From practice to theory and back to practice - page 12


didn't make it, the magic didn't work, so it's on to the factory after all ehhh

I took your 100th message, but I can give it to you cheaply ))))

Aleksandr Volotko:

Nah, that's Drimmer's answer, they're different characters.

Oh, yeah, I didn't specify.


Aleksandr Volotko:

Nah, that's Drimmer's answer, they're different characters.

Why, it's long been understood that it's the same person.


Why, it has long been understood that it is the same person.

You should be more humble, Anatoly is a verified person here, he has presented documents, and you are someone else - maybe even an AI who escaped from Sber, your words cast a shadow on an honest man

Aleksandr Volotko:

I took your 100th post, but I can give it up cheaply ))))

you even got 111 all over the place, i just can't get enough.

Aleksandr Volotko:

You should be more humble, Anatoly is a verified person here, he presented documents, and you are someone else - maybe even an AI who escaped from Sber, your words cast a shadow over an honest man

What are you talking about? There's no one on this thread but Drimmer.


You even took 111 all over the place. I just can't get enough of it.

I'll take 222 too, just so you know!


What are you talking about? There's no one on this thread but Drimmer.

They're about to revoke Anatoly's salesman status for your slander, are you going to feed his kids? Hooligan.

In fact, the question/challenge that Anatoly (let's assume for a second that he is not a Driller) asked is whether one can really manage to close profits more on corrections/bouncebacks than to lose them on no-reversals, ie can one manage to catch the total of more pullbacks than irreversible ones, the idea is nice and clear in general, but it may be temporary difficult with a very significant no-reversal, for example, if there is a war or crisis like 2008 ...
Aleksandr Volotko:

They're going to revoke Anatoly's status as a salesman for your slander. Are you going to feed his children? Hooligan.

You're also a jerk, by the way. You just haven't realized it yet.