Central Bank restrictions on unqualified investors. - page 5

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Units have bigger risks - the possibility of losing all of your money!

Yes, profitability is not guaranteed, but there are certainly no guarantees at the stock exchange.

As for the portfolio - everyone has different conditions, you have to look at it individually. However, yes, I have seen a bank buying junk bonds - I got confused myself, and it was either an insight or a way of crediting... however, the percentage of the portfolio there was low - in the region of 1%. There are those who focus on a particular industry simply, like ETFs.

Risks are higher, but if let's say you buy an ETF unit on the Mosbirge index, you'll be sure that your money wasn't invested in some rubbish. In any case a structured product, an investment insurance product, a mutual fund or ETF will pay a management fee, which reduces profitability. In ETFs, the fees are simply lower than in the other products listed above.

Vitalii Ananev:

Yes, there are more risks, but if you buy an ETF for the Mosbirzh Index, then you can be sure that your money has not been invested in some rubbish. In any case a structured product, an investment insurance product, a mutual fund or an ETF, you pay a management fee, which reduces the yield. In ETFs the commission is simply lower than in the other products listed above.

There's no point in comparing a product with and without exchange-traded risk. I think the comparison here is with a mutual fund, and I for example got caught once when Sber bought a triple and changed the instruments completely, leaving only the name behind... anything is possible in our world.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

There is no point in comparing a product with and without exchange risk. I think the comparison here is with a mutual fund, and I, for example, got caught once when Sber bought a troika and changed the instruments completely, leaving only the name behind... anything is possible in this world.

A mutual fund is almost the same as an ETF. Only you can only buy an ETF on a stock exchange, while you can buy a mutual fund from a management company. ETFs have an annual management fee of less than 1%. When buying and selling ETFs, you also pay a stock exchange and brokerage commission, and a depositary fee if there are any movements in the fund. UIFs have an annual management fee of up to 5 per cent also when buying and selling ETFs (there may be options without this commission if you buy directly from a fund manager without intermediaries).

When selling mutual funds and ETFs, an income tax of 13% is charged, if the holding period is less than 3 years. ETFs can be bought on an IIS and held for less than 3 years and pay no tax if you use a type 2 IIS. If you take for example a passive strategy of a UIF and an ETF on the same Mosbirch index, the ETF will show a higher yield. Besides a part of money of a UIF is simply idle (which also reduces profitability) and is kept in a reserve in case the management company needs to buy out the shares from the shareholders wishing to sell them. If a shareholder decides to sell his unit, the management has 10 days to transfer the money. ETFs can be sold on the stock exchange at any time and received immediately to your brokerage account, as long as there are willing buyers at the price at which you sell.


programmers people tell me if this is not the right place to write please do not kick me.

media player iconbit stationary it has a hard drive connected to it via a router to the internet. i recently noticed it self started playing a question is the hardware broken or is someone remotely running it to access data on the hard drive ?

Any tips on how to check and find the cause of this problem?
Yury Stukalov:

programmers people tell me if this is not the right place to write please do not kick me.

media player iconbit stationary it has a hard drive connected to it via a router to the internet. i recently noticed that it self started to turn on the question is it hardware failure or someone remotely run to access data on the hard drive?

how to check find the cause at least give me a hint

Maybe remotely, maybe systematically. It's not broken, otherwise it wouldn't turn on. Is there a microphone in the media player?

There is no way to check it, write a charge to ikonbit or throw it in the trash. )))

Sergey Chalyshev:

Maybe remotely, maybe systematically. It's not broken, otherwise it wouldn't turn on. Is there a microphone in the media player?

There's no way to check it, write a claim to Iconbit or throw it in the trash. )))

I have no microphone at least I do not know about it sorry to throw it away, but I will write to the technical support Ikonbit that idea
Central Bank to require brokers to cover losses of untested players

Read more on RBC:


ЦБ предложил компромиссный вариант спорного законопроекта о квалификации инвесторов. Непрофессионалы получат доступ к иностранным акциям, а брокерам, если допустят клиентов к торгам без теста, придется компенсировать потери

Brokers who let unqualified investors to trade in instruments complicated for the latter without preliminary test will have to cover their losses from investments at their own expense. Such proposals are contained in the Central Bank's presentation on the finalization of the draft law on categorization of private investors. RBC has reviewed it and two financial market sources have confirmed its content. The Central Bank press service did not respond to RBC's enquiry.

The legislative amendments intended, according to the Central Bank, to protect inexperienced investors in the stock market from losses and disappointment, are to take effect on April 1, 2021 and are now being prepared by the State Duma for the second reading. Proponents have repeatedly criticised them (including for plans to block non-professionals from investing in foreign securities). In particular, they have warned that the draft law would prevent investors with small brokerage accounts from trading in most of the financial instruments available to them now. As a result, First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Sergei Shvetsov expressed his willingness to make concessions to the market.

Initially, the Central Bank wanted to increase the number of categories from the current two to four, adding, in particular, "specially protected" investors with an extremely limited list of available transactions. But on October 11, Shvetsov announced that the regulator abandoned such plans. Market participants told RBC that the adjustments made by the Central Bank remain incomprehensible: now the regulator has formulated its new proposals more clearly.

Госдума ввела для россиян тестирование по сложным сделкам на бирже
Госдума ввела для россиян тестирование по сложным сделкам на бирже
  • 2020.07.21
  • РБК
  • www.rbc.ru
Новички на фондовом рынке смогут покупать сложные инструменты только после тестирования. Так ЦБ хочет защитить розничных инвесторов от рисков. Участники рынка опасаются, что закон подтолкнет клиентов к иностранным брокерам Госдума приняла в третьем чтении поправки в закон «О рынке ценных бумаг», которые ограничат доступ начинающих инвесторов к...
Vitalii Ananev:
And to become a qualified investor, you either need to own assets worth more than RUB 6m, or have an economic education, or have made transactions in securities worth more than RUB 6m within a year.

How do you calculate for RTS futures how much you have traded? Or is the futures market not included, you need stocks/bonds?

Vitalii Ananev:
They passed a law on third reading. https://www. rbc.ru/finances/21/07/2020/5f1044fc9a7947c9e75524cc

Some pests these lawmakers are