Points VS Pips - page 11

Artyom Trishkin:
There will be a difference in money, though. But that's in other units - not in pips.

It's to distinguish the difference in some way that pips are used. Yes, I agree that pips is slang.
There are no pips in forex, but there is a kitchen five-digit quote.
The real quote is in pips, which is four-digit. Five digits for retail meat ))

Artyom Trishkin:

One shoe. What if you cut it in half?

You just have to learn: a point is the designation, name, title, etc. in the same vein, of the very last digit in a quote.
Whether it's 1.1 - the last right digit is the point,
whether it be 1.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 - the last digit to the right is the point.

That's it. There's no other markings on the item. But there will be a difference in money. But that's in other units, not in points. Point. The rest is idle speculation.

A pip is the minimum indivisible value of a quote. There are no 10 pips or even one and a half jumps. Nor are there any pips.

It's as much for them as it is for them. They're told that a point is a minimum, but they're dividing it into something virtual again. Just a question, why divide by 10, and not by 100 or 1`000`000?


It's to distinguish the difference that points and pips are used. I agree that pips is slang.
For example in Forex there are no pips, but there is a five-digit quotes that explain the slang from other markets.
The real quote is in pips, which is four digits. Five digits for retail meat ))

Who put this nonsense into your head?

Alexey Viktorov:

Artyom, you're talking only from the programmer's point of view. And from the point of view of financial analysts it is not so. Therefore, this whole topic is about nothing. Just like arguing about where the beginning of the stick is and where the end of the stick is.

How else to put it. Suppose I write that my trading system makes 100 pips a day. Everyone's like: Wow, cool! Then it turns out that 100 pips on a five-digit chart.
If I'd said 100 piros, it would have been clear right away.
Сергей Таболин:

Who put this nonsense in your head?

It's the kitchen dealers who put that nonsense in your head ))

Vladimir Baskakov:
How else can I say it. Let's say I write that my trading system makes 100 pips a day. Everyone is like this: Wow, cool! Then it turns out that 100 pips on a five-digit chart.
And if I had said 100 piros, it would have been clear right away.

You have to speak in %.


Who knows what and how much you could buy with a kopeck at the beginning of the last century?

With today's kopeck, what of those things can you buy?

But does that stop a kopeck from being a kopeck? Should it now be called a micro-mini kopeck?

Everyone is free to call it a pip or a micro-pip, or a brick of gold bullion. But you should not mislead others and impose your point of view on them, especially one that has nothing to do with reality.

Сергей Таболин:

Who knows what and how much you could buy with a kopeck at the beginning of the last century?

With today's kopeck, what of those things can you buy?

But does that stop a kopeck from being a kopeck? Should it now be called a micro-mini kopeck?

Everyone is free to call it a pip or a micro-pip, or a brick of gold bullion. But you should not mislead others and impose your point of view on them, especially one that has nothing to do with reality.

Who is misleading? Do you see Pointe in the screenshot?

It's to distinguish the difference that pips and points are used. Yes, I agree that pips is slang.
There are no pips in forex, but there is a kitchen five-digit quote), which makes you use slang from other markets.
The real quote is in pips, which is four digits. Five digits for retail meat ))

Get a clue already. How can you divide the indivisible? A point is the minimum indivisible value of a quote. It can no longer be divided according to its own definition. Therefore, pips (slang expression) = pips. It's the same thing. But once someone very incomprehensible in understanding this reality, for his own understanding (deeply mistaken, by the way) introduced the definition of a pip - it is the fifth sign in a quote, and then the fun started happening - each of the same cohort of misunderstanding began to construct his own definition and value of this "pip" and convince others in correctness of his theory. But the pip has not ceased to be a pip. In any market. The minimum value is the point, no matter how many digits are in the quotation value after the decimal point. If they start quoting in 20-digit quotes, don't start making up names for the sixth, seventh, tenth, twentieth digits - it's stupid. The twentieth digit will be one point. And the rest is from clever people.

Vladimir Baskakov:
How else to say. Suppose I write that my trading system makes 100 pips a day. Everyone would be like: Wow, cool! Then it turns out that 100 pips on a five-digit chart.
And if I said 100 piros, it would all be clear at once.

Only a dumb person would not understand what we are talking about and would be enthralled. But a normal person will initially understand that since almost all quotes today are in 5 digits, it is these points that we are talking about.

And if you want to be understood by fools as well, just write in brackets: 100 pips per day (at the 5-digit level).