Buy yourself some Mechel PJSC, AP Dividend 2019 amounted to 15.68% , Dividend 18.21 roubles per share - page 6

Aleksey Mavrin:

You are exaggerating about the cat. But I would ask about the real risks, which are undoubtedly there, even for example in a deposit over 1.4 the risk of licence revocation and so on is there too.

And about the profit in the central bank rate. Prostoyrader, aka Prostogrubian), the yield is "slightly" higher than the Central Bank rate, is it really where the nominal risk=0? Are you sure?

I'm telling you I haven't traded on this strategy, you need to have a single account for futures and stock. My broker doesn't have such an option for derivatives and stock market separate accounts. Reasoning theoretically the risk is really close to zero. As I wrote earlier you bought and immediately sold only another instrument hedging the trade.

Vitalii Ananev:

I told you I didn't trade with this strategy, you have to have a single account for both the futures and the stock market. My broker does not have such an option for the futures and stock market accounts separately. Reasoning theoretically the risk is really close to zero. As I wrote earlier you bought and immediately sold only another instrument hedging the trade.

... And made a profit only in the CB rate? It makes sense for large funds, but not for individuals, it's clear why, don't you agree?
Aleksey Mavrin:
... And you only made a profit on the central bank rate? It makes sense for large funds, but not for individuals, I see why, don't you agree?

There is a point to everything, even if it doesn't seem to make sense at first glance. Different people may perceive the same information differently. It's like the joke of the optimist and the pessimist. For one, the glass is half full; for the other, it is half empty.

The question is not when to sell, but that a particular stock has a negative return in a year or two. It's better to deposit them with normal banks. It's quieter and more profitable.

Which banks can offer a 25% interest rate?

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Which banks offer a 25% interest rate?

latin america :)

Aleksey Mavrin:

latin america :)

If it's in dollars then sure - but if it's in inflationary local latin tugriks then not interesting
Yuriy Zaytsev:
If it's in dollars then of course - but if it's in inflationary local Latin tugriks then it's not interesting

That was a joke of course.

But seriously - you can't compare your 25% return to a deposit. It's not even just because the risks are completely different.

Your % return is ex post facto. And the % return on a deposit is a priori.

Aleksey Mavrin:

That was a joke of course.

But seriously - you can't compare your 25% return to a deposit. It's not even just because the risks are completely different.

Your % return is ex post facto. And the % return on a deposit is a priori.

I honestly don't understand the risks.

i have about 10-15 stocks, all with dividends between 6 % and 20 % - the deposit is evenly split among the stocks

I do not invest more than my own funds - I may sit on a share with a drawdown for about 10 years - whatever - if I have to top it up, I may top it up and leave it - or leave it.

What risks are we talking about? There may not be a stop-go, will Sberbank fail? Gazprom ? other blue chips ?

if that happens, russia will most likely cease to exist, then a kalashnikov and a box of ammo or a single ticket to the airport should be enough of liquid assets

Yuriy Zaytsev:

to be honest i do not understand the risks ?

i have about 10-15 stocks, all with dividends ranging from 6% - 20% - the deposit is evenly split among the stocks ?

i don't invest with my own money - i can sit on a losing position for 10 years at least - i don't care - if i have to deposit more funds - i may finish the median and leave - or leave it alone

What risks are we talking about? i just don't understand, there may be no stop out, will sberbank fail? other blue chips ?

If that happens, Russia will most likely cease to exist, then a Kalashnikov and a box of bullets or a one-way ticket will be enough for that and very soon the liquid assets will be enough

On a horizon of 10 years and without the need for a withdrawal - no argument. I am a long-term investor myself. But if we are talking about a year, two, three - the risks are obviously much greater than a deposit in a bank. Gazprom has only come close to exiting a drawdown since 2008, 11 years. And it could be like that with any blue chip stocks. Dividends are not guaranteed either. Anyway you should not confuse a bull trend with you know what) and my post was only about what you say about post factum (!) 25% yield, that it will be the same next year, probability is unknown, but not 100% for sure.
Aleksey Mavrin:
In the 10-year horizon and without having to withdraw - no argument. I'm a long-term investor myself. But if we are talking about a year, two, three - the risks are obviously much bigger than a deposit in a bank. Gazprom has only come close to exiting a drawdown since 2008, 11 years. And it can be like that with any blue chip stocks. Dividends are not guaranteed either. In short you should not confuse a bull trend with you know what) and my post was only about what you say about post factum (!) 25% yield, that it will be the same next year, the probability is unknown but not 100% for sure.

that's right - gazprom has been hanging on sideways since 2008 and the dividends have been so-so


In 2019 25% just cut 25% because I chose the most dividend-paying stocks and then traded them.

in 2020 on the dividend list the nicest ceiling is 11%,

You just have to guess what's going to go up and slowly get into the trending stocks

and i totally agree that next year might not yield anything.


for 2020 the plan is to get 10% down and that's good, very passive trading in general