Points VS Pips - page 147

Олег avtomat:

you think saksobank is the wrong place? a fence with an advertising sign on it?

Then show me the right place.

That's right.

And their, and other banks', girls' daily phone calls with smiling voices. Are you falling for them too?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

For the third time. The previous two times the question was steadily ignored. Where are the pips here?

The first and second lines are clear. But the third? I've never looked at that symbol. Don't know what it used to be. Seeing above the 5 3 mark, for XAUUSD you have to indent one mark to the left?

Where is the definition of a pip that you could apply and figure out where XAUUSD has a pip, rather than guessing by coffee grounds by analogy.

Look. These are from three different firms and they have different conditions.

Look carefully. And think carefully:




Олег avtomat:

Look. These are from three different offices and the conditions are different.

Look carefully. And think carefully:




So you are suggesting this methodology for determining a pip: open the order opening window and see where the little digit is?

ps: and this is advised by CTN, a docent. Yes?

Олег avtomat:

Look. These are from three different offices and the conditions are different.

Look carefully. And think carefully:


Look closely at the text, and find the meaning

Artyom Trishkin:

That's right.

And their, and other banks', girls' daily calls with smiling voices. You fall for them too?

that's a waste of time...

Your stubbornness prevents you from seeing the problem soberly.
Олег avtomat:

Look. These are from three different offices and the conditions are different.

Look carefully. And think carefully:

How confusing for all of you, you dull-witted ones, was the introduction of a tenfold increase in the accuracy of quotation. It has turned your minds sideways and your thought processes have stalled.

And how wonderfully the advertisers are profiting from it.

And so for such - feeble-minded, and began to write small numbers - that your world has not collapsed completely. To keep you afloat somehow, they gave you a lifesaving twig.

So you're making up your own theories for yourselves.

Look - there are at least two opposing versions of "pips", and everyone believes in them.

It is like the Creator is the only one, they invented a lot of names for him. And then the holy wars began...

Олег avtomat:
Your stubbornness prevents you from seeing the problem soberly.

There is exactly a problem if you look at the given from your - invented - point of view.

And from our point of view - from the point of view of people who operate with numbers - there is no problem at all.

There is a problem only when you have a stubborn customer with his own vision of the points. And even then it is solvable - you find out what he really wants and make additional calculations tomake it clear to him how he sees it. But on the inside, it's all the same in our way - the right way.

Artyom Trishkin:

A pro, a "guru" who can't understand why, for example, the spread on a website's billboard is suddenly written as 2.4?

Well, it's clear to a fool that it's 24 points. But 2.4 is more profitable to sell to suckers. So you can see the pro at once... Making gestures and thinking efforts only because of the beautiful attractive figures. There are classics like that in every city.

ZS. Do not worry about our customers - I, for example, have a lot of them and they are pros, and we understand each other perfectly. And they pay so much that schoolchildren as a class for 10 years to save.

Artem, I easily took Point as a minimum price discretion in MT and have lived with it perfectly calmly for more than 10 years.

Simply, because my job, like yours, is to automate the process. Simply, I automate a process that I know, understand and respect. Respect, among other things, is shown by not imposing my own understanding of the terminology on those involved in the process. I am a stranger, I automate; they are locals, have worked, are working and will work. I will be gone, they will stay.

Алексей Тарабанов:

Artem, I easily accepted Point as the minimum price discrete in MT and have lived with it perfectly well for more than 10 years.

Simply, because my job, like yours, is to automate the process. Simply, I automate a process that I know, understand and respect. Respect, among other things, manifests itself in not imposing my own understanding of the terminology on those involved in the process. I am a stranger, I automate; they are locals, have worked, are working and will work. I am gone, they stay.

No one is imposing - we explain. Do you understand what a programmer uses to create what a usersees ? Yes, you do.

And you do not impose your understanding on the user? No, I don't.

But why should the user impose on the programmer how and what to do, if he/she is not clumsy about it?

And I don't impose it on anyone - let them measure in jumblies, but there is no need to impose their jargon values on me and other programmers. And all the more so, to demand that they be entered in the official reference, while demanding to delete values that programmers use from the reference and language as incorrect - this is nonsense. This is nonsense. And it was voiced here.

A user "sings what he sees", while the programmer plays music. By his notes. And the user has no idea that he only sings by seven notes given to him by the programmer - it seems to him that he invented everything, and the music obeys him.