Points VS Pips - page 105

Alexey Viktorov:

Suit yourself...

Take away that not-so-good-looking ban.

There's much better in its place, get yourself some enthusiasm, think of others.

You've soaked up a hundred.
Give us 200!!!
And then: we don't need nine hundred - two for two hundred and five hundred.
The community is happy with its problems. Thanks for the anecdote.
If the subject was closed, we could start another one. The idea of a dot and a comma as a decimal separator flashed across the board.
I remember a programmer friend of mine in chemistry class, back in the early nineties, writing numbers on the blackboard and commenting out loud - "full stop", when writing a number.
Vladimir Simakov:
You got a hundred.
Give me 200!!!
And then: we don't need nine hundred - two for two hundred and five hundred.
The community is happy with its problems. Thanks for the anecdote.

You can't write here, write to your friends like this

correction was, the author had.
Vladimir Tkach:
If the topic closes, you can start another one. There's an idea floating around about a dot and a comma as a decimal separator.
I remember a programmer friend of mine in chemistry class, back in the early nineties, writing numbers on the blackboard and commenting out loud - "full stop", when writing a number.

We had a similar guy at the institute, if he wrote a zero on the board, he would cross it out diagonally.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

We had a similar person at the institute, if he wrote a zero on the board, he crossed it out diagonally.

And it was customary at the beginning of programming to distinguish 0 from the letter O

Not convincing anyone anymore, just an example:
The Dow 30 is down to 24190.9 points amid a debate over the budget deficit andthe S&P 500 is downto 2619.55 points

The point to the left of the zpt.
Alexey Viktorov:

And this was adopted at the beginning of programming to distinguish 0 from the letter O

My professors at university asked me why I crossed out zeros.
Vladimir Tkach:
My professors at university asked me why I crossed out zeros.

They probably never saw what an Electronica MC was. And they had never heard that a tape recorder was used as an HDD.


Yay, honeycomb!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll drink to that.