Points VS Pips - page 130

Dmitry Fedoseev:
And pips, - is it an acronym, or slang for "pimple"?
PIP is an acronym. But the gurus decided to read it as they see it, and they see "pips" as plural. The number of percentage points.
And out of cleverness they started saying "number of pips". The correct term is "number of pips". But... They will make fun of us again. We are now, unfortunately, knowledge of the Russian language is not required to consider oneself a professional.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
But the word "algotrader" is more reminiscent of a Soviet dialect: Investcom, Mestkom, Glavmashastroy, Gossnab, etc.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Where in the terminal?

At least here



Taras Slobodyanik:

The word pips is not in the documentation, but it is in the terminal.

So there should be an exact definition for it by MetaQuotes. But even if it is, those who think otherwise will be outraged and demand a replacement.
Artyom Trishkin:
So it has to have a precise definition by MetaQuotes. But even if it is, those who think otherwise will be outraged and demand a replacement.

then there is no need to use it (without understanding it)

Artyom Trishkin:
So it has to be accurately defined by MetaQuotes. But even if it is, those who think otherwise will be outraged and demand a replacement.

If we leave Pips in the terminal, then everything related to minimal price change should be renamed to Pips.
First of all, the Point() function.
If you exclude Pips from the terminal, rename everything to Tick.
First of all Point() function

Taras Slobodyanik:

at least here

And it denotes the number of points there. You can measure with Ctrl+F
Taras Slobodyanik:

then there is no need to use it (without understanding it)

MQL programmers are better off using MQL terms, while the pit gurus are free to use the word "typoons", they are entitled to do so. But only until they demand to replace documentation with slang. Which they are already trying to do.
Artyom Trishkin:
All MQL terms are in the documentation.

If you know the terms in mql, it may be difficult to find a link to the definition of the term "pip" in the documentation.

If you are an mql expert, it would probably be easy for you to provide a link to the definition of "pip" in the documentation.


If you leave Pips in the terminal, rename everything associated with the minimum price change to Pips.
First of all, the Point() function.
If you exclude Pips from the terminal, rename everything to Tick.
First of all Point() function

Not your way. It's better to demand it in the home.