Points VS Pips - page 66

Dmitry Fedoseev:

And I don't know what the item is called and I have no idea where the pip is or what it is.

So far I only see a discrepancy between these fancy tables and the quotes shown there, and I have no idea how to compare them.

When you count the number of ticks (pips) in one point from the contract specification, you will understand how the quote changes.


When you count the number of ticks (pips) in one point from the contract specification, you will understand how the quote changes.

Do you have a different terminal?

Aleksandr Klapatyuk:

Do you have a different terminal?

No )), mt5 has been on the US futures exchange for a long time.
Other assets and their specifications.
But this also applies to forex, understanding what a pip is.


When you count the number of ticks (pips) in one point from the contract specification, you will understand how the quote changes.

Oh! Already ticks and pips are the same thing. What can I say...

Well, the arguments such as "do this and that", and you'll see and understand everything yourself - don't bother. Do you have an argument? Then give me one. And there were already pictures with fractional points on the fence


No )), mt5 has long been represented on the american futures exchange.
Other assets and their specifications.
But it also applies to forex, understanding what a pip is.

So open a profit in the terminal. it's all clear there - profits come in currencies and also in pips.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Oh! Ticks and pips are the same thing now. You will see and understand everything - don't give a damn.

(I'm not going to study for you, you'll stay in the woods if you don't.))

I see nobody gives a damn about it, much less you. ))

No one will learn for you, learning is light, not learning - you will stay in the woods)))

I see no one gives a damn about this, much less you. ))

Everyone can see that the argument is in the form of an inscription on a barn.

Besides, inside the shed (in the terminal), to the practical work comes Point and the size of the tick, which will be equal to or greater than Point and nothing else.


The argument was, in fact, that the item is just a divisible unit.
The specification relates exactly directly.
Understand what a pip is and how many ticks are in a pip, they are pips in slang.
Every tool has different specs.
Look, take for example a ZT contract1⁄8of1⁄32of 1 point
How many ticks (pips) in one point?
And write me the cost per point.

A clause is just an indivisible unit. But if you want to split the value of a clause, you enter a different unit.

One person (point). An indivisible unit is a person (point).
Two parts of a person (2 * 1/2 non-item) is no longer a person (not an item), but remains (think of a name for this value - maybe a stiff?).
So, the remains may be a part of a man (think of a name for this quantity), but a man (point) cannot be half of a man (point).

I hope that is clear?

Vladimir Baskakov:
Most likely Point is the first digit, because it's the first, so Point. Truth

That's right! The first one after the left turn around the corner to the right.


When you count the number of ticks (pips) in one point from the contract specification, you will understand how the quote changes.

A pip is the minimum value of a quote. A tick is an event. Why compare the wet with the hard?