Central Bank restrictions on unqualified investors. - page 2

Maxim Romanov:

That's not likely, the people who make the laws do so solely for their own benefit, the question is what and whose benefit it is.


If you mean worry, I don't believe it myself, if you look closely I put a smiley face there :)

Vitalii Ananev:

If you mean worry, I don't believe it myself, if you look closely I put a smiley face there :)

Yeah, I got that it was sarcasm)))

It's interesting to read, though, who has an opinion on the matter.

Maxim Romanov:

This manipulation makes the paper seem to grow on a large scale, but flattens out on the intermediate scales. Perhaps, the interested parties do not want to attract many extra participants to the market, so that liquidity remains under control. You can see it well on Gazprom, for example.

This is purely my speculation, the truth may be different.

To be honest, I am really surprised if you see it in the charts, without any additional information (reading the news, etc.).

you have definitely indicated something wrong with the security. last year there was a scandal when an sber analyst analyzed the attractiveness of the security. the specialist was fired and the analyst was rewritten, and this year it happened to beat all the historical highs ;)

google it, not everything is still lost on the net, what the sber analyst wrote there first

Vitalii Ananev:


If this article is to be believed, the restriction can be circumvented. That is, an investor can buy the paper he wants if he insists very strongly on it. Quote - Aisha Kubezova, head of methodology at BCS Premier, believes that the main advantage of the new version of the bill is precisely that execution of the order is officially allowed if the client insists on the transaction.


If the bill comes into force, the derivatives market will become inaccessible for unqualified investors. And then it will no longer be possible to buy shares and sell futures on those shares.

This is to work for pennies on any terms.

Igor Makanu:

To be honest, I am really surprised if you see it in the charts, without any additional information (reading the news, etc.).

you have definitely noted that there is something wrong with the paper, last year there was a scandal around the analysis of the investment attractiveness of this paper by an analyst of sber, the specialist was fired, and the analysis was urgently rewritten, and this year it just happened to beat all the historical highs ;)

google it, not everything is still lost on the net, what the sber analyst wrote there first

I don't follow the news at all, but I wonder why they sacked an expert from sber, I'll look it up.
Ramiz Mavludov:

This is to work for pennies, on any terms.

I have similar thoughts, such as: 'Don't interfere with the common people, it's none of your business, go extract oil, gas and timber and sit quietly there'.
I wondered if anyone had more optimistic ideas.

Maxim Romanov:

Perhaps the stakeholders do not want to bring many extra participants into the market to keep liquidity under control.

Do you think that even the whole mass of Russian private players will be able to move the market?


Do you think that even the whole mass of Russian private sector can move the market?

There's not a lot of liquidity there, 10m p is enough to move it, and with 100m there's already a liquidity problem. But the more people in the market, the higher the liquidity.
Maxim Romanov:
There's not much liquidity there, 10m r is enough to move it, and with 100m there is already a liquidity problem. But the more people in the market, the higher the liquidity.

Only Sber and Gazprom have the highest turnover. The rest of the Russian issuers can move quotes by as much as a million. In the original draft law, those with a deposit of less than 400,000 rubles were recognized as specially protected unqualified investors, while in the latest version it's 1.4 million. You also have to go through some kind of testing with a broker.

IMHO, the logic here is different - to get people to increase their deposits. In essence, of course - it's bullying.