A question for OOP experts. - page 45


How would a real AI be different from existing OSs, programmes, NSs? By having one most important object - its Self.

If we consider (self) as an Object - we will find its encapsulation shell and internal structure. It is a dynamic entity, changing properties. (Sometimes bad, sometimes good...). Adapting, learning, creating and destroying itself and the World. How to describe (Self)? As the Object of the rest of Reality? As a "control centre"? Or maybe a "centre of self-awareness"? And if we create the Knowledge Base as a model of the Reality reflected in our Consciousness, we cannot avoid the "essence" which distinguishes us from animals - our (Self). This is the challenge on the road to creating AI...

In a simplified Intelligence system, the (Self) can be thought of as a recursive function, constantly redefining the values of the properties of the objects of its structure. Its looping path goes through all the events and properties of the external program and returns to itself. Everything affects it, and it affects everything.

The problem is that there is more than one (Self) in Personality. There is the Self-ideal. There is the "It" (according to Freud). This is the domain of the Psyche, but without understanding it, it is impossible to reconstruct the exact mechanisms of Mind functioning.

Of course, these are the tasks of future centuries.

No, a healthy person has one ego, and all sorts of egos, super-egos, itos, shadows and so on are all different - features of the entourage of personality.)
Dmitry Fedoseev:
No, a healthy person has one "I", and all kinds of "ego", super "ego", "it", "shadow" and other various things are peculiarities of the entourage of personality))
(Self) is one, but there are several "models (I)" with which the "main (I)" is identified from time to time. I would call them 'sub-egos'. The Self-Ideal is the prototype of our personality that we want to become. It contains the maximum "values" of our standard "parameters", and also a set of properties that we aspire to possess.
Реter Konow:
(Self) is one, but there are several 'models of (self)' with which the 'main (self)' is re-identified. I would call them 'sub-egos'. The Self-Ideal is the prototype of our personality that we want to become. It contains the maximum "values" of our standard "parameters", and also a set of properties that we aspire to possess.

They're called "sub-personalities" somewhere along those lines. But it's just from a slightly different realm than ego, superego, etc. The sub-personalities are sort of forms occupied by the mind, but the ego, super-ego, etc. - are the basic things at the core of personality.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

They're called "sub-personalities" somewhere along those lines. But it's just from a slightly different realm than ego, superego, etc. The sub-personalities are sort of forms occupied by the mind, but the ego, super-ego, etc. - are the basic things at the core of personality.

The field of Psyche is not scientifically systematised. There are models by various psychologists, but there is no holistic view. Everyone can make up what they want.

The conscious/unconscious, the self, the self... What are mental processes? Apparently, it is a natural change of mental states under the "influence" of some "catalysts". One can only speculate.

How to model all this? Probably, one has to build a rather objective model of the psyche and then try to reproduce this system. For instance, the mechanism of displacement into the unconscious. Or, the mechanism of identification with the object or subject, the mechanism of unconscious projection of the image onto the object/subject.

Clearly, without the Psyche, there will be no normal resemblance to the human Mind. Hence, functionality of such a system will be limited to the scope of "Intelligent Interface" performing implicitly-defined tasks. But, there will be no real AI.


Yeah, and you can declare that psychology is not a science at all.

Everything is systematised and quite clear there, but you have to stop lying to yourself. And you have to understand that this science, like all sciences, is no simpler than higher mathematics and the solution of differential equations. That is, to understand it, one must read and think, observe and analyze, not just take something from somewhere and have it all laid out ready-made. And you also have to understand that there are forces who are not interested in a common understanding of the issues, rather they are interested in misunderstanding them.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Yeah, and you can declare that psychology is not a science at all.

Everything is systematised and quite clear there, but you have to stop lying to yourself. And you have to understand that this science, like all sciences, is no simpler than higher mathematics and the solution of differential equations. That is, to understand it, one must read and think, observe and analyze, not just take something from somewhere and have it all laid out ready-made. And you must also understand that there are forces which are not interested in a common understanding of the issues, rather they are interested in misunderstanding them.

I am not an opponent of you in this. Psychology is definitely a science.

It's about the fact that our ideas about the structure of the psyche are not systematised. We don't know its structure. Certainly we have ideas about content, - mental "instances", processes, states, but we cannot collect and order theories and opinions, highlighting one general picture. The "evidence base" does not work. During two centuries of the science's existence, not a single concept, generalizing all perceptions of Mental Health, has been formulated.

But, what we have is not insignificant. This could be the basis for developing a model in a computer programme. To begin with, a concept has to be created.

Some time ago I collected different notions of psychic content from books and articles, drew some schemes myself and thought of the possibility of program modeling. But, I did not know how to program at that time. I had no idea how it works. Now, everything is different. Even then it was clear to me that a Mind without a Mental Health is an "invalid" that has no physical ability to work properly. Let me explain why I think so:

Imagine that you have no self. Or, there is a "self", but it is "amorphous". It has no personal goals and motivation to function, because there are no "personal" reasons.

Why don't you have goals and motivation? - Because there is no psyche, and without it, the mechanisms that generate goals and motivation do not work. Everyone strives for something, but striving itself is the balancing of some imbalance. Aspiration is conditioned by the operation of mental mechanisms. "The self strives for something if its mental mechanisms are working. If subconscious mind works, and in it individual need.

The psyche maintains the mechanisms which support the independent, self-determined and self-actualised functioning of the self of the subject. Without it, the self would become "impotent". A tool in the hands of another 'I', incapable of asserting its own goals for lack of them.

Most importantly, Mind without a Psyche will be "inadequate" in relation to the Mind possessing a Psyche.

Looks like it's time to move the topic to the psychiatry forum?
Artyom Trishkin:
Looks like it's time to move the topic to the psychiatry forum?
It's about AI. The topic is broad and covers different areas.

Clearly, a true AI would (ideally) copy human Intelligence in 'image and likeness'. At different stages, AI will represent Intelligence in part, but the development path inevitably leads to the full reproduction of the Intelligence System.

It is already clear that Intelligence does not exist without the Psyche, which summarises the internal supporting mechanisms:

  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-determination
  • Self-actualisation .

Without Self-Consciousness there is no "I". Without Self-Determination there is no "Personality" (own qualities). (A personality is an individuality endowed with Self-awareness. Without Self-actualization there is no goal.

Also, the Psyche contains an instance responsible for Moral evaluation (Conscience) - without which there can be no safe integration into society.

In other words, AI must be a Personality - possessing individual, socially acceptable, conscious and self-controllable qualities.


Work of Intellect is relatively simple - it is logical operations performed with semantic constructions: disassembly, assembly, analysis and synthesis of objects as well as modeling of their interaction. This can be reproduced at software level having a Knowledge base. Work of the Psyche is not yet evident to us. Apparently, the Mental System is a complex of mechanisms working with the Intellect itself, as an Object. The Psyche influences the Intellect "from within". It summarises everything it does and creates on this basis something new, hidden in the subconscious. Something which influences Intellect itself and makes it think that it only partly controls its own element.

There, beyond the boundaries of Intellect, something is born, alienated from it, but generated by it. It becomes a world of its own, without which Intellect cannot exist.