Central Bank restrictions on unqualified investors. - page 7


I do not go to the stock exchange for knowledge, I go for money. Knowledge is an understanding of objective laws of motion of matter (Newton's laws) or abstractions of existence (the area of a circle).

The rest are rules invented by people. Which tend to change. At the beginning of the 20th century, there was "Knowledge" that you can't just go ahead and print a truculus. Now they print it. Why would I want "knowledge" that merely reflects the views of some worst motivated morons? You tell me else that accounting or luggage rules are knowledge.

Sorry for the scathing post.

I disagree. Knowing the difference between a market bid and a limit bid or the difference between a bond's coupon yield and yield to maturity comes in handy. Plus there is all sorts of unnecessary knowledge, but this knowledge can keep you from making mistakes and increase the profitability of your investments.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

And I think this issue will be tightened up and there will be compulsory courses after which you can take a test, which is generally not a bad thing. We'll see in general.

But it's also not clear what period they will measure turnover for.

The period is a year. The courses are likely to be nonbinding, because to force a person to study is a violation of his constitutional rights :) If you do not want to study no one will not force you.


I do not go to the stock exchange for knowledge, I go for money. Knowledge is an understanding of objective laws of motion of matter (Newton's laws) or abstractions of existence (the area of a circle).

The rest are rules invented by people. Which tend to change. At the beginning of the 20th century, there was "Knowledge" that you can't just go ahead and print a truculus. Now they print it. Why would I want "knowledge" that merely reflects the views of some worst motivated morons? You tell me else that accounting or luggage rules are knowledge.

Sorry for the scathing post.

Well you got it, an accountant has been told that his knowledge is not knowledge at all. You are confusing two kinds of knowledge - about nature and about man, or rather his behaviour, psychology, any rules that society creates are meaningful if you interact with that society. Accounting allows you to evaluate the essence of things and the actions of the observed person, the expediency of expenses and the availability of sources of income, it is the knowledge of the conversion of actions and matter into numbers.

Vitalii Ananev:

The period is one year. The courses will most likely be non-compulsory, as forcing a person to study is a violation of his constitutional rights :) If you do not want to study, no one will force you.

What kind of rights? ;) In general, if it is a safety issue, say, of his family, there can be compulsory training, like the right to drive a car.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

What kind of rights? ;) Generally speaking, if it is a safety issue, let's say his family's, then there could be compulsory training, like the right to drive a car.

Not here the analogy is wrong. A car is a source of increased danger. Not knowing how to drive a car can lead not only to you, but also to other people getting hurt. And if you will sell out on the market, only you will suffer (of course, if there are no fools whom you have persuaded to let you drive even though you are not FDFR certified). In the case of a car, your life and health are at stake, and in the case of the financial market, only money is at stake.

No one will necessarily force you to study just because no one cares about you, as long as you pay your taxes. In raising your professional level (in any field of activity) you are the only one interested first of all, and the broker does not give a damn about your knowledge, he only needs from you the commission you pay for the transactions.

The testing is necessary for brokers only for allowing you to conduct transactions with certain securities. Because if you have not passed this test and the broker has allowed you to make such deals and you have lost money, according to this law the broker has to pay for your loss from his pocket. The broker does not have to pay this for you. This is why you will either pass this test or sign an agreement with the broker that you want to make such deals no matter what, but the amount will be limited to 100 000 Rubles. The broker will wash his hands of you and will not owe you anything, whether you sell out or not.

Vitalii Ananev:

I disagree. Knowing the difference between a market bid and a limit bid or the difference between a bond's coupon yield and the yield to maturity will come in handy. Plus there is all sorts of unnecessary knowledge, but this knowledge can keep you from making mistakes and increase the return on your investment.

It depends on what kind of questions you will be asked. If I am asked the difference between market and limit orders, I will answer, because if I did not know, I would not be able to trade. It's like asking a person what the difference is between your nose and your knee. That said, with the right question (and answer) you can cut anyone off.

I'm afraid the questions will be different. Well, we'll see.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

You've got it, the accountant has been told that his knowledge is not knowledge at all.

No, of course it isn't. It's a set of rules agreed upon between the participants in the game. Which changes as soon as the important players become uncomfortable. I don't use the word "knowledge" to describe this pornography.

Vitalii Ananev:

No, the analogy is wrong here. A car is a high-risk source of danger. And not knowing how to drive a car can result in you and others getting hurt as well. And if you will get down on the market, only you will suffer (of course, if there are no fools who you have persuaded to let you drive even though you are not FDFR certified). In the case of a car, your life and health are at stake, and in the case of the financial market, only money is at stake.

No one will necessarily force you to study just because no one cares about you, as long as you pay your taxes. In raising your professional level (in any field of activity) you are the only one interested first of all, and the broker does not give a damn about your knowledge, he only needs from you the commission you pay for the transactions.

The testing is necessary for brokers only for allowing you to conduct transactions with certain securities. Because if you have not passed this test and the broker has allowed you to make such deals and you have lost money, according to this law the broker has to pay for your loss from his pocket. The broker does not have to pay this for you. This is why you will either pass this test or sign an agreement with the broker that you want to make such deals no matter what, but the amount will be limited to 100 000 Rubles. In this case the broker will wash his hands of you and will not owe you anything, whether you sell out or not.

I disagree - losing money can lead to tragedies for the person and those around him, including his family. Suicides are not uncommon.

With a broker everything is clear, there are no options here - the aim is to cover your ass.

But people have to be brainwashed into thinking that we are investing money for years in the bright future of our country, that the risks are dangerous. It is generally true, but our market is not growing in proportion to even inflation...


No, of course not. It is a set of rules agreed between the participants in the game. Which change as soon as the important participants become uncomfortable. I wouldn't call this pornography "knowledge".

Once again, there are different kinds of knowledge, and one thing is, as you say, "the rules of the game", and another thing is the nature of money flows, which does not depend on legislation, and is quite fundamental.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

True enough, but our market is not growing in proportion to even inflation...

But the bad debtor markets are growing :) The economy stands still and indices go up by leaps and bounds. So much for knowledge.