Points VS Pips - page 10

Evgeniy Chumakov:

I even found this on one website

"A pip or point is a direct "relative" of a pips, but describes the change in quotations to the left of the decimal point. Because it is a larger parameter, the term "point" is mainly used in stock markets, where shares are traded. That is, if a security has fallen from $120 to $115, the value is said to have changed by 5 pips."

And that just shows the degree of misunderstanding of the subject.
The last pages (initially tense) just make me laugh ))))))))))))))))))))

Just to be clear, calling a Tiger a Donkey doesn't guarantee your personal safety...

Everyone is free to call it what they like, but that doesn't stop it from being a point.

Stop muddying the waters and imposing your vision on others. A pip (or pips, if you prefer) is the last quote digit. And it absolutely does not matter the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th or 10th decimal place.

That's the end of this humorous topic )))


Hvorex is a decentralised marketplace, and it's up to everyone to make the best of it. There are no standards.

The main thing is to take into account how it is understood by the majority. A point is now, after the invention of three- and five-figures, there is a minimal price movement of an instrument - any symbol at any signs. A pip is the minimum price movement of a security in a 2 or 4-digit quote, i.e. 1 pip in a 4-digit quote is equal to 10 pips in a 5-digit quote.


Hvorex is a decentralised marketplace, and it's a do-it-yourself game. There are no standards.

The main thing is to take into account how it is understood by the majority. Now after the invention of three and five digits, there is a minimal price movement of any instrument at any signs. A pip is the minimum price movement of a security in a 2 or 4-digit quote, i.e. 1 pip in a 4-digit quote is equal to 10 pips in a 5-digit quote.

Yeah yeah, that's what I mean too, the more gurus the more stupid people say....

Everyone may consider it as he likes, but when I get an order, I have to clarify what a person means by a point, which strains me... And if the customer still insists on his pips, then I have to increase the price of the work, because the code becomes more complicated, because I have to constantly convert real points to pips, which, by the way, do not exist in the terminal and never have )) And this connection between points and pips is a weak point, to which errors get attached, especially if you often have to do it in different contexts... You have to make parameters fractional... oh, it's too bad...
Vladislav Andruschenko:
The eternal problem with defining a pip, pipsqueak, minipipoint......

It's high time we realised that a point is a unit. It doesn't matter what the sign is.

Vladislav's very first post is correct!
A pip is a unit, a pip is a part of a unit.

Let's take the SP500 futures for example
There are 4 pips in 1 SP500 point.
1 pip equals 0.25 pips.
One pip is 1 tick of price movement.
The price of 1 pip is $12.5. The price of 1 pip is $50.

Let us take the forex.
A four-digit quote is 1.3264 in pips
One tick of price movement, means 1 point.
The price of 1 pip is 10 000 for the base currency.

Five-digit quote 1.32645 in pips
1 tick means 1 pip.
The price of one pip is 1 000 of the base currency.
In other words, in a five-digit quote, one pip is 10 pips.


Vladislav's very first message is correct!
A pip is the basic unit, a pip is its part.

Let's take the SP500 futures for example.
There are 4 pips in 1 SP500 point.
1 pip equals 0.25 pips.
One pip equals 1 tick of price movement.
A pip is $50, a pip is $12.5.

Let us take the forex market.
The four-digit quote 1.3264 in pips
One tick of price movement, means 1 point.
The price of 1 pip is 10 000 for the base currency.

Five-digit quote 1.32645 in pips
1 tick means 1 pip.
The price of one pip is 1 000 of the base currency.
In other words, in a five-digit quote, one pip is 10 pips.

One shoe. What if you cut it in half?

All you need to learn is that a pip is the designation, name, title, etc., of the very last digit in a quote.
Whether it's 1.1, the last digit on the right is the point,
whether it be 1.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 - the last digit to the right is the point.

That's it. There's no other markings on the item. But there will be a difference in money. But that's in other units, not in points. Point. The rest is idle speculation.

A pip is the minimum indivisible value of a quote. There are no 10 pips or even one and a half jumps. Nor are there any pips.



That is, in forex, in a five-digit quote, in one pip 10 pips.

In one tenth 0.1 ten hundredths 0.01 , in one ten thousandth 0.0001 ten hundredths 0.00001 .

Artyom Trishkin:

One shoe. What if you cut it in half?

You just have to understand: a point is the designation, name, denomination, etc. in the same vein, of the very last digit in the quotation.
Whether it's 1.1, the last digit on the right is the point,
whether it be 1.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 - the last digit to the right is the point.

That's it. There's no other markings on the item. But there will be a difference in money. But that's in other units, not in points. Point. The rest is idle speculation.

A pip is the minimum indivisible value of a quote. There are no 10 pips or even one and a half jumps. Nor are there any pips.

Artyom, you are talking only from the point of view of a programmer. And from the point of view of financial analysts you are not. That's why this whole topic is about nothing. Just like arguing about where the stick starts and where it ends.