade profitably anywhere.

And you (not personally, but in general) do not want to learn...

Everyone wants the Grail and freebies, of course...


If there was a guaranteed way to make money on the exchange, I would agree. But there isn't. That's why there's nothing to teach.

Is it really that hard to understand?

You can buy assets consciously, you can buy assets unconsciously - your financial result is analytically irreducible.

For crying out loud, how many times do I have to prove that the water is wet....

If you specifically don't know how to make guaranteed money in the stock market,

it doesn't mean it's not possible...


The gift of strategy "Currency"

The essence of TS

The difference between the current futures Eu and Si changes quite a lot over the life of these futures.

The Eu/Si ratio is a synthetic ED, the original of which is a guide for the synthetic ED (copies the western one almost instantly).

By selling Eu and buyingSi (when the difference between them is 14000-15000 rbl.) we expect to gain

2500 - 3000 rubles per 1 pair of contracts, since the historical difference between them is 9000-11000 rubles.

Conversely, Buying Eu and selling Si when the difference between them is 8000-8500 rbl.


For example, the current Eu and Si would give you a guaranteed potential earnings of 14000- 8500 = 5500 rubles for 1 pair of contracts

Before you trade on the Exchange, you need to get rid of the FOREX psychology completely...


July 4.95% , I'm quite happy with it.